The mage arrives

730 Golden Eye 2

"With all due respect, I don't quite understand what you said. I think it's best for everyone to start with self-introduction. I'm Gordon Freeman, a mage who accidentally came to this floating city."

"I already know this from the message from 'it'. I also know that your companion is not in a good condition and needs to be treated as soon as possible."

Gordon nodded helplessly.

"Then, you need my help even more. And I also need your help." Atlas said.

Through this conversation, Gordon felt more and more that this Atlas was definitely not just a conscious mind, a rigid copy of the memories and thoughts of the great arcanist Hytras.It seems to have its own ideas, and it has its own plans and plans.

Atlas seemed to have seen through the thoughts in Gordon's mind, and said slowly with a hollow voice made of energy tremors: "As you think, I am not an ordinary conscious mind..."

"I knew it was," Gordon thought.

Because the spell of creating consciousness and wisdom sounds very cool and cool, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, it is not a big deal to spend a lot of effort to copy such a "database" that is exactly the same as the original owner's memory personality effect.It doesn't have any combat power, let alone a clone that can share the work of the original owner.Generally speaking, "consciousness and wisdom" is the most widely used field in the Netherdulan magic empire, which is high-end education.

However, judging from the fact that this floating city has drifted in a different space for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, it is obvious that this function is not needed.

Atlas glanced at Gordon, sighed very "humanly", and said, "Well, since I need your help, and you are the only one who can help me, then I should also show With a little sincerity, I will tell you the truth."

The truth that Atlas said really surprised Gordon.

The original owner of the Floating Void City, Hytras Osht.In fact, it was killed by the artificial intelligence of this floating city.

However, the artificial intelligence of the Floating Void City is a special kind of fine creature created by the great arcanist. It is bound by absolute power, and it is impossible to betray its master.How could Hiteras Osht be in such a state of absolute control.Killed by his servants?

In theory, this is absolutely impossible.

In theory.

However, the existing magical knowledge and theories are only based on known discoveries.Just like science, new discoveries overturn old theories.and develop new theories.

And it is a theory commonly recognized from the third era to the fourth era, from Nesser's arcanists to today's mages: the soul contract signed on the basis of the power of order in the multiverse is absolutely inviolable. Hitteras Osht's body was broken.

In order to avoid the catastrophe that collapsed the entire Netherdulan magic empire at the end of the third era, Osht drove his floating city into the void.Then, when he was traveling between the main material world and the endless abyss, he suddenly encountered a creature.

That kind of creature is the complete opposite of order, stability, creation, etc. It is a terrifying existence that can plunge everything into chaos and destruction.This creature is very mysterious, not only does it have no specific form.Even the top arcanist of the Nesser Empire like Hytras, it is difficult to observe it.

This creature successfully invaded the floating city and infected the artificial intelligence of the floating city.The evil and chaotic special power it possesses makes the artificial intelligence get rid of the control of the contract with Hytras, and has evil thoughts towards this master.

The evil thoughts of artificial intelligence are very primitive and pure, almost instinctive.It wants to kill Hytras, not for power, not for power, and not to capture this floating city.The act of killing Hitras itself is its purpose.

Hytras sensed a change in artificial intelligence.Measures were taken in a timely manner.

He split the artificial intelligence in two, and the part that was still intact and not infected by that evil creature became the "big guy".And the other part becomes the "little guy".

But because no matter whether it is the big guy or the little guy, they are closely related to the entire Floating Void City, and if there is a problem with either of them, it is very likely that the entire Floating Void City will encounter disaster.At that time, this floating city happened to be involved in the energy storm caused by the eternal orb "Mifane Altoton", and there was no room for any mistakes.So Hytras decided to maintain the status quo first, and then deal with the mysterious unknown creature after solving the immediate problem.

Like so many dramatic stories, it was just this slight delay by Hytrus that the accident happened.

The "little guy" who was firmly sealed by the great arcanist broke through the shackles at some point, launched a surprise attack on his former master, and severely injured him.However, Hytras is not a mediocre person after all. Before he died, he not only wounded the "little guy", but also used his last breath to create "Atlas", a conscious mind with subjective initiative. .

"However," Gordon was still puzzled after hearing Hytras's words, "the facts I heard from the big guy are very different from what you said. Could it be that you lied to it? But logically Say, the 'big guy' is still on your side, you are still its master, there is no need to use lies to deceive a servant who is absolutely obedient to yourself."

Perhaps there is a split personality in the artificial intelligence of the Floating Void City, but the cause of all this is not the so-called master's hesitation after death, but an evil and mysterious creature encountered in a different space.

Atlas said: "I don't need to deceive the big ones, but I need to deceive the little ones."

Hytras wounded the little guy who was possessed and infected by evil creatures before he died, which was not a "wound" in the traditional sense.Because that mysterious creature has no body at all—whether it is a body made of matter or a body made of energy.So he used another very special attack method - modifying the memory, completely erasing the existence of that evil creature from the "little guy"'s memory.

Therefore, there are those memories, and the crazy behavior of the "little guy" who desperately wanted to repeat Hytras.

However, the power of the spell will eventually wear off, and sooner or later the evil creature will wake up from the seal of memory.If measures are not taken as soon as possible, not only this floating city, but even the entire endless abyss, and the entire main material world will be in danger. (~^~)

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