super space warrior

Chapter 15 Parting is imminent

() As soon as Lin Sha opened the door, a small head with a thick head and a thick head impatiently stuck it in, wanting to see what secrets are in the room...

"What are you looking at, little brat?"

Lin Sha pushed the curious little head out with a light slap, then quickly closed the door and walked the little guy to the equipment room.

"Brother, you know how to bully people!" Lin Zhan pouted, his face full of displeasure, and his small body was lifted up and danced in mid-air. He had been curious about Lin Sha's room for a long time.

"What do you know about adults?" Lin Sha rolled his eyes, threw the little guy on the cushion in the equipment room, waved his hands and said impatiently: "Don't be wordy, let's put today's Let's talk after the task is completed!"

"You're only five years older than me!" Lin Zhan muttered with dissatisfaction in his small mouth, but the 'Yin Wei' photographed in Lin Sha had to cheer up and start the day's training.

Lin Sha pretended not to hear, and supervised Xiao Lin Zhan's horse gait. Half an hour later, he began to practice Tai Chi, stopping and pointing out the deficiencies and omissions in his movements from time to time.And he himself sat on the cushion next to him and breathed, slowly recuperating his body and polishing the energy in his body.

After five years of unremitting training, his strength at this time has reached a new level.

When Qixiao was painfully adapting to the environment on the Flaming Planet, he followed behind while protecting and doing five times the amount of training; when Qixiao was struggling to break through the blockade of the magma fire rain, Lin Sha was sweating profusely against The blazing high temperature of the volcanic lava; while Qixiao was struggling to resist the severe cold on the ice star and fighting hard with the snow wolves in the wasteland, Lin Sha had already penetrated into the cold polar region where the temperature was comparable to absolute zero, and his fighting power against the polar overlord exceeded Two thousand and infinitely powerful polar ice bears fought.

No pain, no gain, blood and sweat will eventually pay off.After a year of honing on Huoyanxing, relying on his solid foundation and the extreme stimulation of the harsh external environment, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and his combat power has also jumped from more than 800 to [-].

After arriving at Frost Star, his strength has been steadily rising in the first two years, but when he reached more than 900, he suddenly got stuck.It was as if he suddenly encountered an invisible, intangible, but real wall, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through it.It wasn't until the third year when he was nine years old that he suddenly encountered a polar ice bear when he was exploring the outer periphery of the cold polar region. After a fierce battle, the entire outer periphery of the polar region was blasted to the point of sinking more than three meters in the frozen ground, and finally he was exhausted physically and mentally. Inadvertently, he was miserably defeated by an ice flame blast from the polar ice bear, and he returned to the main planet to recuperate for a full month before he fully recovered.And the bottleneck that had been troubling him all of a sudden disappeared suddenly, and the combat power value naturally broke through the three thousand mark, becoming a member of the glorious mid-level fighters.

Although the difference between mid-level fighters and low-level fighters is just a letter, the difference in strength is unreasonable.Regardless of the amount or quality of energy that can be controlled in the body, there has been a leap-forward growth, the sensing range of 'Qi' has been expanded to a radius of 500 meters, and the control and use of 'Qi' has become more convenient.

Sitting quietly to recuperate for a while, and carefully sensing the large "qi" in front of him, Lin Sha showed a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.He is very satisfied with his cheap brother, not to mention his talent, just simple basic training, coupled with the stimulation of the harsh environment of the flame star and the ice star, his combat power has reached an astonishing 790, and he has learned the sense of 'qi' and initial use.

Due to Lin Sha's strict teaching all the time, and the fact that his brothers and sisters around him are all much stronger than him, this kid has not developed an arrogant and domineering temperament, which is considered rare among the berserkers. It's mild.It's just a little clingy, and has been Lin Sha's steadfast little tail since he learned to walk.

"Brother, brother..."

"What's the matter, have you finished training this morning?" Lin Sha opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"It's all done!" Lin Zhan nodded his head fiercely, looking at Lin Sha eagerly, but stopped talking.

"What's the matter?" Lin Sha frowned dissatisfied and asked.

"This..." Lin Zhan's face collapsed, and he asked coyly, "Brother, I heard you are leaving in a few days?"

Eyelids twitched, Lin Sha asked curiously: "Yes, where did you get the news?"

"Really?" Lin Zhan rushed over with a 'huh', grabbed Lin Sha's arm and shook it, and said eagerly, "Brother, can you not leave?"


"If you don't go, you can't. This is the rule of the empire. Anyone who reaches the age of ten must accept missions and go out to exercise!" Lin Sha shook his head and said: "The spaceship at home is undergoing modification, and we will leave as soon as the modification is completed!"

"Damn empire!" Lin Zhan's face flashed with anger, and then he looked over eagerly, a pair of fleshy little hands hugged Lin Sha's arms tightly, and begged with a corner of his mouth: "Brother, take me with you, I want to go too." go!"

Lin Sha's face darkened, and he shouted angrily: "No nonsense, the empire stipulates that people under the age of ten are not allowed to leave the warrior galaxy, you just stay at home!"

To be honest, he also felt very uncomfortable. Lin Zhan said that he was the younger brother, but he raised him with one hand, and now he was about to say goodbye suddenly, and he was really panicked.If possible, he really wanted to take the little guy with him. With his current strength, it would not be difficult to protect him. Unfortunately, the rules of the empire were not something he could easily ignore.

Lin Zhan's chubby little face turned from sunny to cloudy, and big tears swirled in his eye sockets. Seeing that there were signs of flooding, Lin Sha panicked and hurriedly persuaded: "The man is big!" Tofu bleeds but doesn’t shed tears. Besides, it’s not like my brother won’t come back to see you. When I’m not at home, you should listen to Bell and Ding Dong’s sister’s words and exercise hard. When you’re strong enough to turn ten years old, my brother will take you to play in the universe ..."

In any case, the spitting star was almost done talking, and finally coaxed the young master to turn his anger into joy. He wriggled his little finger and said that he would go here and there. Lin Sha nodded and signed a series of alliances under the city. Happy to go back to the restaurant for breakfast.


A few days passed by in a hurry. On this day, Lin Sha suddenly received a notification from the Outreach Department, saying that the spacecraft had been refitted and was docked at xx in the spaceport, and he could drive Yunyun away at any time.

Is this day finally coming?

Putting down the communicator, he clenched his fists and trembled slightly, his blood was already boiling with joy.

Without hesitation, he immediately went back to the room and picked up the luggage he had already packed, and rushed to the space port of the third civilian city with the twin sisters and Lin Zhan who were full of reluctance, and went through the departure procedures and selection tasks according to the procedures...

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