super space warrior

Chapter 314 Troubled

() "Bastard bastard, I'm fighting with you!"

In front of the luxury restaurant next to the avenue outside the Xiyuan Palace, a tall man with disheveled hair and a face full of hatred roared wildly.Dressed in a gorgeous samurai uniform, he could no longer see his true colors. He raised his huge sword and slashed at the indifferent young man opposite him.

"Hmph, trash is trash, no matter how you decorate it, it's still trash!"

The indifferent young man, Lin Sha, smiled contemptuously, disappeared in place instantly, and appeared in front of the crazy strong man the next moment, kicked him ten meters away and fell to the ground.


The crowd of warriors watching couldn't help but gasped, their faces all changed in disbelief.

"Hmph, this is the end of trouble, I hope everyone can learn from it!"

Gently flicking the specks of dust on his feet, Lin Sha glanced coldly at the many warriors present, and left without turning his head after throwing a warning.

What a trouble, is this the first time in a while?

Eight times, or ten times?

I can't remember clearly, but these guys are too energetic, and they are not from the same camp. It is really too difficult for them not to cause trouble.No, I must find a way to let these guys vent all their energy, otherwise, when I have a headache in the future, my buddies are not some firefighters rushing around!

I can't express the depression in my heart, it's not a good thing to have too many people!

As higher-level representatives from mainland countries arrived one after another, they were basically core members of the royal families, and naturally there were not a few guards who accompanied them.

These guys are all used to being arrogant in their own country, and when they first came to see the opening of other countries, they would inevitably have a heart of comparison.

The so-called 'literature is the first and military is the second', these guys who stand at the pinnacle of military power in various countries are all unambiguous masters.

As a result, the Royal Restaurant, which was in charge of entertaining these samurai gentlemen, was in full swing for three days, one hour, five days and one day.

Fortunately, the high-ranking envoys from various countries were placed in the huge palace, and they were not affected by the battles of these unruly warriors. Otherwise, the Southwest Kingdom would lose face to the mainland.

The glamorous queen Xiahou was naturally very angry when she got the report, and sent the palace guards to suppress it, but she was beaten to the ground and humiliated, and had a good "lu" in front of the royal envoys.

Until this time, the fool understood that it was not easy for these accompanying warriors to make trouble, and the hands and feet of the special envoys of the royal families must be behind it.Otherwise, no matter how reckless those warriors are, they would not dare to lose face in such a way under the eyes of the queen of another country. This is a shameless slap in the face.

In a fit of rage, the Xiahou family almost dispatched the royal family to protect the safety of the palace, but in the end they were strongly discouraged by the ministers to go back.Although the royal priests are extremely powerful, they don't have an absolute advantage in the face of those top 5. If the thing hits a real fire, there will be casualties, whether it is casualties from other countries or casualties from their own country, it is not a good thing.

In desperation, the glamorous Queen Xiahou finally dispatched envoys to summon the kingdom's masters who were scattered in various places, and at the same time invited Lin Sha, a super master, to come forward to suppress it.

How could Lin Sha miss such a good opportunity for actual combat? After receiving the request, he went to the royal restaurant next to the avenue outside the palace where Xiahou Xianger and Xiahoujie were aggressively fighting. Punish those who go too far.

It may be interesting at the beginning, but the number of times is a bit boring.

It should be said that the strength of these warriors is good, and their combat effectiveness has remained above [-].This made Lin Sha very surprised. I remember that in the era of the alliance of princes, the combat power of the masters under the princes was only in the early [-]s. I didn't expect that the high-end military power in the hands of the mainland countries would be so huge after only ten years. progress.

After thinking about it, I realized that it was all forced out by fierce competition.

Although the mainland countries maintained a stable situation on the surface, the fierce competition inside was not comparable to that in the Hualong Empire era.

After all, the Hualong Empire has accumulated power for thousands of years. Even if the interior is corrupt and degenerate, the deterrent power that penetrates into the bones is not a joke.The Hualong Empire was at its most chaotic internally. Except for those ordinary people who could not survive and the low-level warriors who resisted, basically no higher-level experts dared to jump out to seek abuse.

Later, the alliance of princes appeared...

With the battle between the alliance of princes and the Hualong Empire, the masters of the princes can participate in the battle to their heart's content, and they will continue to improve or be eliminated in the fierce battle.Not to mention others, Lin Sha himself jumped from a low-level interstellar warrior to a mid-level interstellar warrior after a desperate battle with the old emperor Hualong?

Lin Sha left in a bit of a hurry at the time. He didn't know that after the establishment of the kingdom by the various princes, the masters who participated in the war of overthrowing the country at the beginning had their combat effectiveness improved to varying degrees after digesting the gains in the battle.

