super space warrior

Chapter 360 The Price of Contempt

() "Flame Energy Bomb!"

"Earth energy blaster!"

On a large battlefield somewhere outside Muyuanxing, a huge khaki energy mask covered the entire island like a pot lid.And on the island land with flat terrain and continuous hills, a fierce battle is going on at this time

I saw two straight figures facing each other floating in the air, waving their arms and using their abilities, a fiery red energy light column with a diameter of about one meter collided with a yellowish energy light ball with a diameter of more than two meters in the air.


Two groups of dazzling flames exploded suddenly in the air, and the entire sky turned into red and yellow colors. A wave of energy aftermaths and chaotic air flow swayed around, constantly creating circles of ripples on the huge earthy yellow energy mask .

The ear-shattering explosions oscillated back and forth inside the island, causing the strong spectators standing at both ends of the island to hear a roar, and before the red and yellow energy flames dissipated, the two vigorous figures had already slammed into each other .

The two sides punched their heads and kicked their knees with great joy, the air in the sky was screaming and screaming, and every punch and every foot was accompanied by a deafening sonic boom.

From time to time, fiery red energy flames and earthy yellow energy flames criss-crossed, and if a little leakage fell on the island, it would cause a huge explosion, creating ugly pits one after another on the desolate and barren island.

"Boss, who do you think has a better chance of winning?"

There were rumbling noises in his ears, Meng Tian asked loudly while staring at the battle in the air.

Lin Sha was standing beside him, with his arms folded and his body gently drifting more than half a foot off the ground. After hearing Meng Tian's question, he didn't answer, "The two positions are comparable in terms of superficial strength, but Mu Yuan The lieutenant general is from an alien world, and he probably has a lot of hidden strength, so your Excellency xx has little chance of winning!"

Sure enough, not long after he finished speaking, the air combat situation changed.Perhaps it was because he was unable to win the opponent for a long time, or he felt that his face was dull. In short, among the two strong men who were originally fighting equally, Lieutenant General Mu Yuan's strength suddenly soared, and his combat power broke through [-] to [-] in an instant. It is so huge that it suddenly has the absolute upper hand.

The interstellar powerhouse Your Excellency xx suffered a great loss by being caught off guard, and had no time to react to being hit again and again, his face was immediately covered with bright red blood, and the utterly miserable wailing was repeated one after another.

"Oh, it's messed up, Your Excellency xx is completely messed up, it's impossible to be undefeated!"

At this time, even a fool can see that the situation has been settled, and the interstellar powerhouse Your Excellency xx is still in a mess under such a situation, the attack is disorderly and the defense is weak, and it is unreasonable to be undefeated.

But in the blink of an eye, Your Excellency xx, the interstellar powerhouse who could barely hold on just now, completely lost the power to resist after self-disruption. Kicking to the ground, smashing a deep hole on the sandy ground, not to mention giving two extra energy balls along the way.

At the end of the battle, General Mu Yuan won a big victory!

The atmosphere at the edge of the battle field was very heavy, and the interstellar powerhouses standing nearby were depressed, and their faces were ugly.Nima has lost ten games in a row, do you want to be so ashamed?

If you do something super strong, you look at me, I look at you, no one has the intention to speak, the battle is so embarrassing, and the morale of their own side is low right now, they don't want to let the little brother go up and shame.

Everyone stared and stared in silence for a while, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward for a while, but no one spoke.

"Cough cough..."

A cough broke the embarrassing atmosphere at the scene. Three hundred pairs of piercing eyes looked over at the same time. Lin Sha said without changing his face and heartbeat: "Since everyone wants to give up the opportunity, then I will not be polite." Already!"

"Your Majesty Lin Sha, are you going to play in person?" The interstellar super strong asked in surprise after a while of trembling.

"No, your Excellency is our main general, and the opponent's general-level power is what we have to deal with!" Another interstellar super power objected: "How about we go out in person?"


After all the experts had finished discussing, Lin Sha stretched out his hand and pressed down to signal everyone to be quiet.A group of interstellar superpowers kept their mouths shut, and the younger brothers behind them who didn't know the inside story kept their mouths shut tightly, and looked curiously at Lin Sha, the mysterious powerhouse.

"I understand what everyone means, please rest assured that I didn't do it myself!" Lin Sha waved his hands and smiled lightly to assure, then turned around and pulled Meng Tian over to introduce him: "I think this kid is familiar with you, you are right, he is Meng Tian My most powerful little brother, this time I plan to let him touch him!"

"Well, do you want to think about it again, Your Excellency?" Lin Sha's decision once again aroused fierce reactions from the interstellar powerhouses, and some of the irritable ones couldn't help but persuade them.

Although the words were very euphemistic, the meaning was slapping and hurtful, which showed that he was not optimistic about Meng Tian's strength and results.

That's right, the Muyuan powerhouses on the opposite side are all lieutenant generals at the lowest level, and all of them have a combat power of more than [-].Although Meng Tian has been in the limelight recently, but his real combat power is only [-], how can he compete with the strong Mu Yuan Lieutenant General?

