super space warrior

Chapter 327 3 years

() Time flies, and three years pass by.


On the blue sea surface, vigorous figures shot out, or punched, tui, or palmed towards Lin Sha who was standing still on the sea surface.

The wind of the fist whistled, the shadows of the legs continued, the wind of the palm screamed like thunder, the air was rippling and the sea was boiling.

"Tiger Locust Fist!" "Flying Swallow Blast Foot!" "Tiger Roar Blast Fist!" "..."

Lin Sha's body turned and stopped abruptly, and within a hundred meters range, afterimages of different shapes appeared, and the attacks from all directions were easily blocked by punches or feet, and he still had time to launch a violent attack.

bang bang bang...

A series of punches collided, and the sonic boom of fists and feet collided was loud. Nearly ten vigorous figures came back and forth to stand in front of you. Every punch and every foot brought a whistling wind, rolling up the blue water below and back and forth. Jidangbo is rough.

"Longba!" "Whirlwind tui!" "Scissors!" "..."

The vigorous figures who besieged Lin Sha were also very skilled, with all kinds of fierce and strange moves emerging one after another. The various moves in Street Fighter were skillful and powerful, and with Lin Sha's physical fitness, even a slight touch would cause pain.

"Be careful, I'm going to use an energy attack!"

The battle was intense for a while, Lin Sha suppressed nearly ten of his opponents, and then the ten or so strong figures teamed up to gain the upper hand. The jidang gust of wind whistling in the surrounding kilometres, rolling up small tornadoes from time to time, and the sea below him seemed to be boiling. Generally, the tumbling and rolling are extremely frightening, and from time to time, huge waves will be rolled up and exploded into raindrops all over the sky.

"Boss, you can't be so foolish..."

"Thunder Fist!" Lin Sha didn't give the younger brothers a chance to retort, and suddenly blasted out his right fist with a flash of lightning.

Zizz, crackling...

At the next moment, a round blue lightning ball with a diameter of one meter appeared with the right fist as the center, and strips of pale electric snakes kept moving inside and outside the lightning ball, and instantly spread into the bodies of the two unlucky ghosts who were hit by the bombardment through physical contact. .


Two miserable screams came out, and Li Xin and Tian Dan's unlucky bastards stood up with their hair standing on end, green smoke billowed from the corners of their mouths, and the electric arc swam around and trembled as if they had cast a spell on their bodies. Falling straight into the water below.


"Brother, you are really despicable. You clearly said that you are not allowed to use energy attacks!"

On the beach of a temporary base on a large island somewhere in Mercury, Lin Zhan was lying on a comfortable beach chair and complaining.

"Yes, boss, your method is too dirty?"

Tian Dan sat on the soft and finely crushed sand, rubbed his arm that still felt a little numb, and looked resentful. He was the first victim of Lei Guangquan, um, tied for the first place.

"Hehe, aren't you a little impatient because the battle won't be over for the time being?" Lin Sha was wearing a green beach ku, and was reclining on the beach chair with a glass of delicious juice in his hand.

"Then boss, you can't break the rules like this?" Meng Yi pretended to be dissatisfied, and a fool could see the happy and smug smile on his face.

"So, we have passed the level in fighting?"

After hearing this, even the calmest Meng Tian couldn't help showing an excited smile.

"That's right, at this stage, your fighting skills are good enough..."


Before Lin Sha could finish summarizing, Meng Tian and the others couldn't wait to jump up and cheer happily, and even put aside their thoughts of condemning Lin Sha for 'unruly'.

It's not easy, it's really not easy!

Since the last batch of visitors were sent away three years ago, the five Meng Tian brothers and the six Lin Zhan have entered a closed high-intensity training state under Lin Sha's strict requirements.

In addition to training or training every day, in addition to intensive gravity training, there is also Mercury submarine anti-stress training. In short, I will never stop until I am exhausted.

This kind of training lasted for half a year, and it didn't come to an end until the arrival of Jingdang, one of the twin sisters.Don't think that this is the end, the days of suffering have just begun.

I don't know where the boss (brother) found such a strong master, and his recovery ability is abnormally scary.Every day is to accompany them to fight head-to-head without any tricks, until one side completely loses its fighting power.

Fighting against a strong man with abnormal recovery ability and tyrannical combat power is simply torture.What frustrates them the most is that this guy with pointed ears and the white energy in his body seems to be full of resentment. I suffered a lot.

After that, the continuous month was like purgatory, and they were all wandering between coma and sobriety.

In the battle, they were severely injured and unconscious. When they woke up, all their injuries had recovered. The boss (brother) didn't give them a chance to breathe, and urged them to continue fighting like herding sheep.Then there is the constant reciprocating cycle, running back and forth between the training ground and the medical room, this day is simply unbearable.

What they envied most was the special treatment given to the twin sisters. Every once in a while, the two sisters would change to one of them to receive training. Of course, Lin Sha's nourishment was absolutely indispensable.Because the two of them have a mission to control the Third Civilian Urban Training Office of the main star of the Warriors, and they also have a layer of sensitive identities (everyone understands), so they only receive conventional gravity and seabed water pressure training. As for the actual combat training partner, there is Lin Sha Am I here?

After a month of hellish fighting, the effect was extremely obvious. First of all, Lin Zhan's combat power quickly broke through the [-] mark, and he officially became a member of the interstellar elite fighters.In addition, due to the "special care" of the mysterious strong man, his combat power has even broken through the [-] mark directly, and he has improved significantly almost every time he comes out of the medical room.

As for the strength of Meng Tian and others, let alone, several particularly outstanding combat powers are approaching the 3000 mark, and even the two bottom-ranking goods, Li Xin Tiandan, have reached more than [-] combat powers, which can be described as rapid progress.

After a month of hell-style training, Meng Tian and the others are no longer rookies who are only beaten and unable to fight back.In the next year's battle, they went from being at an absolute disadvantage to being able to attack and defend, and sometimes even win a game or two. They are making rapid progress at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Half a year ago, Meng Tian and several other outstanding fighters had already reached an astonishing height of [-]. The most shocking thing was that Lin Zhan came from behind and broke through the [-] mark in one fell swoop. Throw it deep in one fell swoop.

When Lin Sha announced that this stage of training was over, and witnessed with his own eyes that his own strength had reached a height that people looked up to, everyone was crying... rs! .

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