() With the lessons learned by the previous five companions, if you don't know how to take it seriously, you are really a fool.

How powerful is a strong man with a combat power of more than [-] when he becomes serious?

Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, who played in the battle, gave all the strong spectators a clear understanding, that is, it is not enough to deal with the super strong who are serious.

For this reason, the five-person team selected by the Stormy Bear Empire paid the price in blood, and rang the bell for the latecomers.

Although the fighting power of the five members of the Storm Bear Empire team is more than [-], the combat power is flexible and tacit, and the combined combat power far exceeds that of the [-] strong fighters, and all of them are brave and brave, even if it is just for such a chance that is not an opportunity. , And dare to fly to block the hole of the gun.

Even if we pay for serious injuries and disabilities for everyone, we must create good opportunities for our partners to do it.I have to say that this kind of tactics is indeed effective. After crippling the combat power of three players in a row, the remaining two finally found a great opportunity to directly attack Lieutenant General Mu Yuan himself. Hit it.

The Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, who had a combat power of [-], was caught off guard and was thrown tens of meters away, spitting out three mouthfuls of blood and being slightly injured, but the battle was over.

The remaining two team members who were still fighting were like newborn babies in front of the furious Lieutenant General Mu Yuan. They were beaten one by one until they vomited blood and became unconscious and lost their fighting ability.

Not every interstellar player has the strength of Mi Mengtian and other Yanhuang Fourth Young Masters!

A clean and complete defeat calmed down the hot-headed powerhouses in the interstellar powerhouse camp, and such depressing thoughts echoed in their heads.Of course, things are all about this, and it is absolutely impossible to back down, no matter whether they are sure or not, the temporary teams formed by various forces must play a battle.

What relieved the interstellar powerhouses who were preparing to fight was that they were not just passively beaten, as long as they were willing to work hard, there was still a chance. Didn't you see that Lieutenant General Mu Yuan vomited blood just now?

It's not terrible to have a gap, what's terrible is that you don't even have the courage to fight a strong enemy!

Immediately afterwards, the Semitic five-member team entered the field, and the opponent was still the Lieutenant General Mu Yuan with a combat power of [-] just now.Of course, after the consumption of the previous battle and a slight injury, it is impossible to maintain the combat power at its peak.

The speed of the Semitic warriors is well-known in the interstellar, walking like the wind as fast as lightning describes the scene when they start.The figures of five Semitic warriors wandered around, leaving behind clear and disabled shadows, but Lieutenant General Mu Yuan was surrounded by phantom shadows that were difficult to distinguish from the real ones. come out.

It seems to understand that ordinary attacks are basically ineffective, after all, there is a gap in combat power.The five great warriors of the Semitic tribe did not go head-to-head with the lieutenant general, but kept walking around and blasting out one or two energy shock waves or energy bombs.Then, regardless of the attack effect, they immediately switched positions, not giving the opponent a chance to capture their true positions.

Lieutenant General Mu Yuan really had some headaches at the beginning. Although his combat speed was no worse than that of Semitic warriors, he could only track one person at most at a time, and had to guard against the sudden energy attack of the other four.The impromptu attacks launched by the Semitic fighters really didn't cause him much trouble, but they couldn't stand up to the frequent attacks of the five Semitic fighters, and the consumption of energy offsetting each other after a while was also extremely alarming.

So at the beginning, the five-member warrior team of the Zhan tribe unexpectedly formed a confrontation with the Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, and for a while, no one could do anything about it.

Later, Lieutenant General Mu Yuan got tired of fighting, and in a hurry, he didn't bother to compete with the five Semitic 'sprinters' in terms of speed, so he directly used such a big killer move as energy attack.

Damn, can't you run, can you still run faster than the energy attack speed?

The effect of this rascal's move is naturally very good, the five active strong men of the Semitic tribe calmed down after being injured again and again, and had to bite the bullet and play hand-to-hand combat with Lieutenant General Mu Yuan.

Fortunately, the group of five Semitic warriors was familiar with Meng Tian and the others. They learned a lot of powerful fighting skills in the daily sparring and fighting.

Due to their own advantages in speed, the five of them are particularly keen on leg skills. Among the KOF characters, the two main players of the Korean team, Kim Jiafan and Quan Xun, imitated the moves well. Of course, it depends on whether they can use their strength to challenge The five-member team of Semitic warriors is capable.

All of a sudden, the shadows of the legs covered the sky and covered the ground in the battle field, almost covering the sight of the strong spectators outside the field.As for that Lieutenant General Mu Yuan, he was naturally submerged in the shadow of his energetic face and legs.

It's a pity that although this continuous leg shadow has a great momentum, its effect is minimal.According to Lin Sha's words, the Semites are blindly pursuing quickness. Although the momentum is good, they almost lose the fierceness and ferocity in the leg skills. Without the powerful destructive power, the leg skills are not as good use.

Sure enough, Lieutenant General Mu Yuan was intimidated by the loud momentum of the five Semitic warriors at first, and he was kicked like a rubber ball frequently, at least hundreds of times.But these kicks did little harm to him, almost negligible. After he fully reacted, he would naturally not be polite, and seized the opportunity to deal with the five Semitic warriors in two or three.

This battle ended with the failure of the interstellar powerhouse camp.

The ensuing battle was a nightmare for the interstellar powerhouses. Dozens of interstellar forces joined the battle one after another, and even the Warrior Empire joined in the fun.But the result was that each combat team only persisted for 10 minutes at most, and they all ended in defeat.

Such a result made it very difficult for the interstellar superpowers in charge. Is this performance too bad?

Before the Fourth Young Master of Yanhuang defeated five lieutenant generals of Mu Yuan, that was five people.But when it was their turn to participate in the battle, not even a Lieutenant General Mu Yuan got down.

Of course they are underestimating themselves. At the very least, Mu Yuan's lieutenant generals also take turns to fight. The strongest one has a combat power of over [-]. Even with such strength, he will only need to change for a rest after five games. It is not easy to force the proud Muyuan expert to do such a thing.

After all the temporary teams organized by various forces in the interstellar world were defeated, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield changed, and the oppressive atmosphere almost made all the powerful people present breathless.

The scene was silent, and no one spoke first, because everyone knew that the real highlight of this competition was about to begin... (To be continued.)

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