() "As for the extraterrestrial powerhouse, it's nonsense!" The veteran super powerhouse sneered again and again: "How many of us have seen the alien powerhouse before this?"

This makes sense, except for the few extremely powerful interstellar forces that can't figure out the depth, the rest of the interstellar forces, no matter how big or small, have almost no possibility of contacting outer interstellar forces.

Even Lin Sha, who has a lot of experience, has never encountered any alien interstellar forces except for Mi Ke, a strong man in outer space. Of course, Mu Yuan and the biological empire have integrated into the interstellar.

That's right, Mi Ke's "Western Wilderness Sanctuary" is defined by Lin Sha as an outer space area.

Through interrogation, it was learned that the 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' is simply a world of light, without planets or space, only huge islands floating in the ocean of light.As for the exact size of this world of light, Mi Ke, the unlucky guy, doesn't know the truth, he only knows that it is so big that it seems to have no boundaries.

Although the Xihe galaxy is located in a remote area of ​​the western star field, it belongs to interstellar forces and is not an alien visitor.

In a word, before coming to Muyuan Planet, none of you here had contact with extraterrestrial forces.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Lin Sha's face was full of curiosity.

The veteran interstellar powerhouse showed a heavy expression on his face, waved his hand and said solemnly: "What I want to know is, what does Mu Yuan mean by inviting us here?"

These words touched the hearts of many strong people present, even Zhan Tian showed an expression of approval.

How should I put it, there is no way for them to participate in the high-standard 'Challenge of the Strong' with their strength.Not to mention the group of terrifying alien interstellar powerhouses who just arrived a few days ago, even the alien stragglers who were killed by them before, they can't do it. Among the strong men here, there are only seven or eight who are qualified to do it. , are all superpowers with a combat power of more than [-].

If you haven't seen those strong half-orcs, or if you have done it directly, maybe most of the strong people here will yell unambiguously: That's all!

Or Huanhui aroused the desire to fight in his heart, wanting to show off his skills in the world-renowned arena of the 'Strong Challenge'.

But now, after being beaten by those strong men who acted like stragglers, the other strong men except Lin Sha no longer have the confidence.Even the few other interstellar superpowers who plan to participate in the 'Strongman Challenge' are just thinking of gaining experience, and it would be nice if they can be kicked out of the ring without crap.

Here comes the problem...

Others don't know if it's not clear about Mu Yuan who invited all the interstellar forces.Knowing that the strength of the visiting interstellar powerhouses is not as good as the alien powerhouses they invited, why is it so grand?

If something goes wrong, it will be a demon!

Who here is not a figure in power of their respective forces, no one is a fool.In particular, there are so many interstellar forces invited by Mu Yuan, even several veteran interstellar medium-sized forces have been invited.If it wasn't for the mysterious 'Eastern Emperor' who deliberately tried to save face of the many forces in the interstellar world, then there must be something important to discuss.

Otherwise, would you let a representative of a force with a combat power of less than [-] come over to be ashamed and conspicuous?

Now that the topic has been picked up, Lin Sha naturally doesn't mind talking more.He glanced at all the interstellar powerhouses present, and finally set his eyes on the veteran interstellar powerhouse, and asked in a deep voice: "Then what do you think, and you haven't received any hint from Mu Yuan?"

"Of course I received it, otherwise I would have embarked on the return journey now!" The veteran interstellar powerhouse nodded in the middle, and laughed at himself after speaking: "After returning from the open sea, I have already given up my ambition to fight for the throne, and I feel that I will stay here again." It's not interesting, so I'm going to pack up my things and leave..."

"It's just that I didn't expect that a certain general came to the door the day before yesterday to persuade him to stay, implying that there is something important to discuss after the 'Strong Challenge'!" He spread his hands with a wry smile and said, "No, I will rely on The senior qualifications connected in series in the VIP area, but I didn't expect that everyone's situation is basically the same, so we got together to find out the reason!"

All the powerhouses nodded in agreement, expressing that this was the case.

Afterwards, everyone's attention was focused on Zhan Tian, ​​who made the strategic alliance between Warrior Empire and Mu Yuan.For other interstellar forces, Muyuan is still very mysterious.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not familiar with Mu Yuan!" Zhan Tian hurriedly waved his hands and smiled bitterly.

"No!" Some interstellar powers questioned: "I heard that Prince Zhanjue has been in the Muyuan Galaxy for nearly ten years, so he should know some inside information!"

"Yes, Your Excellency Zhan Tian, ​​if you have anything to say, just say it!" Another interstellar powerhouse said: "After all, we are all from interstellar, so we will take care of any difficulties, and we will not let you suffer. !"

"Yeah, this time it is related to the vast majority of powerful forces in the interstellar world. How can we feel at ease if we don't know?"


