super space warrior

Chapter 306 Mind

() The so-called 'darkness under the lights' probably refers to Lin Sha's current situation...

If you want to say where Hua Longxing left the deepest impression on Lin Sha, the [answer] must be the beast forest. .23zw.

The entire beast forest occupies more than half of the western half of the Hualong continent, connecting the south and north of the continent with a vast and boundless area.From the photos taken by the reconnaissance satellite, it can be clearly seen that the entire beast forest occupies more than one-third of the land of the mainland, which is much larger than the combined land area of ​​many kingdoms on the mainland.

Lin Sha was particularly impressed by the fact that on the high-altitude high-altitude photos taken by the reconnaissance satellite, other areas are basically clear at a glance, except that there are large blank areas in the beast forest.

He has some knowledge of these blank areas, and of course the scope only refers to the area from where the base is located to where the Southwest Kingdom is located.Ten years ago, he explored along this route, and explored more or less blank areas of high-altitude photos along the way, either rare mineral deposits with special magnetic fields or various powerful beasts entrenched in it.

With the strength of his high-level and low-level fighters at that time, there was only such a small area where he had the courage to explore, and he didn't even dare to touch other areas that felt dangerous.

This is just the outer area of ​​the beast forest. The distance from the base to the Xiyuan Palace is only [-] miles. Compared to the vast and boundless beast forest, such a small distance is really nothing.

He has never explored the depths of the Beast Forest, and there are more and bigger blank areas in the high-altitude photos. Lin Sha can't guarantee that there are rare mineral deposits and powerful beasts sitting in it.

Because he has always regarded the beast forest as a backyard for obtaining experimental materials, he has ignored its own weirdness.

Lin Sha became more and more agitated, and the more he thought about the possibility that the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' was hidden somewhere in the beast forest.

Not to mention the large blank area in the satellite photos, but the powerful suppressive force pervading the air above 300 meters above the beast forest can only be described by the word 'magic'.

In any case, the possibility that the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' is located in the beast forest is really not small.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the old nest of 'Western Wild Sanctuary' is located overseas. There is only one huge Hualong Continent on Hualong Star, which occupies more than half the area of ​​the entire planet. Large and small islands are dotted all over, and many areas in the ocean are also blank areas on satellite photos.

With a general search target, Lin Sha immediately dropped most of the small scout robots brought by the spaceship into the depths of the beast forest.

The reconnaissance satellites operating in low-earth orbit are not idle, and all blank areas on high-altitude photos are closely monitored by reconnaissance satellites.

No matter if there is movement or no movement, as long as there is any movement in the blank areas in these high-altitude photos, no matter whether it is a vicious beast patrolling or other weird things, in short, none of them can escape the "eyes" of the reconnaissance satellite.

If there is any news about the hundreds of small reconnaissance robots that have been scattered so far, Lin Sha is not in a hurry and knows that there is really no rush for reconnaissance and search.


Lin Sha took Xiahou Xianger and Xiahoujie to play at the base for ten days, allowing the siblings to experience the magic of interstellar technology, and silently aroused their yearning for powerful strength.

In order to let the siblings truly know the Hualong star where they grew up, Lin Sha also drove the siblings in a small spaceship to travel around the outer space of the Hualong star.

Different from the excited siblings, Lin Sha paid special attention to the strong pressure of the beast forest above 300 meters this time, but in the end he didn't feel anything.

With all kinds of doubts and puzzles in his heart, he hugged one in one hand, and flew back to Xiyuan Palace at the fastest speed amidst the excited screams of Xiahou Xiang'er and Xiahoujie, and then transferred to Phoenix City.


When the special envoys from various mainland countries who were good at wrangling left, more than a dozen bursts of raging energy suddenly burst into the sky in the martial arts arena of the Phoenix Palace.An astonishing momentum spread rapidly around the center of the martial arts field, which only shocked the special envoys of various countries dumbfounded and at a loss.

The clever Suixing warrior asked what was going on, and the official in charge of seeing him off said proudly, "This is a collective breakthrough by a dozen of us adults!"

Nima, do you think that a breakthrough in strength is like drinking plain water, if you say a breakthrough is a breakthrough?

The eyes of all the accompanying warriors from all over the world were red. Only they knew how powerful they were and how powerful they could clearly feel the huge aura that could be sensed ten miles away.

If it wasn't for their wealth, fortune, wealth, and relatives who were firmly bound to the royal families of various countries, maybe they would immediately defect and join the mysterious Southwest Kingdom.

What warriors are most passionate about is not the glory and wealth or the high salary, but the powerful strength.

When the special envoys of various countries learned from the leader of their own guards that the momentum caused by the breakthrough of more than a dozen powerful men in the Southwest Kingdom just now was no worse than the number one enshrinement of their own royal family, all of them widened their eyes and almost bit their tongues.

