super space warrior

Chapter 29 The Mysterious Boy in Xiyuan Town

() Xiyuan Town, the most marginal town in the southwestern part of the Hualong Empire, is adjacent to the famous Wild Beast Forest.

The small town, which was originally remote and poor, became completely lively because of a mysterious young man who suddenly appeared not long ago.

That mysterious young man suddenly appeared a month ago, found the mayor and jointly sold a batch of rare beast furs in the ferocious beast forest. He heard that he had made a lot of money in a big city hundreds of miles away.Back in the town, he opened a trading house, specializing in all kinds of strange things in the beast forest.

The townspeople were very surprised and didn't know who the mysterious young man was.Not only can you get a lot of special products from the beast forest, but you can also escape from the hands of the greedy mayor. It seems that the business is getting bigger and bigger.

It's not easy!

What kind of person is the mayor, these townspeople have personal experience.And most of them are painful.It would be polite to say that he is 'three feet high in the sky', because his brother-in-law has a lot of influence in the government, he can be said to be rampant and unscrupulous after becoming the mayor of Xiyuan Town, bullying men and women and doing all kinds of evil, he is so bad that he has sores on his head and feet on his feet. pus.

A quiet and peaceful small town has been turned into a mess and dilapidated in just one year.Originally, Xiyuan Town relied on the huge animal, plant and mineral resources of the Beast Forest, and its commerce was relatively developed.Every year, many merchants from other places come here to buy various special products, and the life of the townspeople is quite affluent.

However, since the new mayor took office, he quickly collected most of the wealth in the town by virtue of his ingenious means of collecting money.The living standards of the townspeople plummeted. After being swindled a few times, foreign merchants dared not come to Xiyuan Town anymore. A good town fell into disrepair.

Finally, before the townspeople figured out who the mysterious boy was, even bigger surprises followed.

The newly established trading house in the town was throwing a lot of money, buying almost all kinds of daily necessities in large quantities at any cost, food, cloth, etc. were the top priorities.

Although the hinterland of the empire has long been in chaos, with continuous wars and disasters, Xiyuan Town and its counties, which are the most remote corners in the southwestern part of the empire, have not been affected by the war and have maintained a consistent stability and tranquility.

The super large order placed by the new trading house has indeed attracted the attention and interest of many foreign businessmen.

Many foreign enemy businessmen hesitated, for fear that this was another excuse to make money. The current mayor of Xiyuan Town's reputation is really bad.However, when some forces in Xiyuan Town brandished gold and silver to buy supplies in a big way, causing the price of living supplies to surge, the merchants who were waiting and watching could no longer sit still.

Afterwards, the cartloads of supplies were transported to Xiyuan, and the guards of the city gate were soft on collecting money, and the townspeople also benefited from a lot of house rent.


In the backyard of Lin's Trading Company in Xiyuan, Lin Sha watched the carts of goods being transported into the warehouse and neatly stacked in the corner of the warehouse with the efforts of the workers, and nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, a fragrant wind wafted by, and one didn't need to look to know that it was the great beauty Xiahou.

"Lin Sha..."

I saw that Xiahou's face was modified so that it was not so bright, and she was wearing a toga to cover up her exquisite figure. At this time, she bit her red lips and seemed reluctant to speak.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

Lin Sha sniffed greedily, and quietly stretched out her magic claws to grab the beautiful young woman's elastic buttocks through the robe, and kneaded gently and slowly without politeness.

"I'm telling you something serious, let me go!"

Xiahou's pretty face turned red into blood jade, and she slapped Lin Sha's evil claws away. Lin Sha rolled her eyes in a charming way, pulled him to a secluded place and whispered: "The gold we have in hand The silver is almost gone, and I also found that there are many people with strange behaviors outside the trading house, you have to be careful!"

"Hehe, it's just a bunch of jumping clowns, just send someone to watch it, there's no need to pay too much attention to it."

Lin Sha's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand and said relaxedly.

"As for the problem of insufficient gold and silver, it is easier to solve the problem. You can directly exchange the special products in the forest with the merchants. It doesn't matter if you suffer a little loss on the price, the important thing is speed and efficiency. Ma'am, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I really can't wait to be so slow come!"

Xiahou's expression changed for a while, and finally he sighed helplessly and said: "Well, I will listen to you in everything!"

She really didn't understand, what did Lin Sha want to recruit so eagerly?

This guy has too many secrets. Although he said before that the main reason for his urgency is to open the mine, she still feels something is wrong. The mine can be recruited secretly, so there is no need to spend so much time to attract attention?

How did she know the urgency in Lin Sha's heart?

It has been more than half a year since the forced landing on Hualongxing. The spacecraft has stored a little energy by absorbing solar energy independently, but the damage has not been repaired.He is anxious, how long will it take to completely repair the spaceship if this continues?

Besides, is the alloy material for repairing the damaged spaceship so easy to forge?

In particular, he has limited conditions and cannot do that kind of industrialized smelting, and everything has to be done by local methods.Fortunately, there is a detailed introduction to this in the information in the spaceship intelligence brain, otherwise he would have to find the native blacksmith on Hualongxing. If that is the case, he would have to leave at least ten years.

I rescued Xiahou's mother and daughter before, and learned the basic situation of this world from Xiahou's mouth.This made him very happy, and with the help of his brain, he quickly formulated a very feasible plan.

But he didn't have time to do it. After he built a small courtyard at the valley entrance of the Calabash Mountains and stored enough rations, he took an opportunity to formally bid farewell to the Xiahou family and their daughter.

At that time, Xiahou's mother and daughter were quite frightened, and the little girl was crying loudly and clutching his arm, yelling at brother Lin Sha not to leave, but to take Xiang'er with her if she wanted to leave.

Xiahou's face turned pale with shock, and she was at a loss. This place is deep in the outskirts of the beast forest. Without the protection of Lin Sha, the fate of her mother and daughter can be imagined.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Lin Sha was entangled by the little girl and couldn't get away, she turned her head and cautiously asked why Lin Sha suddenly resigned. I wonder if it is possible to let her know?

While comforting the little girl who was flooded, Lin Sha inadvertently replied that he wanted to go out and recruit enough people to mine and smelt a kind of metal, which was everywhere in the big valley behind the Calabash Mountains.

Xiahou's eyes lit up and he immediately seized the opportunity, saying that although the empire was in constant war, it was not so easy to recruit enough young and strong people.How about this, that, and that, she gave a series of constructive suggestions, and finally got Lin Sha's approval to leave the forest together.

Of course, he would never admit that he was reluctant to part with a beautiful young woman...

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