() What, what is this situation?

Lin Sha was completely dumbfounded. After all, they were all interstellar superpowers, and Shu was more than twice as strong as the opponent. Even if the average combat power was not as good as those alien interstellar half-orc powerhouses, he still didn't behave so frustrated?

The faces of the Space Marines make you bastards lose their eyes. .

Look, one mile away from his left hand, there are two interstellar superpowers teaming up to fight against the snake-headed, four-armed alien interstellar powerhouse. After all, they are two against one, and their combat power is over [-]. Even if they have The fighting power of the four arms exceeds one hundred thousand, but there is no need to run around like a mouse?

Looking at the right hand side, two miles away, there are four strong fighters fighting fiercely.

But Nima three-on-one, three interstellar superpowers with a combat power of about [-], joining forces to deal with an alien interstellar half-orc powerhouse turned out to be a close game, can you be more brave?

This is not only the case in these two places, none of the interstellar superpowers who are fighting in other places on the top of the mountain has the upper hand in the battle. It is already rare to be able to barely maintain an unbeaten situation. to describe.

What made Lin Sha most dissatisfied was that these guys didn't even try their best, and they didn't care about their own face to pretend to be cowardly in front of the alien powerhouse.The extraterrestrial powerhouse moves fiercely and fatally, but you are lucky to hold back at such a critical moment?

If you really want to go all out without reservation, although the overall strength of the interstellar superpowers is indeed weaker than this group of alien interstellar half-orc powerhouses, the performance will not be so bad with such an obvious numerical advantage.

Damn, if you send out a few more big moves, you will die...

No one is a fool, and Lin Sha understands what these interstellar superpowers representing various forces are thinking about.But it is clear and clear, but he is very difficult to accept such a result.

I have explained to them beforehand that those strong alien interstellar half-orcs are just a group of lonely ghosts, and they work alone in the outer interstellar, so there is no need to worry about any trouble if they are wiped out.

Now it seems that no one listened to what he said at the beginning.

Nima, this way of doing things is really shocking.

Fortunately, there are interstellar superpowers who are willing to work hard on the battlefield. Although they are all friends or companions of the three who were killed by the tiger-headed half-orc powerhouse before, the number is only four, and they are completely desperate. The posture really bluffed the three strong alien interstellar half-orcs and couldn't get away for a while.

However, their situation is indeed not optimistic. Not to mention the four of them are covered in red and colorful, their bodies are covered with scars and their movements are slow, revealing many flaws.Two of the interstellar powerhouses with a combat power of just over [-] had already been severely injured at this time, and they still struggled with perseverance under the weight of the bull-headed half-orc powerhouse.

As for the other two superpowers of the Violent Bear Empire, although the combat power of one exceeds 11, the figure is like the wind and his hands are like lightning, and the combat power of the other reaches an astonishing [-].It's a pity that they were seriously affected by the operation before, and seeing the pain on their faces, it was obviously at the end of their strength.

Moreover, the strong bull-headed and horse-headed half-orcs are obviously in the same group. Not only do they all cooperate with each other with a combat power of more than twelve, but they also cooperate with each other quite tacitly. The one-man sneak attack made a lot of noise, and it can be said that he had the absolute upper hand.

I didn't say anything, if you want to help, just help, so sincere and willing to work hard!

Seeing that the situation of the four of them was getting worse, Lin Sha flew over without saying a word, kicked the bird-headed half-orc strong with his feet like lightning, and then used the 'whirlwind legs' to create a whirlwind of legs He forced the bull-headed horse-headed half-orc back.

"How about it, can you still hold on?"

Sliding forward lightly, he raised his right leg with a 'Phoenix Kick' to knock down the unreconciled bird-headed half-orc powerhouse, and by the way turned his head and rushed towards the four interstellar super powerhouses who were almost indistinct. road.

"No problem, even if there are a few more uncivilized beasts, I can handle it!"

"Haha Linsha, don't look down on me, I can fight for at least an hour!"


Although the four were in a panic, none of them was willing to back down.

"Okay, it's all good." Lin Sha's fists were like dragons flying out of the sea, and he knocked the two half-orcs with a bull head and a horse head into the air one by one.

"Here, this is my special healing potion, take it quickly and let's fight together!"

Quickly took out four thumb-sized bottles from his bosom, and threw them to the four people who were almost dumbfounded. Lin Sha's figure was like the wind, and he launched a stormy and continuous offensive against the three strong half-orcs. , Gatling Machine Cannon Fist, Dragon and Tiger Flurry Dance, Whirlwind Fist, Tornado Whirlwind Fist...

The bird-headed half-orcs, plus the bull-headed and horse-headed half-orcs were violently abused by Lin Sha for a while. Various bruises on their bodies were increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all kinds of edema and injuries on their bodies formed a full and strong circle.

What makes them both depressed and terrified is that no matter how they struggle and resist, the final result is just being abused, abused and abused again.The severe pain from all over the body sent them stern warnings again and again. Their strong bodies were being tortured and there was a risk of being unable to support them at any time.

They were scared and wanted to back down, but Linsha refused.

Under the inconceivable gazes of the four interstellar powerhouses who took the special healing potion, wrapped in raging blue flames like gods descending from the earth, they first violently tortured the three alien interstellar half-orc powerhouses who they thought were tyrannical and invincible.When the three strong half-orcs were tortured and wanted to escape, they punched three times in a row and sent the three strong aliens to hell, even giving them the chance to die together. No.

"What are you still doing, let's kill the enemy together!"

Lin Sha yelled in dissatisfaction, and the four interstellar powerhouses who recovered most of their bodies from the healing potion woke up, forming a powerful temporary team that swept across the entire mountaintop battlefield like a whirlwind.

"Tornado—Whirlwind Fist!"

Lin Sha cleared the way ahead, and bumped into a mighty extraterrestrial half-orc powerhouse who slammed out a 'tornado whirlwind fist', and the powerful energy tornado instantly swept the unprepared alien powerhouse up into a madness Cut and pull.

"Blast Flame Energy Cannon!" "Ice Flame Shockwave!" "Energy Blaster Cannon!" "Silver Blast Ball!"

The four interstellar superpowers were followed by an energy attack. In a series of violent energy explosions and large groups of energy flames of various colors, the half-orc powerhouses were thrown far away, and a piece of blood was thrown in the air. Blood rain, Lin Sha even more bluntly sent this severely injured half-orc powerhouse to hell... (To be continued.

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