() Warrior Empire and his party stayed in a luxurious hotel, and the dignified atmosphere had long since disappeared from the hustle and bustle on the tarmac of the spaceport when they first arrived.

Zhan Tianduan sat at the head of the lobby, and on both sides sat a dozen awe-inspiring imperial powerhouses.

There are twelve strong men with a combat power of more than [-], and the background of the warrior empire is really not simple.

Zhan Jue was standing respectfully in the middle of the lobby, with a gloomy face talking about something that made him feel very depressed.

There was silence in the lobby, and the atmosphere was oppressive and dull.In the past, the powerhouses of the empire who had been one and the same, now are silent like clay sculptures and wood carvings, quietly listening to Zhan Jue's detailed narration.

"Father and your Excellencies, the situation is like this..." After two hours, Zhan Jue stopped reporting with dry mouth, and the complicated and angry emotions in his chest calmed down.

No one answered, and the lobby fell into complete silence for a moment, and a heavy and oppressive atmosphere could be heard when a needle fell, almost making many powerful empires present breathless.

"What do you think?" After pondering for a long time, Zhan Tian finally took the lead in breaking the silence in the lobby.

How to see, how else to see?

A group of strong men in the empire looked at each other, and they all saw helplessness and frustration in each other's eyes. In the end, everyone's eyes were all focused on His Excellency Kim Jong, the only strong man with a combat power of over [-].

With Lin Sha's help in making a tailor-made training plan, as well as training artifacts like the gravity room, Kim Jong finally managed to break through the [-] combat power mark a year ago after spending five years at the [-] combat power mark.

"Don't look at me like that, it's okay to look at me!" Jin Zheng waved his hand with a helpless expression.

"Your Excellency, you have been to Muyuan Planet before, how can you say that you are more familiar with the situation than those of us who came here for the first time?"

"That's right, Your Excellency Kim Jong, I heard that your Excellency also had a hard time with the lunatics of the Violent Bear and the Semites?"

"This time, you still need to win some face for our warrior empire, so please don't hesitate to say a few words."


Looking coldly at this group of imperial powerhouses who were invincible in the past, all shamelessly praising Kim Jong's stinky feet, Zhan Tian's heart burst into flames, and he glanced at his son with a face as dark as the bottom of a pot, and couldn't help but make a fool of himself. Shi deliberately asked: "I heard that Meng Tian and those boys have been very good recently, and their combat power has exceeded [-]?"

As soon as the words fell, the hall fell into an unspeakable silence again, and the atmosphere became both depressing and embarrassing.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?" Jin Zheng broke the silence with a flash of anger in his eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just a sigh!" Zhan Tian said with a self-deprecating smile, "Hey, we've lived so many years in vain, and even a few talented trash boys can't compare..."

Except for the three powerhouses from the Third City, the other nine empire powerhouses all looked unsightly. They couldn't help but think of the scene that happened on the airport apron before, and they were filled with hatred and dissatisfaction.

Nima, why are you juniors accompanied by Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, while only a major general Mu Yuan received the imperial delegation?

That's right, Lin Sha, you are really strong, but we are all old people of your grandfather's generation, so why don't you know how to respect it?

Of course, they will never admit that they are jealous of those boys, it is impossible for this to happen.

Seeing this, Kim Jong just sneered, he didn't speak and he didn't join in. Could it be possible to change the huge gap in strength with a few words of addiction?

Don't be kidding, Mu Yuan's side is very realistic, people just value stronger players, no matter how envious and jealous you are, it's useless.

"Your Excellency Jin Zheng, when did those boys of Meng Tian break through, do you know?" Confounding Jin Zheng's "good thing", Zhan Tian secretly asked about the real thing.

"En?" Frowning slightly, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Zhantian Gourd. Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him again, Jin Zheng replied seriously without thinking too much: "It's been eight years since I left the Yanhuang galaxy. I don't know much about the specific situation of Meng Tian and the others."

"Otherwise, it seems that the trials of the school-age people these years are all arranged by you?" Zhan Tian squinted his eyes and pointed out.

"Hehe, it seems that Your Majesty doesn't know much about my situation in recent years!" A trace of anger flashed in Jin Zheng's eyes. In order to achieve a breakthrough in strength, most of the time was spent in the closed training room..."

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder in the hall was getting stronger and stronger, Jin Zheng and Zhan Tian's faces became darker and darker, as if they were about to issue a bill.Not to mention that the eleven strong men of the empire who were sitting were very uncomfortable, even Zhan Jue was in a state of anxiety. I don't know why the father was so angry, and suddenly he was so angry against His Excellency Kim Jong?

He didn't know that his father Zhan Tian was depressed, he was looking for a chance to vent it out.

Since Lin Sha's sudden rise, this guy has become Zhan Tian's confidant.

