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The so-called sky thunder hooks the ground fire is the best portrayal of Lin Sha and the beautiful young woman Xia Houshi right now...

A man is affectionate and a concubine is interested, and he has been holding back because of something on his mind.It's been more than half a year since he made an emergency landing on Hualongxing, but he was so busy hunting in the Beast Forest that he really didn't have the slightest clue or action on the most important repair of the damaged spaceship.

He didn't want to be a savage in Hualongxing for the rest of his life, but he also wanted to see all kinds of brilliant civilizations in the interstellar world, broaden his horizons, and challenge the strong from all sides to improve his strength.

He had something on his mind, although he really wanted to hug the beautiful young woman Xia Houshi to vent his anger, but he never found the opportunity.

He didn't have the haughty mentality of treating all weak and weak as ants. When Xiahou didn't show that kind of thinking, and couldn't get rid of the sticky little girl like Xiang'er for the time being, how could he be in a romantic mood?

Besides, at that time, he was focused on finding people to open mines and smelting. Even if Mrs. Xiahou was used to being teased from time to time, used to the dirty little jokes, and when she showed a submissive appearance, wouldn't there be a group of Xiahou's retainers with complicated eyes around her?

Fortunately, with the continuous supply of funds from the trading house, a large number of young and strong slaves were bought, and the mining plan that had been planned for a long time was quickly launched, so he slowly relaxed and took the time to find the beautiful young woman Xiahou's wife to talk about love.

On the night when the first blast furnace was finally built in the Calabash Valley, Lin Sha was so happy that he touched the bed of the beautiful young woman excitedly, and then there was a storm of thunder and fire, and the long-awaited man and the tiger, wolf and resentful woman mingled with yin and yang match.

It's a pity that he still has important things to do. After spending three days in love with the beautiful young woman Xia Houshi, he hastily plunged into the fiery blast furnace construction.Fortunately, the Calabash Valley is not far from the Calabash Pass, so he can go back to Fengliu in time to have a good time every night.It's just that the little girl was not happy anymore, she made a lot of noise and tears, and asked Lin Sha, a good playmate, to return to her place.

There was nothing he could do about it, Lin Sha had no choice but to compromise with the little girl and signed a series of unequal treaties, which made the little girl happy.For this reason, he specially spent a day, went deep into the beast forest and caught a few extremely cute little beasts. Only then did he finally get out of the sea of ​​suffering and continue his work.

Afterwards, with the help of the spaceship brain, he found a small extinct volcano in the depths of the beast forest. With the help of the spaceship brain's precision positioning, he found a small natural cave, and opened up the cave with full firepower. A deep passage from the ground to the depth of 500 meters, connecting the lava river on the ground.

Then he used some waste materials and damaged instruments and equipment on the spaceship, and under the guidance of the brain, he made a small space metal synthesis furnace, which was directly placed on the lava river beneath the extinct volcano.

From then on, he supervised the young and strong slaves to work in the mine during the day, and secretly transported the rough metal embryos that had undergone rough smelting at night, put them into the space metal synthesis furnace for further refining, and added some rare metals when the time was right. Synthesize space metals capable of repairing damaged hulls of spaceships.

Such hard work day and night inevitably left out Xia Houshi, a beautiful young woman who is at home in the mine.Just this morning, the glamorous young woman approached Lin Sha, who was supervising the mine, with a look of resentment, and said that there was an important situation in Xiyuan Town.

He's not a person who doesn't understand style, so he can't tell that the beautiful young woman is looking for an opportunity to be alone with him.With the tyrannical strength he displayed, what important things can't be explained clearly in person?

So when he got home, he dismissed the joyful and sticky little girl, and before he could say a few words, he couldn't bear the anger and moved his hands and feet, and moved to the bedroom after a while.

Even the beautiful young woman Xia Houshi was like a wolf and a tiger, and she couldn't stand him, and immediately rushed to kill him. After climbing to the peak of bliss for the fifth time, she finally couldn't bear the whipping and begged for mercy, her bones were so weak that she moved her fingers No strength.

How could Lin Sha be willing to give up?

Before, the beautiful young woman had been given the "Linsha brand" special potion to enhance her physique. Don't look at how limp the beautiful young woman looks like she might faint at any time after five sessions of whipping, her limit is far more than that.

Regardless of his disregard, he violently asked the beautiful young woman to put on various sexy poses, try all kinds of games such as swallowing bananas, chest explosion, dog crawling, etc., and finally exploded the essence of life into the depths of the beautiful young woman's vagina.

The battle lasted from morning until [-] noon before the clouds harvested and the rain rested. The beautiful young woman couldn't stand the conquest and passed out completely after climbing the clouds for the tenth time.

Glancing at the glamorous young woman who was covered with traces of love all over her body, she took a few handfuls of sensitive parts with her big hands, and then reluctantly got out of bed amidst the little girl's yelling, and hurriedly washed, washed and Little girl having lunch.

After lunch, under the pressure of the little girl's begging, he played a little game with her again, and finally waited for the little girl to have a good time and return to the room for a nap, then he wiped the hot sweat from his forehead and heaved a sigh of relief. Soared into the sky and flew towards Xiyuan Town quickly.

When they came to the small town, they happened to catch up with someone going to the trading house to provoke trouble, and two groups of people fought in front of the trading house.All of a sudden, the vigor was overflowing and the dust was flying, and there was endless cheering and cheering. From time to time, the mournful wailing of the injured and the wild laughter of the victors could be heard.

He was not in a hurry to make a move, but first mingled with the crowd of onlookers to check silently.Raise your hand and gently caress the right ear, the instrument worn on the ear beeps, a transparent lens slowly stretches out to cover the right eye, and groups of data follow the beeping sound of the instrument Changes, showing the combat effectiveness of both sides in the field clearly.

You have to ask why he doesn't turn on the energy detector from time to time, isn't it possible to detect other people's strength from time to time, so as to prevent people from pretending to be pigs and eating tigers and accidentally capsizing in the ditch?

He also thought about it, but turning on the energy detector from time to time required a lot of energy replenishment, and he couldn't afford it in his current situation.This is how he wasted when he was exploring the Beast Forest before. As a result, the detector completely shut down when he got out of the forest. It didn’t return to normal function until the detector had absorbed the solar energy for a full month. The base supplements the energy lost by the detector?

Some people also want to say, doesn't he have the ability to sense the "qi machine", this thing does not consume energy and is very practical and convenient, so why use an energy detector?

It is true to say so, but the 'qi machine' sensor can only roughly judge the opponent's strength after all, and it is not as accurate as the energy detector.No matter in the previous life or in this life, he has long been used to speaking with data.Although sometimes mistakes and omissions are inevitable, most of the time it is the best reference when fighting the enemy.

"280 eight, 290 five, three hundred and five, hey, it's not a good person..."

The data displayed on the lens made Lin Sha gasp, his pupils shrank slightly, and he no longer hesitated to disappear in a flash.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred on the field...

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