"Don't worry boss, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations!"

Be underestimated!

Meng Tian's face was flushed from suffocation, and the blue veins on his forehead and arms burst out, ignoring the true or false reassurance of a group of interstellar superpowers, he raised his neck and promised loudly.

"Hehe, you don't need to say more, I have confidence in my little brother!" Seeing that Meng Tian offended most of the strong people present with just one opening of his mouth, the atmosphere was a little cold, he shook his head secretly and smoothed things over: "Let's talk about our sending Meng Tian to the field to invite the battle , How dare those proud Hungry Muyuan powerhouses on the opposite side send out powerhouses with a combat power of more than [-]?"

Regardless of whether they disdain to scold Meng Tian for being arrogant, or gloat for fun, or are really worried about Meng Tian's comfort, Lin Sha's words have reached this point, and they can't say anything more, so they can only nod and acquiesce that Meng Tian represents the interstellar side play.

"Meng Tian, ​​work hard, don't embarrass me!" Lin Sha pulled Meng Tian aside and whispered.

Meng Tian's expression was bitter but not curious, and he said: "Boss, I am full of confidence if you don't say this, but when you say this, I feel like Alexander..."

"You kid, don't make excuses for your failure. If you lose too badly, it's up to me to deal with you!" Lin Sha cursed with a smile, half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Don't worry, Boss, I will work hard to bring out my best strength!" Meng Tian said calmly.

"That's good, that's good, that's a good attitude, work hard and strive for extraordinary performance, boy, I'm optimistic about you!" Lin Sha nodded and smiled in satisfaction, and after encouraging him, he pushed Meng Tian out fiercely.

"Come on Boss Meng, don't embarrass our Yanhuang Fourth Young Master!" Meng Yi, Li Mu, and Lin Zhan, the three guys who are the most funny, raised their hands and shouted in unison.

Meng Tian's feet were weak and he almost didn't fall to the ground. His body covered with black lines rose into the air, and quickly flew into the air in the middle of the huge battle field.

"What the hell are those interstellar powerhouses doing? Why did they send out a kid with a combat power of less than [-]?" Gently pressing the energy detector next to his ear, the black soil general standing next to General 'Gu' said dissatisfied.

"Who knows?" Admiral Bai Yun on the other side shrugged indifferently, with a disdainful smile on his lips: "Maybe losing ten games in a row made those guys lose their nerve, which is why such a trash brat came up to make up the numbers?"

"Hey, what a bunch of useless trash!" Admiral Heitu obviously accepted this statement.

"That brat is not as simple as you imagined!" The general 'Gu' who had been silent all this time suddenly said, turned his head and glanced at the two capable confidants, and said indifferently: "This brat is the number one younger brother of Lin Sha's subordinates. It can be regarded as a character with a head and a face, with good strength and development potential!"

The two strong generals looked at each other, and curled their lips, obviously disapproving of it.

"Who's next?"

General 'Gu' ignored the thoughts of his confidants and asked lightly.

The twenty or so Mu Yuan generals looked at each other for a while, none of them wanted to accept this boring challenge.It's a matter of course if you win, but if something goes wrong, you'll be ashamed.Besides, the brat's fighting power is only [-], not even [-], and they all have the suspicion of being bullied by the big.

"Ahem, it's Lieutenant General Starlight!" Seeing General 'Gu' frowning, he was obviously impatient, and General Heitu ordered the general without saying a word.

But he didn't act recklessly, Lieutenant General Starlight's combat power was just over [-], and he had just broken through the [-] combat power mark a year ago, which was just right for him to deal with the kid on the other side.

Although Starlight Lieutenant General's expression was not hesitant, he didn't say much, his figure shot up into the sky in a flash, he came to Meng Tian in a few blinks of an eye, he punched Meng Tian without saying a word.

Fighting against a boy with such strength as Meng Tian is a big loss in his eyes, so it's better to end it early to avoid embarrassment.

"Good come!"

Meng Tian had already adjusted his state to the best, his mind was highly concentrated and he was not shaken by the sudden attack of the Starlight Admiral, and he shouted loudly like thunder rolling, shaking the Starlight Admiral's ears buzzing, his body shook like lightning In an instant, he pinched Lieutenant General Xingguang's fisting wrist, bent down and turned around, and threw Lieutenant General Xingguang out.

"Super Machine Cannon Punch!"

Meng Tian roared angrily, followed the Lieutenant General Xingguang who was thrown out in a blink of an eye, and punched hundreds of heavy punches in an instant like the wind, and his fists did not leave the Lieutenant General Xingguang's body.

ah ah ah...

Severe pain came from his body one after another, Starlight Admiral let out a mournful wail, his mouth gulped blood as if he didn't want money, his face was pale and his spirit was sluggish. This is what happens when you despise the enemy... (unfinished to be continued.)

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