As for the subsequent establishment of states by various princes, although they have been consolidating their rule and cleaning up the remnants of the Hualong Empire within, trying their best to recuperate and restore the production that was severely damaged by the war, there is no lack of confrontation between countries.

Although there will be no major wars, at least when the countries have not fully digested the new territory, but because of some shady interest disputes, there are many small-scale battles secretly.

During this period, many good players emerged from various countries, and each of them gained the limelight in all directions in the secret battle, and the top combat power of Hualong Continent also became higher and higher under such circumstances.

The combat strength of [-] before was at the level of a top expert, but it was only a top-notch expert.It has to be said that the frequent wars and fierce competition have an obvious effect on the improvement of the objectors.

Just like the history of China that Lin Sha knew in his previous life, many outstanding martial arts masters would emerge every time the dynasty changed. Needless to say, the Three Kingdoms era, the old fairy Tong Yuan and Nanhua were all mythical figures. Even better players come out frequently, Nima, a Wuzhuo Tianwang, is a brave general comparable to the overlord.

Not to mention the history after that, all those great people in the early Sui and Tang Dynasties were all battle-tested existences, as well as Zhang Sanfeng and Zhou Dian in the early Ming Dynasty, and there was a general outbreak at the end of the Qing Dynasty.This also proves one thing from the side, the more troubled times are, the more heroes will emerge in large numbers.

And he only knew from Xiahou clan and other ministers that because of his interference (referring to the use of special medicines to forcibly improve the body structure and combat power), the high-end combat power of the Southwest Kingdom was the highest in the mainland in the first five years, but after that, masters from various countries emerged one after another. Such advantages gradually disappeared.

In the next five years, because of the lack of strength, the Southwest Kingdom's high-end combat power gradually fell into a disadvantage.Fortunately, not long after, the rulers of various countries were afraid of Lin Sha's ability and methods, and did not oppress the Southwest Kingdom too much, but it was inevitable to use some small tricks secretly.

However, Lin Sha has never been seen during this period, which made the mainland countries gradually relax their vigilance, and their suppression and penetration of the Southwest Kingdom gradually increased.

Otherwise, as Lin Sha saw when he hurried back, if a mere little prince had no big power behind him, how would he have the guts to send someone to kidnap Xia Houjie?

If it weren't for the mysterious 'Western Sanctuary' that needs to be resolved, it would be best to form an alliance with the mainland countries again, otherwise Lin Sha would have personally committed suicide to the capital of that small country long ago with his temper, and seized the daring The prince tortured him to death!

However, the current chaotic situation is not a problem. The special envoys of the mainland countries can show their force, but it is absolutely impossible to ride a shit on the head of the Southwest Kingdom!

Lin Sha has never been a soft-hearted person when dealing with enemies.

Although it was only at the request of the Xiahou family that he only shot ten times, but every time he shot, those provocative warriors were seriously injured, and the lightest one had to lie on the bed for half a month to recover.

His thunder method really frightened the unruly warriors from all over the world, and also shocked the bamboo behind them, but again, Lin Sha is not a firefighter, and he really has no interest in suppressing these garbage.

In fact, the biochemical warriors he has have this ability. Although the technology is not very good, but the materials are there, most of the biochemical warriors under him have a combat power of between [-] and [-].

He is also helpless about this, if these high-level materials are placed in the hands of those lunatic scientists in the biological empire, the genetic warriors that come out will have great potential, at least all have the level of advanced interstellar warriors.

As for the bio-warrior who was selected as the training object of Xiahou Xianger and Xiahoujie, whose combat power was only [-], it was a defective product made in his experiments, which was not accurate.

It's a pity that these produced biochemical warriors are all beasts. Once they start fighting, they will be extremely crazy. go out.

Since he couldn't find a solution by himself, it just so happened that the experts scattered in the Southwest Kingdom rushed over, and after being strengthened by the enhanced version of the special potion, Lin Sha suddenly came up with a very good idea.

In fact, this idea is very simple to say, but it is just to imitate the "Strong Challenge" held by the third commoner city of the main warrior star, and hold a "Samurai Exchange Competition" in Xiyuan Palace.

Damn, don't you all boast that you are strong and unambiguous?

Well, if you have the ability, you can show off your power in the ring, what kind of shit is it to go crazy with a bunch of restaurant waiters?

What the hell, the mission is to protect the important members of the royal family, didn't you come to the competition?

If you don't have the ability to just say it, what are you doing with such a lousy excuse?

Wasn't it very arrogant to see you before, but it turned out to be nothing more than a silver-like wax gun head... rs! .

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