
Suddenly, there were exclamations one after another in the yard.

"Why, how... is it possible?"

The bearded man was full of disbelief, his mouth was wide open and a puddle of blood gushed out, his body limp and fell backwards as if he had been drained of strength.Before the handsome young man in the big man's arms could figure out what was going on, he was sprayed with bright red blood all over his face, and he only had time to scream loudly before falling down on his back along with the bearded man.


A figure flew past and a gust of wind blew up, and the handsome young man felt himself flying lightly.Before he could understand what was going on, his body had already landed on the ground, and beside him were his mother and sister who were very surprised.


Lin Sha didn't bother to ask who Xiahou's opponent was, a series of blue light beams shot out, ripples rippled in the air, and several bearded fellows in the courtyard fell down before they even had time to react.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the little prince is safe and sound, and get rid of those bastard kidnappers!"

There was no need for Lin Sha to order, a martial artist who was familiar with the head of the guard raised his voice and rushed out of the yard like a thunderbolt, wielding a sharp knife in his hand, and the next moment there was a roar of killing in the palace.

"You, you are Lin, Lin Sha?"

While comforting the handsome young man affectionately, Xiahou looked at the tall figure standing not far away, feeling vaguely familiar, and asked weakly, not sure.

"Haha, Miss Xiahou, haven't seen you for so many years, are you all right?"

Lin Sha suddenly turned his head and smiled, pretending to be unrestrained, with a slight arc on his mouth and feet. Although he was very excited, he didn't know how to express it.

"you you you……"

Seeing the familiar face that haunted her dreams, Xia Houshi suddenly covered her small cherry mouth, her big eyes filled with mist and the eye rims turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Wang Fulinsha, Queen of the Southwest Kingdom, is back!

The news spread like a gust of wind to all directions of Hualong Continent.

There is surprise, there is silence, there is unbelief, there is anxiety, in short, all living beings are different.

Who is Lin Sha?

Some of the new generation of nobles and forces knew nothing about this, they just envied the beautiful queen of the Southwest Kingdom, who had a flower, and hated that the person who picked the flower was not herself.

Only the former princes who participated in the alliance of princes ten years ago, and the current kings of all countries know how terrifying Lin Sha is.It can be said that Lin Sha at least had a general contribution to the collapse of the Hualong Empire.

The guy who thought he was dead, suddenly appeared again.

And the way it appeared was incomparably elegant, easily destroying the elite team of a certain small country that was attacking the royal family of the Southwest King, and the actual fighting power was shocking.

A certain small country is finished!

This is the unanimous opinion of the major powers in the mainland, that is, the leaders of the major forces that participated in the alliance of princes.

Of course, it's none of their business.

These former princes alliance participants have a tacit understanding in private, and they will never deal with important members of the royal family of the monarchs and relics of various countries. Of course, the behavior of those arrogant and ignorant people has nothing to do with the boss behind them.

After the news spread to the countries, the heads of the countries immediately took action. Even if one or two former princes and patriarchs died of illness, the new patriarch understood the seriousness of the matter under the advice of the important ministers around him, and quickly adjusted the foreign policy towards the Southwest Kingdom. Immediately, a heavyweight representative was sent to Phoenix City, the capital of the Southwest King.

On the one hand, they want to improve the relationship with the Kingdom of Hope, explain the misunderstandings that have occurred recently, and deepen their understanding and make progress together; on the other hand, they also want to find out Lin Sha's strength, is it as sharp as before?

For a moment, Phoenix City, the capital of the Southwest Kingdom, became the focus of the mainland, and all the major kingdoms focused their attention.

Lin Shang didn't have the time to pay attention to these things, he was bothered now.

When he appeared like a divine soldier, he solved the "hostage crisis" of the southwest royal family with ease. Needless to say, the touching scene after that was a flood that was out of control.

The glamorous young woman Xiahou is okay to say, after all, she is an adult, and she has been in the high position of queen for ten years and has the power of a country in her hands. Thousands of subjects live and die in the blink of an eye, no matter whether it is mind or reason, they are extraordinary.At the beginning, I lost my composure because of being too excited, but I quickly recovered and regained my senses.

Fortunately, Lin Sha is not the kind of ruthless character who can control Yu so powerfully that it becomes a complete mess. He can understand how difficult it is for a weak woman to control such a huge kingdom.If he hadn't made arrangements for the aftermath before he left, and left Xiahou with a group of loyal and expert escorts, I don't know what would have happened.

It is actually very simple to appease the beautiful young woman. His own arrival is the best panacea, and he pats his chest to promise that he will not leave frequently.

It's not easy to fool Xiahou Xiang'er, who was a little girl back then, but now is a big girl with a lot of water.

Ever since meeting Lin Sha, this girl's tears have not stopped, and the Yellow River is about to flood out of control.

