() "The target has appeared. The target has appeared. It will take half a month to arrive at the ambush area, and then half a month to arrive at the ambush area. Please prepare for battle in all parts..."

Near the waterway in the border area between the southern star field and the western star field, there are three huge and hideous large interstellar warships hidden in a desolate asteroid star field.

The body of the battleship is densely covered with ferocious muzzles of energy cannons, with fiery red energy rays circulating in the barrels of the energy cannons from time to time, obviously ready to charge and fire at any time.

Originally, the icon marking a certain faction on the bow of the ship was empty, but looking at their positions, it was obvious that what was planned was not very visible, which is why they were so cautious.

But the person they ambushed was still confused at this time, not understanding why the strong warning signs came from and where did the danger come from?

"Boss, are you overthinking?" Meng Tian disapproved when he learned that Lin Sha was worried.

"I also hope it's just my overthinking!" Sitting at the front desk of the battleship control center, Lin Sha said depressedly: "But at my level, it's hard for you guys to understand the sense of danger!"

Before, he thought it was just an illusion. Who would have thought that even the unlucky Mi Ke would have such a feeling, so he couldn't take it lightly.Although Mi Ke's strength is ordinary, he can't hold back his extraordinary background.In Lin Sha's view, the so-called 'Western Wilderness Sanctuary' should be a special plane located on the plane where the stars are located.

It can be seen from the unlucky Mi Ke that the powerhouses in the 'Sanctuary' have some special abilities, especially in terms of spiritual power.This guy has been imprisoned for more than ten years, during which he was tortured even more, and his ability to live well has also improved significantly. This is a clear proof that Lin Sha cannot ignore it.

However, when he told his four younger brothers about his worries, what he got in exchange was their disapproval.

This is not to blame for the four of them being careless, they really have confidence in themselves and Lin Sha.

Unless the four great generals from Muyuan's side come out together, even if they want to wipe them out, there is little hope. This is the universe, can't they escape if they can't be defeated?

Time flew by in Lin Sha's depression, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The omen in Lin Sha's heart not only did not disappear but became stronger, and his mood was irritable and his temper was not very good. Fortunately, Mi Ke was a punching bag for the unlucky egg, otherwise Meng Tian and the others would be in trouble.

Affected by Lin Sha's emotions, Meng Tian and the others dismissed the previous disapproval, and became a little suspicious. The quality of daily training plummeted, and Lin Sha took the opportunity to repair it severely.

Not only did Lin Sha's sense of danger become stronger, but even the unlucky Mi Ke's sense of crisis became more and more clear, as if something so critical that his life was in danger was about to come.With his current combat power approaching [-], the existence that could threaten his life and safety, it would be no problem to kill those guys like Meng Tian, ​​which made him feel more and more uneasy.

For this reason, while sending out reconnaissance aircraft to reconnaissance warships in all directions, he also contacted His Excellency Kim Jong who was still on the Muyuan main star through a special communication channel, and asked if those famous Muyuan powerhouses had suddenly disappeared or left?

From his point of view, the one who is most likely to attack him and has the ability to attack him is the Muyuan faction at this time, and the other forces do not seem to have the opportunity and ability to attack him.

Besides, even if those mortal enemy forces wanted to rob and kill halfway, he would definitely disrupt the other party's deployment if he suddenly left the Muyuan main star early this time.In any case, it was a robbery and murder of a leader of an interstellar force. Who would dare to act recklessly without careful arrangements and complete preparations? Aren't you afraid of attracting crazy revenge from Lin Sha and the Yanhuang galaxy?

Lin Sha's current strength is the small group at the top of the interstellar pyramid. If he can't kill him with one blow, there will be endless troubles. No power in the interstellar world can afford to worry about a top powerhouse who explodes and has a combat power approaching 20.

Think back to when the warrior empire was completely devastated by the genetic soldiers sent by the tens of thousands of biological empires. If Lin Sha hadn't planned to wipe them out in one fell swoop, he would still be playing old Jiang and Zhu Mao's tricks of encirclement and counter-encirclement. .

But Jin Zheng's answer surprised him very much, Muyuan's two marshals, four generals and eight generals were all on the main star of Muyuan and did not go anywhere.

What a powerful force!

This was the only thought in his mind at the time, Nima, the two marshals, the four generals and the eight generals are fourteen strong men with a combat power of more than 20, especially those two marshals and four general-level powerhouses, whose combat power is only [-]. I'm afraid it won't be less than [-]! !

Shock is nothing but shock, he is confident that in less than ten years, he can surpass those four general-level powerhouses that is.

Since it wasn't from Mu Yuan, which side could it be?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are hidden forces in Mu Yuan's side, but the possibility is much smaller.Nima, who has a combat power of more than 20, and is willing to hide and be an unknown thug?

On this day, the four of Lin Sha and Meng Tian gathered in the battleship control center. At this time, the battleship they were on had already left the southern star field of the Muyuan galaxy. Suddenly, the red light in the control center flashed and the alarm rang loudly.

"Jing report, Jing report, a powerful energy source was found [-] miles to the northeast, a powerful energy source was found [-] miles to the northeast, it is suspected that the energy preparation before the launch of the super energy cannon, the energy preparation before the launch of the suspected super energy cannon, Need to be prepared as soon as possible, need to be prepared as soon as possible, report to the police..."

The battleship control center was in a panic, and Lin Sha stood up with a livid face and ordered: "Everyone be quiet, don't be confused, the battleship intelligence brain listens to my orders, and immediately activate the battleship's highest defense system..."

"Woooooo, the battleship's highest defense system is turned on, and the progress is one percent, 5.00%, ten percent..."

As the stern alarm sounded inside the battleship, the huge battleship shook slightly, and a faint khaki light appeared and expanded on the surface of the battleship. Soon the huge interstellar warship was protected by a khaki energy mask, and the color of the energy light gradually There are signs of further deepening from light yellow to earthy yellow.

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, three unmarked large interstellar warships hidden in the barren galaxy rushed out in a triangle shape, and the muzzles of the densely packed energy cannons on the ship lit up with dazzling fiery red energy rays at the same time. The three huge ships that looked like fortresses The steel monsters shook together, and tens of thousands of beams of energy beams spewed out... (To be continued.)

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