It's a pity that the speed of this guy's rise is too fast, and all kinds of suppression methods are useless before they are fully used.Later, the empire encountered a series of troubles. First, it was harassed by the biological empire's effect troops, then several major interstellar forces joined forces to fight against the enemy, and finally it was interstellar turmoil that participated in the battle in the central star field.

When he recovered from a series of battles, he was depressed to find that Lin Sha had grown into an unshakable entwined tree.

Not only that, but because of his origin in the third city, as Lin Sha's strength rapidly increased, the overall strength of the main star's third city also expanded rapidly, surpassing the royal family in one fell swoop and becoming the largest force in the empire.

It must be very dangerous to maintain such a situation. Fortunately, at this time, Lin Sha's ambitions were inflated and he was not satisfied with being a younger brother. He made a decision that he thought was the most stupid. When his own power was still on the rise, he hurriedly wanted to establish his own family.

He was indeed very angry at that time, but what's the use of being angry?

Lin Sha's strength lies there. If he does not want to seriously damage the vitality of the empire, it is really too difficult to kill him.

Since this kid wanted to stand on his own, Zhan Tian simply sent him along, so that he could see nothing.

I thought Zhan Tian could breathe a sigh of relief in the empire that this guy had left.But who would have expected that in the Central Star Wars, this guy would shine again and become famous. Zhan Tian, ​​who was about to rush to help out, was really embarrassed, and he was really suffocated in his heart after suffering from the white eyes of the Muyuan powerhouses.

Not long after, Lin Sha left the central star field with an excuse, and Zhan Tian breathed a sigh of relief, finally not having to live in that guy's shadow all day long.But not long after the news came from the headquarters of the empire, the third city deliberately sent all the people of the right age to the Yanhuang galaxy built by Linsha under the pretext of the turbulent interstellar situation, saying that it was a trial.

At that time, he was so angry that his face turned green, and he scolded Jin Zheng for being a joke, and he did all kinds of inconsequential things.

You know, he is trying his best to downplay Lin Sha's influence, but it stands to reason that if the first batch of school-age people succeed in the trial, it will be almost impossible to sever this connection in the future.

Well, anyway, he was far away in the central star field, so he pinched his nose to recognize it and pretended not to see it.

When the Warriors of the Central Starfield ended and he returned to the Warrior Galaxy with the "Victory Division", the first thing he did was to strictly restrict people of the right age from going to Yanhuangxing to participate in the trials. Even if there is a little loss in expanding the influence within the empire, he will admit it.

Originally, he thought that he would not have anything to do with Lin Sha, but the news from the Muyuan galaxy five years ago almost made his lungs explode.Muyuan is going to hold a high-level 'Challenge for the Strong'. According to his son Zhanjue's relationship on Muyuan, Lin Sha received an invitation from Muyuan immediately, and there is also a Lieutenant-level masters came to invite them personally.

But as for the empire, Mu Yuan sent a notification invitation, instead of being perfunctory and indifferent, he obviously looked down on people.

For this matter, he has been annoyed for more than a year.Fortunately, in the next four years, I seldom heard news about Yanhuang Galaxy and Lin Sha, so the days became a little cleaner.

But it turns out that Lin Sha is not so easy to deal with.

No, we meet again after seven years.This guy added a lot of trouble to Zhan Tian's heart.

In the past few years, he has been training hard, and his combat power has reached a height of [-]. Even in the history of the warrior clan, he is a rare master.You can look at Mu Yuan's reception specifications, only a major-general level strongman is sent to welcome him.Looking at the bastard Lin Sha, there was a Lieutenant General Mu Yuan who greeted him attentively.

Such naked discriminatory treatment, it would be strange if he was not angry.

What frustrates him the most is that the strength of Lin Sha's cronies has also increased greatly, and their combat power has exceeded the [-] combat limit.Judging from the words of their son's battle, these boys have never failed in the private challenges against the strong with a combat power of less than [-]. It can be said that the scenery is infinite and the mood is naturally more gloomy.

Adding up these dissatisfaction, it is natural to find a good partner to vent.Jin Zheng, as the one with the best relationship with Lin Sha in the party, who else can he trouble him if he doesn't trouble him?

Just when the tension in the lobby was about to explode, the hotel waiter suddenly reported that Lin Sha, the leader of the Yanhuang Galaxy, came to visit with his hands.

All of a sudden, the tense atmosphere in the hall disappeared, replaced by a weirder atmosphere.

"Haha, Your Excellency Lin Sha is here. I just want to find him to catch up with the past. I will go out to greet you first..." Jin Zhengyi slapped his hands and laughed loudly, winking at the two confidantes present, and then the three Let's go to the door of the hotel together.

"Come on, let's go out to meet him too, lest others see the joke!" Zhan Tian's complexion changed for a while, he pondered for a moment and made a decision immediately, ignoring the surprised eyes of others, he greeted his son Zhan Jue, and told him first The three of Shang Jinzheng headed towards the door together... (To be continued.)

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