The mage arrives

027 Halfway Attack

() "The basement! The basement is calling you!"

"Since the last time Palo and Harrison had a fight because of arguing over which of the transformation and conjuration systems is more applicable, there hasn't been a mage duel for a long time."

"Place your bets, I'm already starving for gold coins!"

Obviously, mages whose lives are filled with boring arcane research institutes are very happy to see such things as duels, and many people have booed and fueled the flames.

At this time, a lazy and charming voice with a pure imperial tone sounded: "Everyone, don't you think that the arena on the basement floor of the Mage Guild cannot hold this duel?"

The crowd parted, and a tall young man with flowing long hair came over.On his face so handsome that even a goddess would be jealous, there was a warm smile on everyone—especially on the beautiful female mage.

"Mr. Lannister."

"Greetings, Mage Dorn Lannister."

The mages saluted him one after another.Although he is only a mage who has mastered the fourth-level arcane art, Dawn Lannister can get the courtesy of all mages by virtue of his surname.

"Mr. Dorn, do you have any suggestions?" Gordon saluted Lannister, and deliberately ignored the other's small gesture of blinking at him.

"I'm already aware of the conflict between the two mages." Donne said in a very attractive aristocratic tone, "The arena of the mage guild has always been set up only to resolve academic disputes. But you and this Mr. Hao Lin , but they are fighting to prove their reputation. Therefore, I think there is a more suitable place for duels in Clear Water City."

"Platinum Plaza?" someone asked.

"That's right!" Dawn snapped his fingers, "I, the Platinum Empire of Feleton, worships the dragon god Bahamut. Every citizen of the empire should uphold the teachings of glory, honesty, and protection of the Platinum Dragon. Don't you think it's a very romantic thing to have this duel under the sculpture of Dragon God on Platinum Square?"

The patron saint of Freyton is Bahamut, the platinum dragon. In all large and medium-sized cities with a population of more than 5, there are platinum squares commemorating the great achievements of the dragon god.

Platinum Square is often the core area of ​​a city. Not only Bahamut believers perform sacrifices here, but many official festivals of Freyton are also held here.Of course, countless duels were also fought under the watchful eyes of the statue of Bahamut.If you search carefully on the smooth bluestone floor of Platinum Square, you can always find some mottled bloodstains from the duel.

"Very good, I agree with Master Lannister's proposal, it's in Platinum Square!" Hao Lin finally stopped the nosebleed, the anger in his eyes almost ignited the air.If he hadn't thought that his physical fitness was not as good as Gordon's, he might have jumped on him right now, punching and kicking that abominable noble mage.Donne's suggestion hit his toes.Compared with the underground arena of the Mage Guild, the flow of people in the Platinum Square is undoubtedly greater.He wanted to completely humiliate him in public, and then kill Gordon. Only in this way could he resolve the distorted anger in his heart.

"Nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Gordon looked at Hao Lin provocatively.

Don clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Very well, that's the decision. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, in Platinum Square, the two mages will fight for their respective honors!"

The noble young master was very interested in the duel, and he personally found three respected old mages to serve as witnesses.

"I will make you regret it! Even if you kneel in front of me tomorrow, humbly lick my shoes, and beg for forgiveness, I will not let you go. Gordon, I am a winner, and I will always be a winner!" Hao Lin put down some harsh words and left angrily.

The storm subsided, the crowd dispersed, and the mage guild regained its calm.Gordon and Donne left the guild one after another, and then met in a secluded alley.

"Your order has been fulfilled, my friend." Donne gave a noble salute to Gordon with a smug smile on his face.

"Putting away your aristocratic style, you should use these meticulous etiquette to seduce ignorant girls." Gordon scolded with a smile.

Dawn shrugged: "Seducing an ignorant girl doesn't require such annoying and complicated aristocratic etiquette, all you need is a smile."

During this time, the two often chatted through messaging.Don admired all kinds of whimsical ideas Gordon got from "The Ancient Era", and Gordon also learned a lot from the second generation of the French family.The two are now close friends who can joke with each other.

Dawn Lannister suddenly restrained his charming and lazy smile, and said with a serious expression: "Gordon, why did you choose to use this method to wash away the rumors?"

"Because the power of rumors has been formed now. It is too difficult for me to prove my innocence by ordinary methods. I can only take the initiative to find out the rumor maker, and then use iron facts to prove that the other party is of low morality, then the rumors will naturally be true. Attack yourself."

"However, although you know that Haolin Heidelberg is the initiator of the rumors, there is not enough evidence for those adventurers to believe."

