super space warrior

Chapter 36 Good thing

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"What, Zhu Wen ran away?" Lin Sha's expression immediately darkened.

"Yes, yes!" Xia Houyuan sweated profusely and felt Alexander, and explained bravely, "When I rushed over with my troops, the Zhu family was already empty!" "Hmph, this guy is really clever!" Lin Sha Duan sat on the high chair with gloomy eyes, gently stroked the smooth armrest with his right hand, and said with a sneer, "Otherwise, I will make him know what life is better than death!"

Xia Houyuan felt a chill rushing towards Tianling from the soles of his feet, and he shivered coldly, and cautiously asked: "Boss, now that Zhu Wen is no longer in Xiyuan, will it cause any unnecessary trouble?"

"Wouldn't it be better without him?" Lin Sha sneered, glanced at the shopkeeper Xiahou with an uncertain face, and said indifferently: "Without this bastard exploiting, how much less trouble would we have? Not to mention the small town The lives of the residents will be greatly improved, and the merchants will definitely applaud in secret. Don't make a bitter face, just say what you think!"

"Boss, I'm worried, I'm worried..." Xia Houyuan was a little hesitant at first, but when Lin Sha stared at him, he broke out in a cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said, "Zhu Wen represents the government after all. What would the town be like without his suppression?"

Lin Sha frowned slightly, this is indeed a trouble.He didn't want to affect his plan because of such a bad thing.

"Are there any official figures in the town?"

"No more!" Xia Houyuan shook his head and said, "Actually, according to the rules, the government should not directly send officials to manage the town. Isn't this Xiyuan Town's special geographical location?"

Indeed, as the most remote stronghold in the southwest of the Hualong Empire and the closest to the beast forest, Xiyuan Town has a very special geographical location.Surrounded by a cloud-piercing mountain range and ferocious beast forest that stretched for nearly ten thousand miles, there were no other human strongholds within a radius of two hundred miles, and the nearest city, Caiyun City, was more than a hundred miles away.

If it wasn't for the surveillance needs of the Wild Beast Forest and the attraction of the rare specialties in the forest, I'm afraid the empire would have given up here long ago.But now that Zhu Wen is running away, it means that the imperial officials have lost control of Xiyuan Town.

"Since the surname Zhu has run away, let's find someone to act as the mayor temporarily!" After much deliberation, Lin Sha only thought of such an idea.

"No one can have such prestige!" Xia Houyuan spread his hands with helplessness on his face, and said bitterly: "No matter if you follow up, other forces in the town will not agree, and there will inevitably be chaos for a while!"

"Besides, we are outsiders after all, and we have established ourselves in the town for less than half a year. It's polite for everyone to rely on us to get rich, but when it comes to personal strength, it's hard to say how many people can listen to our words!"

Hearing this, Lin Sha's face darkened, he straightened his back and snorted coldly: "Hmph, don't listen, don't listen until they listen!"

"That's a way!" Xia Houyuan broke out in a cold sweat, bowed his body and said with a sneer: "With your strength, the Dong Family, it's not impossible to suppress those local forces that are not strong enough. But the key is..."

Speaking of this, Xia Houyuan paused deliberately to give Lin Sha a buffer time, and then he spread his hands and said in a deep voice: "As long as Caiyun City sends an official document, those local forces who are not convinced will unite and make trouble. It's also a mess!"

"The ones that can't be avoided are those local forces?" To the surprise of the treasurer Xiahou, Lin Sha didn't lose his temper, but instead asked with a calm smile.

He nodded numbly, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of his boss?

"Since you can't get around these guys, let's pull them in!" Lin Sha waved his hands and said with a look of indifference: "Every family will send representatives to jointly form the ruling committee of the town hall. We can provide armed protection. As for those few The local forces involved must ensure the appeasement of the residents in the town!"

"This, this, this, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this..."

Xia Houyuan suddenly opened his eyes wide, his mind went blank, and he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"What could be wrong?" Lin Sha curled her lips disapprovingly, rolled her eyes and said relaxedly: "It doesn't matter to me who controls Xiyuan Town, but I must not delay the mining of Hulu Mountain, otherwise who will stand in the way Whoever has to accept punishment, I don't mind sending their whole family to hell!"

Seeing that Xia Houyuan kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, his face was pale and he opened his mouth to say something, Lin Sha waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, no need to say more, the matter is decided like this, you will take full responsibility for it thing!"

Speaking of this, he did not forget to warn: "Remember, my request is very simple. Xiyuan can't mess with the mining on the Gourd Mountain Range and can't be affected. You can make up your own mind about other things, and I fully support them. That's all, I'm not in the mood to chat with these people if I don't know anything interesting!"

Xia Houyuan nodded obediently, his face was pale and trembling, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes...


In the next few days, Lin Sha was extremely busy. Apart from urging the young and strong slaves in the Calabash Mountains to increase the mining volume and smelting speed, he had to take time to sit at the headquarters of the Lin's Trading Company in Xiyuan to deal with possible unexpected changes.

Sure enough, the running and connecting of Xiahou's shopkeeper did not go smoothly.When the leaders of the local forces heard that Zhu Wen was gone, they all looked strange and reacted strangely, both gloating and feeling overwhelmed.

Zhu Wen is really unpopular. The heads of these local forces have already received the news, and the ins and outs of the matter are even clearer.They were secretly shocked by the tyrannical force displayed by Lin's trading house, and they couldn't help but feel sorry for each other, while laughing at Zhu Wen's overreaching and greed.

However, when Xia Houyuan implicitly hinted that Xizhen could not be left alone for a day, and wanted them to support the candidates proposed by the trading house, all of them changed their faces, and firmly refused to agree to the "ridiculous" proposal made by the trading house.

Frightened by the tyrannical force displayed by the trading house, they did not dare to make any overreactions, but they did not use less means overtly and secretly. In short, it meant the same thing: We resolutely do not agree to this rude request made by the trading house!

Xia Houyuan didn't take this seriously, and then put forward the draft that he had prepared long ago, asking each family to send out a representative to form a joint ruling committee of the township office, and everyone would work together to take down the township's ruling power.

This proposal made some of the heads of the local forces hesitate. This is a good thing they had never dared to think about before...

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