Lin Sha felt helpless, making girls happy was not his specialty and he was not very good at it.

Moreover, Xihou Xiahou Xiang'er's true feelings moved him very much, no matter what, his good intentions back then were not in vain.

He understood his weight in the little girl's heart, and when she was most helpless and hesitant, he was like a god descending from the earth to save their mother and daughter. Not to mention, the next two years can be said to be the happiest period for Xiahou Xiang'er from childhood to adulthood ri.

When she was young, she was able to patiently play with her and bring her happiness and joy from time to time. Even the Xiahou family could not do well in these things.It can be said that in Xiahou Xianger's mind, Lin Sha played the role of childhood playmate and father.

I missed it for ten years, but once we see each other again, I can understand how excited I am.

After crying for three days, Lin Sha was so thick that his head was so big that he was in a hurry.No matter what method he used, sweet talk or coaxing did not work. In the end, it was Xiahou Xiang'er who suppressed the tear glands by herself, which made him completely relieved.

Just finished working on Xiahou Xiang'er's question, and had to face the dissatisfaction and accusation of his own son Xia Houjie.

For example, why did Lin Sha leave so cruelly for ten years, and where did Lin Sha go in the past ten years, where is the place so far away, etc., etc.

In short, Xia Houjie is a very difficult kid to deal with. Even if Lin Sha has experience in raising children, he is still in a hurry.

What troubled him the most was that, as if he was used to staying with his mother and sister, this kid was very difficult to get close to.Don't talk about family affection where blood is thicker than water, that's all nonsense.

There are so many missing children in the previous life, and I haven't seen a few reunited for this reason. I don't have time to slowly cultivate their relationship. Even with my own son, the relationship is also cold.

Lin Sha was so entangled in all kinds of troubles that he couldn't help it. In addition, the Yanhuang galaxy was not far away, and there would be many opportunities to come and go in the future. Moreover, Hua Longxing, as the back garden in his mind, could not afford to lose, he simply Tell the truth to Xiahou's mother and daughter and his own son Xiahoujie.

"Really, I really want to see the outside world..." Xiahou Xiang'er said yearningly with her bright red mouth pouted.

"Why am I lying to you?" Lin Sha rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Why don't I take you to the base when I'm free?"

"Okay, okay, does the base have the kind of flying, spaceship, tools that can take people to the starry sky?" The little girl's eyes were shining brightly, and she was eager to try.

"Stop dreaming, it's okay to show you the video data of the outside world, now is not the time for you to go out and see!" Lin Sha said without hesitation.


Xiahou Xianger pursed her bright red cherry mouth and said without hesitation, even the Xiahou family and the handsome young man Xiahoujie, who had been silent all this time, showed curious expressions.Although they were shocked by the information revealed by Lin Sha, and yearned for it just like girl Xiang'er, their minds are much more rational, and the outside world is not so easy to navigate.

Of course, it's one thing to have such a sound in your heart, but it's another thing to be rejected by Lin Sha.

"The outside world is not so easy to break through!"

Lin Sha pretended to be 13 and said this, seeing the little girl puffed up her cheeks with dissatisfaction, he spread his hands and said helplessly: "Okay, let's do an experiment now."

As he spoke, he took off the energy detector from his ear and handed it to the curious little girl Xiahou Xiang'er.

"What is this, so strange?"

"Energy detector, necessary equipment for space warriors!"

"What's the use?" Xia Hou took the thin lens from Xia Hou Xiang'er's hand and asked curiously.

"It can detect the level of a person's strength!" Lin Sha had no choice but to explain in such a detailed way that they might not understand.

"Is it really so miraculous?" Xiahou's eyes lit up, and a trace of excitement appeared on her delicate and flowery face.

"Father, is this true?" Even Xia Houjie, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help asking curiously.

"Of course!" Lin Sha reached out and touched Xia Houjie's head. The kid resisted at first, but in the end he couldn't stand the temptation of the energy detector and let Lin Sha do what he wanted.

"Wow, girl, your fighting strength is only over 300. It seems that you haven't worked hard in the past ten years!" With a light touch of the detector button, groups of data appeared on the thin lens, and Lin Sha turned to the shameless little girl. The girl Xiahou Xiang'er teased.

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!" Xiao Nizi said dissatisfiedly with her mouth pouted.

"Well, it's good that Xiaojie has a combat power of 150, which is much better than some girl's film." Xia Houjie's face turned red when he said these words, and the little girl Xiang'er was even more dissatisfied with Zhang Yawu and rushed forward.

After playing around for a while, Lin Sha handed over the energy detector to the two children, and let them go to the side to play by themselves, and waved back the beautiful young woman, oh no, the current beautiful queen hugged her in her arms wantonly and flirtatiously, with a smile on her face. With a smirk on his lips, he was very serious: "Say, what happened to calling me here in such a hurry..." (To be continued.)

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