Seeing the disbelief on the faces of the interstellar powerhouses present, they asked questions one after another, and some even showed dissatisfaction and displeasure. He hurriedly got up and gave up his head in annoyance, pointed at Lin Sha and said bluntly: "I don't mean to deceive you sirs, yes I really don’t know much about Mu Yuan, you can just ask Your Excellency Lin Sha!”

Lin Sha was not annoyed at being 'betrayed' by Zhan Tian without any hesitation. Seeing the eyes of the big guys all coming over, he stood up without hesitation and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty Zhan Tian did not deceive you about this point. Although it is a strategic alliance, one can imagine how much authority Mu Yuan has opened up in terms of the strength of the two parties!"

All the interstellar powerhouses present here are right when they think about it. It's no wonder that Zhantian's rubbish strength and those General Mu Yuan with high eyesight can take a fancy to him.Zhan Tian was embarrassed by the weird and pitiful eyes of a group of strong men, and he was very angry and resentful towards Lin Sha in his heart.

Hit people without slapping them in the face, swearing at them without revealing their faults, do you guys ever talk like that?

Lin Sha didn't have the mind to pay attention to Zhan Tian's anger. At this moment, he was walking back and forth in the small meeting room. Seeing his behavior like this, the interstellar powerhouses immediately fell silent, knowing that this Your Excellency might know something.

The atmosphere in the small conference room suddenly became tense. Even Zhan Tian, ​​who knew the inside story earlier, couldn't help but sit up straight, staring at Lin Sha to see if he had anything else to say.

Keenly aware of the changes in the atmosphere of the small conference room, Lin Sha organized his language and did not rush to tell what he knew. Instead, he broke the news first: "Before coming to the Muyuan galaxy, a mysterious and polite person suddenly visited The Yanhuang galaxy. Everyone definitely does not know the identity of this guest, he is from the remote Xihe galaxy in the western star field..."

When a group of interstellar powerhouses gathered together to discuss Mu Yuan's intentions, somewhere on the other side of Mu Yuan Star, in one of the tallest and most majestic palaces among the magnificent palace complexes, a discussion about Conversations about the interstellar powerhouses of all parties.

On the steps in the depths of the palace stood a luxurious and high-grade chair, made of unknown material that emitted colorful rays of light. A handsome man who was only two meters away was sitting on it.

I don't know how old this handsome man is, but he exudes a strong and inviolable aura of superiors all the time, and a deep and depressing aura circulates around him all the time.

At this time, he was sitting leisurely with a glass of red wine in his hand, taking a sip from time to time, narrowing his long and narrow eyes slightly, resting his head on the armrest of the chair with his right hand, as if he had no intention of asking: "I heard that the interstellar is coming. What did the gang of guys get together to discuss again?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" From the shadows in the depths of the palace, an unusually tall and sturdy man walked out, with long purple hair reaching his waist, and his muscles were full of explosive star strength.It's just that a long scar across the face has ruined the overall image, making people know it's not a good stubble at first glance.

"What kind of demon moth are they making?" The handsome man called His Majesty showed a trace of displeasure on his face, and said dissatisfiedly, "Didn't you let the subordinates pass the message to them?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the people below have already passed the message!" The sturdy and strong man of Zifa replied respectfully.

"Then what are they doing?" The handsome His Majesty said in a deep voice with a sharp glint in his eyes.

"This..." The Zifa strong man pondered for a moment, and replied honestly: "I guess I don't know what to do, and I want to find out our real intentions!"

"Hmph, the ants-like bastard, do you really think you've lived too long?" The majesty was very dissatisfied, the cup in his hand turned into powder with a 'bang', and a hint of ferocity appeared on his handsome face: "Since they are so If you don’t know what’s good and what’s wrong, let the subordinates take action and give you a good lesson, the ants should have the consciousness of ants!”

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The burly man in Zifa agreed, but his feet didn't move.

"Why, is there a problem?" His Majesty immediately noticed that his subordinates were normal, straightened his sitting posture slightly, and asked curiously: "As for the ants in the interstellar world, there shouldn't be any characters that Marshal Feng Lin is afraid of?"

"Others also said that it only needs to be dispatched by Tiemu!" Marshal Zifa Fenglin hesitated for a moment and said uncertainly: "It is His Excellency Lin Sha from the Yanhuang galaxy that makes people unpredictable!"

"Oh, what the marshal is talking about is the young man who showed great power when he fought against alien friends?" His majesty became interested, and there was a trace of inquiry on his handsome face.

"That's right, this guy is hiding too deeply, and he can't see clearly what his strength is?" Marshal Feng Lin's eyes flashed when he said this, he looked up at His Majesty and begged for orders: "Your Majesty, why don't you let me do it myself?" Go try that guy's depth?"

"No!" His Majesty, who was sitting on the high chair, categorically rejected it with a wave of Dashui: "Just let General 'Gu' come forward, the guys from the Yanyang Galaxy will arrive in a few days, and you need to come forward to meet the suppression in person." ..." (to be continued.)

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