super space warrior

Chapter 27 Security

() The collection is too bleak, brothers who have not confiscated it, please help to collect it, thank you.

Through careful observation by reconnaissance satellites, it was indeed found that the densely populated areas in the central plains of the mainland had a very similar social structure, living conditions, appearance and behavior to ancient Chinese society.

A square city built along large and small rivers and lakes, chessboard streets in the city, and villages dotted around the city, where the sun rises and the sun sets and rests. Farmer brothers who live a leisurely small-scale life of men farming and women weaving, long gowns and long-haired square scarves ...

Seeing these familiar scenes through satellite images, Lin Sha felt a sense of space-time confusion.

Of course, it is not entirely true that this world is completely consistent with ancient China. Some differences in details require him to observe in depth before he can draw conclusions. At least the military value of warriors in this world is not comparable to that of ancient China.

With such a discovery, coupled with the fact that Madam Xiahou's performance is not ordinary, she is extraordinary in terms of clothing, temperament and force, and her every move carries a rush of grace and the powerful aura of a person who has been in power for a long time .

If Lin Sha guessed correctly, Mrs. Xiahou's background would definitely not be simple.It may be from the family of an official, or it may be from the house of a powerful warrior, but no matter where she comes from, it shows that she is not so easy to tame.

For such a beautiful woman who is extremely proud of his heart, he naturally wants to "beat" her when he is moved.

At least that night, the initial 'beating' effect had already appeared...

When he and the little girl rushed back in the dark and saw the crooked building in the clearing in the woods, which was even uglier than the shacks he had seen in his previous life. It was almost a patchwork of rough wood. Full of dense black lines.

"This is……"

"The house I just built!"

Mrs. Xia Hou bowed her head in shame and replied cowardly, feeling extremely embarrassed by her 'masterpiece'.

She is also very wronged, you let her be a rich young lady who can stretch out her clothes, stretch out her hands and eat, and open her mouth, and the young lady of Xiahou's family is a vulgar carpenter, and you have to build a house by yourself, isn't it embarrassing?

Lin Sha remained silent, and the little girl even yelled that she would never live in such a dilapidated house, and she would sleep wherever the little brother slept, but Xiahou was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he secretly cursed the girl to death so quickly. Just rebelled, let's see how I deal with you in the future.



In the early morning of the next day, Xia Hou let out a shrill scream, and then rushed out of the crumbling cabin in a panic with disheveled hair.

"What happened?"

Lin Sha floated down from a towering ancient tree with the little girl Xiang'er in his arms, with a playful smile on his lips, but a serious look on his face, and his eyes were fixed on the dazzling snow-white bare feet of the beautiful young woman.

It's really terrible, don't you know that early morning is the time when a man's blood is full?

The little girl lightly stepped on the hard object under her feet, yawned a little with her eyes wide open, wondering what the hell is this?

"Snake, snake, snake..."

Xiahou's face turned white, her speech was incoherent, and she panicked. If the little girl Xiang'er hadn't occupied the arms of a certain boy, she really wanted to fly over to seek comfort.

"Hehe, isn't it just a few snakes, don't panic if you have me here, madam!"

Seeing that Xiahou was really frightened, Lin Sha put away his jokes, hugged the little girl with his left hand, waved lightly with his right hand, and a light blue light flashed. After the loud noise, it turned into sawdust all over the sky.

Seeing yesterday's labor results turned into pieces of wood, Mrs. Xiahou was shocked by Lin Sha's strength, but also felt faintly reluctant. After all, it was the result of her labor, wasn't it?


Lin Sha didn't tease the beautiful young woman too much. After a little blow to her self-esteem, he didn't ask them what their future plans were, and directly took the mother and daughter to an open space by a small river at the mouth of the valley, and did it himself. Building houses and courtyards, of course, Xiahou's help is inevitable. We can get to know each other and enhance our relationship at work.

Fortunately, he had experience in building bases before, and it was very easy to build a small courtyard in the ancient Chinese style.Of course, in order to avoid shocking the world or to save his own thoughts, he did not reveal all his strength in front of the mother and daughter, and used at most five hundred combat power.But even so, Xia Hou's mother and daughter were shocked, and they scolded the monster in their hearts.

I don't know what Xiahou's thoughts are, in short, no matter how Lin Sha teases her intentionally or unintentionally, or even patrols with fiery eyes, or is directed by Lin Sha to run around, asking to do this or that, what trivial tasks The work was all on her, and she just endured it silently and never mentioned that she wanted to leave.

Since the beauty had no intention of leaving, Lin Sha was naturally happy to pretend to be deaf and dumb and increase her temptation a little bit.

After chatting during the break, he also learned some basic information about the outside world from the beautiful young woman.

It turned out that there was a huge Hualong Empire outside the forest, which almost occupied more than half of the central plain of the entire continent.There are also some small countries around, most of which are attached to the Hualong Empire for survival.

The Hualong Empire has been established for more than a thousand years. Recently, the empire has been in turmoil and wars frequently, and the princes from all over the country are fighting each other. The mother and daughter of the Xiahou family also fled here in a panic because of avoiding the war.

Although he knew that Xiahou's little girl was not telling the truth, he didn't care.

Anyway, he didn't want to spend his whole life here, he would have to leave sooner or later, no matter what her origin was, if she really made the young master unhappy, she would eat up, pat her ass and leave, who would be unlucky when she saw it?

What he didn't expect was that the dense primeval jungle with a radius of tens of thousands of miles where the spaceship made an emergency landing turned out to be one of the four most dangerous lands in the mainland that everyone talked about in the mainland, and whose reputation was so fierce that it didn't know how many dangers were hidden. A wild beast forest!

For this statement, he just curled his lips to express his disdain. Brother rushed from the hinterland of the forest to the outskirts, and he didn't encounter any strong beasts along the way.The strongest one is only a mere 1000 combat power value. Anyone who is hit by my brother has become a special potion for nourishing qi and nourishing vitality. How can it be so exaggerated?

However, compared to the mere 120 combat power, the Ferocious Beast Forest is indeed a dangerous place for a glamorous young woman who uses superficial energy in her body.

Not to mention the powerful beasts in the blurred area of ​​the satellite photos, those ferocious beasts with a combat power value of around [-] are not something she can deal with.

No wonder when the little girl just woke up, she knew that she had gone eighty miles into the forest, and was so frightened by the howling and roaring of unknown beasts. Fortunately, at the time, he thought that the little girl was losing too much blood and feeling unwell. .

What made him most excited was that despite the fact that the beautiful girl had a hard mouth, he was keenly aware that the activity area of ​​this girl was definitely not 30 meters away from him.Every time I was caught by myself, I would pretend to be at a loss and be ignorant, or I would grab the little girl as a shield.

Lin Sha smiled slightly, not without complacency in her heart, it seems that we still feel very safe in Xiao Niangpi's eyes...

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