"Evidence is not important," Gordon showed an enigmatic smile, "I just need to make Hao Lin more of a villain than I am, and that's enough."

Dawn opened his mouth wide, hesitated to speak, and finally choked out a sentence: "I should write down your words in a small notebook."

"Write it down. You can use it to educate your son later."

"I don't want my son to become as cunning as you. Besides, I like my daughter better." Donne glanced at his friend, "So, you are sure to win the duel? You know, that Hao Lin mastered The third-level spell has been around for six years, and its strength is very strong."

Don's worries were not without reason.

In the mage world, it is generally believed that after becoming a fifth-level mage and mastering the third-level arcane art, it is the first stage breakthrough for a mage, and his strength will be substantially improved compared to before.

First of all, when a mage has mastered a third-level spell, it has generally been some years.At this time, the mage's wealth savings have been quite substantial.With scrolls, magic wands, magic potions, and all kinds of enchanted equipment, the mage's combat effectiveness and endurance have been greatly improved.

Secondly, among the third-level spells, there are spells with great destructive power and high applicability, such as fireball and dispel magic.The power of these new spells cannot be compared with first-level and second-level spells.

Finally, after a mage has mastered the third-level spells, due to the deepening of his research on arcane arts, he can choose his specialization faction among the eight schools to further enhance the power of spells.And because of the closer connection with the magic net, mages can learn a technique called "spell slot expansion" at this time to increase their spell slots.

A mage who has mastered the third-level spells, especially a mage like Hao Lin who has been in the third-level spell for some years, can deal with ordinary second-level mages with little effort.

Of course, Gordon is no ordinary mage.

Seeing Dawn's worried expression, Gordon couldn't explain further, he couldn't possibly say "I have the cheat of the game system, and I just developed a powerful spell".

Although it was thanks to Young Master Lannister's play today that he lured Hao Lin into the bait, but there are some secrets that cannot be revealed after all.

After chatting for a few more words, the two said goodbye and went home.

Because of the duel, Gordon asked Pastor Jack for a day off instead of going to the cemetery.To be honest, the current job of grave keeper is a bit tasteless for Gordon. He doesn't make much money and takes up a lot of time.Unfortunately, the contract stipulates that unless there are special circumstances, the two parties must work for at least half a year before the contract can be terminated.

After a good night's rest, duel day will soon arrive the next day.

"Master, can my sister and I watch the duel?" Elaine asked Gordon eagerly after helping Gordon get dressed.

"What's there to see?" Gordon stared, "Blood splatters, heads flying around, it's frightening to death!"

"Ah! Really?" Elaine trembled like a frightened little rabbit.

Yi Lei stretched out her slender hand, and lightly tapped Yi Lian's nose, "Sister idiot, Master is scaring you."

Gordon touched the faces of the two sisters: "Be obedient, stay at home obediently, and I will buy you beautiful clothes when you come back from the duel."

Well, it's not a farewell sentence like "I'll marry you when I come back from the duel", it should be fine.

Walking out of the aristocratic district, Gordon walked along the riverside road towards Platinum Plaza.This tree-lined road has a quiet environment, and it is a holy place for couples to date at night.In the summer, at night, the melodious groans come and go, which can even overwhelm the chirping of insects.

However, during the day, there are not many pedestrians on this road, except for occasional heavily armed security patrols passing by.

When he came to a corner, Gordon suddenly heard a pedestrian exclaim: "Look, the house across the river is on fire!"

Gordon followed the direction pointed by pedestrians, and saw a warehouse on the other side of the river was burning ragingly, and thick smoke billowed into the air, forming a gray-black giant dragon.

"Hurry up and put out the fire!" The patrol captain shouted by the side of the road, and ran towards the bridge with a few men.

The streets are quieter.

When the breeze picked up, a strange smell entered Gordon's nose.This is the smell of screaming mandala juice-screaming mandala is an indispensable raw material to prepare the invisibility potion, so Gordon is very familiar with it.

Gordon immediately cast a shield spell on himself.

"Damn, he found out! Hurry up!"

In the grass, several vague and transparent figures suddenly sprang out.They each pulled out Senhan's dagger and rushed towards Gordon.

Because of the attack, the effect of the invisibility technique disappeared automatically, and a total of four masked wanderers were revealed in front of Gordon.

"Use the fire to divert the patrol team, ambush me on the only way to Platinum Plaza, and then attack me. It seems that Dunville is really a dog who can't change his shit. He always likes to use this kind of dirty moves."

The attackers ignored Gordon's taunt and surrounded him without saying a word.

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