super space warrior

Chapter 12 5 years

() In the overwhelming magma fire rain, a straight vacuum area with a width of three meters was abruptly rushed out by the blue energy shock wave!

Immediately afterwards, six nervous roars of teenagers sounded one after another:

"Cannon blaster!" "Mortar blaster!" "Sky blaster!" "Rocket blaster!" "..."

Six energy shock waves of different colors soared into the sky, expanding the previous three-meter-wide straight vacuum area to a range of about ten meters.Lava and fire rained down from here and there, waves of scorching hot air rose up, but there was not a single drop of fire rain falling in a radius of about ten meters where Qi Xiao was standing.

They seemed to be completely unaffected by the high temperature around them, exuding a strong aura from all over their bodies, looking up at the vacuum area in the sky that was emptied by seven energy shock waves, a trace of ecstasy flashed across their masked faces, first they silently glanced at each other, and then suddenly Clap and cheer loudly:

"Yeah, finally succeeded!"

"Haha, the hurdle of defeating the volcanic rain has finally been passed!"

"Hey, do you dare to look down on us, Boss?"


Qi Xiao jumped into the air with joy, flew to high altitude through the vacuum area in the magma fire rain, glanced at the raging and erupting volcano under his feet, and flew towards the direction of the spaceship with a whistle.

After the seven little figures disappeared into the sky, Lin Sha slowly flew out from the strangely shaped pink clouds in the sky.

If Qixiao was still there, he would definitely be shocked.

You must know that after several months of training, they have been tortured by the harsh environment of the Flame Star. Not only must they guard against respiratory poisoning, but they must also be vigilant against all kinds of natural disasters that emerge one after another on the Flame Star.But this round of tossing is not without benefits, at least their combat effectiveness is soaring upwards.

Especially when exercising in the environment of magma and fire rain, not only their strength has been improving, but also the use of energy in the body has benefited a lot. What is even more commendable is that after Lin Sha's careful guidance, they have also learned to control energy A method that leaks out and roughly senses external energy.

To put it bluntly, it is the most superficial use of Qi.

Although the volcanic eruption affected the nearby energy magnetic field, no one found any trace of sand within such a short distance, which shows that he has a meticulous control over his own energy.It can be said that Seventh Elementary School has made great progress, but Lin Sha's unknowing progress has been even greater.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Qi Xiao successfully completed the assigned training plan within the specified time, and there is still training to be done next.He shook his head with a chuckle, and flew back to the spaceship at a faster speed than Qixiao.


Time passed in a hurry, and five years passed in a blink of an eye.

In the third civilian city of the main star of the berserkers, in the bedroom of the mansion of the middle-level warrior Lin Cheng in the core residential area, three young men, two women and one man, were naked and entangled together, panting and moaning endlessly on the large, soft and comfortable bed, and the atmosphere in the room was very pleasant.

Lin Sha straddled the bell, with a pair of devil claws roaming around to investigate, only to be so excited that the beautiful woman winked her eyes like silk and her body was crisp, the door was wide open and the stream was gurgling, and she almost couldn't hold back to climb to the peak of happiness.

Seeing that the time was ripe, he would not hesitate to gallop across the horse with a spear in his hands, remembering that his fierce moves were fierce, only to kill the beauties so that they could not be routed and climbed up to the clouds without knowing where he was.

Lin Sha and the twin sisters struggled from night to early morning before stopping. After a hasty wash, they returned to the bed and hugged the two girls. Tired, they quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Sha held a fragrant and beautiful girl in one hand, and couldn't sleep because of the excitement in his heart.With his big piercing eyes open, he looked at the dark ceiling and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, recalling every bit of the past five years.

First, I took Qixiao to Huoyanxing, where the environment is harsh. Because I was not familiar with the 'business', I suffered a lot and stayed there for a full year.In the first half of the year, I have been adapting and re-adapting. Only in the second half of the year did I start to face the challenges of various harsh natural environments and natural disasters on Flaming Planet.

Challenge the living environment in active volcanic areas, learn to use your own powerful strength to protect yourself during volcanic eruptions, and later directly use energy shock waves to suppress the blazing magma erupting from the volcano.After taking care of a single active volcano, Qi Xiao continued to challenge the active volcano group with almost no room for foot under his leadership.

Until the Seven Little Alliance can successfully escape from the astonishingly powerful active volcanoes, the training on the Flaming Planet is completely over.Although Huoyanxing still has a more dangerous place - the magma lake in the center of the earth, he doesn't want to make fun of Qixiao's life, even he can't guarantee that he can escape unscathed in this ghostly place.

After that, those who had greatly increased their strength returned to the main planet of Berserkers to rest for a month.One month later, they started a new journey. This time, the target was the Quicksand Star in the Warrior Galaxy, which was a bit worse than the Flame Star.

With the previous experience on Flame Star, the strength of Qixiao is even more incomparable. Coupled with the help of an intelligent brain with extremely powerful calculation and analysis capabilities, they only spent half a year this time, and they have completely completed the task. Practice on Quicksand.

At this time, Qi Xiao's combat strength is generally around 100, the most powerful Meng Tian has reached an astonishing value of more than 800, and even the worst twin sisters have more than [-] combat strength.Moreover, after being stimulated by the harsh natural environment of the two major planets, they have learned to sense "Qi" and some big moves, and the control of their own energy has reached the level of entering the room. As long as they are willing, the energy held by the berserkers will The detector can't detect their depth at all.

At this time, Lin Sha stopped the high-intensity exercise for Qi Xiao, and returned to the main star to live a peaceful and stable life for a while.After all, Qi Xiao is a child, and the blind training will not burden the body, but the damage to the soul will be too great. He does not want to cultivate a bunch of mind-distorted killing machines.

Besides, the seventh little brother Meng Tian will be ten years old in a few months. According to the laws of the empire, he must complete the low-level interstellar mercenary tasks issued by the empire in order to fulfill his obligations as a subject of the empire.

Lin Sha naturally wouldn't be worried about Meng Tian's fighting strength, plus Meng Tian had been hiding his clumsiness under his orders, and his revealed fighting strength was only more than 300, so the empire would not give Meng Tian anything beyond his "ability" range. Dangerous mission...

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