What this means is self-evident, it means that the high-end strength of the Southwest Kingdom has leapt to the top of all countries in one fell swoop!

What's even more frightening is that the Southwest Kingdom may have mastered a method, a method that can greatly increase the strength of warriors in a short period of time.

Then the lords of the continental countries were shocked when they heard the news, and before the first group of envoys returned, they sent another group of higher-level envoys to Phoenix City, the capital of the southwest king. This time they were full of 'sincerity' to form an alliance Coming here is not in vain for Lin Shacao.

Of course, these are all things to say for the time being. Lin Sha flew Xiahou Xianger and Xiahoujie from the depths of the beast forest all the way to the palace of Phoenix City.

Not to mention that after the two children came back, they [excitedly] dragged the beauty Wang Xiahoushi to chirp endlessly. He summoned all the anxiously waiting masters and threw them each a bottle of enhanced special effect potion. This is the mainland. When the special envoys of various countries left, the reason for the sudden eruption of a powerful momentum in the martial arts arena in the palace.

Afterwards, taking advantage of giving advice on how to restrain the violent energy outside the body and how to easily control the energy gap in the [body] of this group of guys whose strength suddenly swelled, he told the glamorous queen Xia Houshi his guess after a sexual intercourse.

The glamorous queen Xia Houshi was terribly frightened, her face turned pale at the time, her body lay limp in Lin Sha's arms and shivered, she couldn't care about the aftermath of her sexual intercourse, she just kept asking what to do?

Lin Sha comforted the glamorous Queen Xiahou first, and told her not to worry that this was just his guess, even if it was true, it would be easy to handle, so he simply went to the house himself to kill them all to save trouble.

What he is eager to find out now is the specific route of the envoy of the mysterious 'Western Wild Sanctuary' in the mainland countries.Although it may not be possible to guess the [true] real [answer] from it, it is always a direction, isn't it?

After being comforted and reminded by Lin Sha, the glamorous Queen Xiahou slowly regained her composure. After ten years of being a queen of a country, the Shen family's determination is not bad. It is only when she encounters troubles that cannot be solved that she panics for a while. hands and feet.

After carefully recalling the formation of the "Western Sanctuary" envoys in the mainland countries, I really found some clues.The emissary with his bullish eyes and his skyward eyes arrived at the Southwest Kingdom first!

"So, the 'West Wilderness Sanctuary' might really be somewhere in the Beast Forest?" Lin Sha rubbed his chin with his left hand and lightly rubbed the beautiful Queen's chest with his right hand, his eyes gleamed with a pensive expression.

According to the high-profile behavior of the special envoy of the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary', coupled with the backing of super strong force, it is impossible to make a detour just to hide the location of his lair. In this case, his first stop is the Southwest Kingdom,' More than [-]% to [-]% of the Western Wilderness Sanctuary may be somewhere in the vast and boundless beast forest.

"What can we do then?"

When Xiahou heard this, he was really anxious. There was such a great god hidden around his kingdom, and he couldn't sleep well at night.

"It's okay, I'm fully prepared this time, if I'm not afraid of them coming, I'm afraid they won't come!" Lin Sha said with a confident face, "I want to see and see, what are the 'Western Wild Sanctuary' guys doing?" ability?"

Seeing that Xiahou's face was still frowning, Lin Sha had no choice but to change the subject: "By the way, how long is it before the one-year period stipulated by the envoy of the 'Western Wild Sanctuary'?"

"About eight more months!"

"Why is it still so long?" Lin Sha frowned, squeezed the bright red cherry on Xiahou's chest angrily, and said, "It's been too long, I may not be able to wait that long!"

"Why are you leaving?" The glamorous queen Xia Houshi was really shocked this time, her face turned pale.

"It's not that I don't want to stay!" Lin Sha smiled wryly, and explained in a muffled voice: "I told you before. My younger brother and I just won an asteroid galaxy, and you also know that a new force wants to gain a foothold. What a hassle..."

"Then can't you send some confidantes over to help?" Xiahou interrupted Lin Sha rarely, pleading: "If the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' suddenly changes its mind, and you happen to stop, the consequences..." As if thinking of the serious consequences, Xiahou's Bai Huahua's body trembled undetectably.

Of course, the words are serious, but it is not the case. Xiahou's words hide his thoughts.

In fact, her rights and interests are not important, as long as the status of the Xiahou clan can be preserved, it doesn't matter whether she is the queen or not.

What she valued more was family affection. As long as Xiahou Xiang'er and Xiahoujie could live well, the fleeing career that was almost desperate at the beginning brought too much psychological shadow to her.

If possible, it would be best for Lin Sha to be by her side all the time. This is the perfect result in her heart. As for the threat of the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary', the worst thing is that if she doesn't become the lord of the country... (To be continued !.

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