super space warrior

Chapter 39 The Mysterious Small Brocade Box

() continue to have the cheek to ask for collection and recommendation...

"What, Zhu Wen invited a thousand troops from Caiyun City?" Lin Sha was as surprised as he could be when he heard the news.

"That's right, the situation in Xiyuan is very critical right now!" Xiahou's beautiful face was full of sorrow, and she twisted her body to find a more comfortable position in Lin Sha's arms, her beautiful eyes glowing with hope: "Lin Sha, you Can you help Uncle Yuan and the others?"

"You want me to take action again?" Lin Sha frowned slightly, with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

Speaking of solving the troubles in Xiyuan Town at the beginning, he rushed back to the mine without stopping too much. Xia Houyuan took care of all the affairs of Xiyuan Town. Although he didn’t say it clearly, his meaning was very clear: solve things by yourself, don’t bother I!

It just so happened that the space metal synthesis furnace on the lava river had stored a sufficient number of space metal prefabricated panels. He was in a hurry to repair the damaged shell of the spaceship, and hurriedly explained that the mine manager should not slack off to strengthen supervision, and at the same time left a self-made contact for the Xiahou family. The siren hurriedly returned to the base to work as a repairman.

It was originally just in case, but I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he thought something went wrong at the mine, but he didn't expect it to be Xiyuan Town again.He was already upset about the energy of the spaceship, but now he was even more unhappy because of Xiahou's request.

"What's the matter?" Xiahou immediately noticed the change in his mood, and the bright smile on his face froze suddenly.

"Nothing!" Lin Sha waved his hand, and said in a cold tone, "Is there a war in Xiyuan Town?"

"That's not true!" The Xiahou family felt more and more uneasy, and said anxiously: "Uncle Xiahou sent a letter, saying that the people in Xiyuan Town are not stable, I hope you can go to suppress it?"

"Why?" Lin Sha could no longer hold back her anger, and asked coldly regardless of the feelings of the beautiful woman in her arms.

"By, why?" Xiahou turned around in astonishment, looked at Lin Sha in disbelief, and Nuonuo replied, "Didn't you take down Xiyuan Town?"

"Hehe..." Lin Sha chuckled, reached out and secretly touched the beautiful young woman's chest, feeling the plump and elastic touch.

The glamorous young woman was coquettish and reluctant for a while, and the atmosphere in the bedroom immediately eased after a while of flirting and cursing. She looked at Lin Sha with her beautiful eyes and wanted to know what he was thinking?

Looking directly at the glamorous young woman, straightening her plump body, Lin Sha said with a serious face, "It's true that I took down Xiyuan Town, but it was all handled by Xia Houyuan before. As for how well they managed it?" Good or bad, or is it none of my business if something goes wrong?"

Stretching out his hand to stop the glamorous young woman who was about to speak, he continued: "I have my own affairs, and the mine is the one I should focus on the most."

When he said this, his eyes turned cold, and he said dissatisfiedly: "The Xiyuan side has not yet started a fight, so he ran to ask for help in a panic. With this psychological quality, what do you want to be like? Why don't you surrender to the government early, so as not to lose time?" Burning jade and stone together can't please!"

Xiahou's face suddenly turned pale, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her heart was extremely uneasy.Although Lin Sha said it a little coldly, it is not unreasonable. It is impossible for Lin Sha to take action for everything?

What's more, from Lin Sha's tone, it can be clearly heard that he doesn't really care who owns Xiyuan Town.As he said, the Calabash Mountain Range Mine is what he is most concerned about.

Although she doesn't know why, Xiahou has her own plans in mind, and she doesn't want Lin Desert to watch the fall of Xiyuan Town. She twisted her delicate body and teased her and persuaded: "You can't say that. Zhu Wen’s character will definitely ask Caiyun City’s army to block the outer intersection of the beast forest, and it may affect the normal operation of the mine at that time.”

"They dare!" Lin Sha's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said coldly, "If that guy surnamed Zhu is so ignorant, I don't mind sending him and the master behind him to hell together!"

Xiahou shivered all over, as if it wasn't Lin Sha who was holding her but a ferocious beast.But in an instant, there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, and she said in a hesitant and uncertain tone: "Lin Sha, you are not bragging, Zhu Wen is easy to kill, but the support behind him is a big shot in Caiyun City, and Caiyun City is not so easy to break through because of its tight defense. !"

"Haha..." Lin Sha raised his head and laughed wildly, pinched the beautiful young woman's plump buttocks with his big hands, with a hint of disdain and pride in his expression, and said with a soft smile: "You little girl, in my You are still playing small tricks in front of you, it's really begging for you!"

Xia Houshi's ruddy and delicate face was a little embarrassed, his eyes were obsessed with looking at the mysterious young man who was leaking domineering, and a bold idea suddenly came to his mind.

Lin Sha's eyes flashed brightly, and the tyrannical aura on his body disappeared as soon as he let go, and he smiled lightly at the beautiful young woman who was too shocked to speak: "It's just Caiyun City, don't talk about breaking in, as long as I If you are willing, it will not be difficult to completely erase it from the world!"

"Really?" Xiahou's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and his heart beat wildly.

"Of course it is true!" Lin Sha nodded seriously.

"But Nishihara..."

A trace of displeasure flashed across Lin Sha's face, and he said impatiently: "Let them stand up for a while, and if they can't stand it, they will die in vain!"

Xiahou's face turned pale with fright at his decisive words, and with trembling lips, he still insisted on asking: "Are you really not going to help?"

"I've said it earlier, why?" Lin Sha was really impatient. Under the irritability, she lost all interest in having sex with the glamorous young girl, and the atmosphere in the bedroom suddenly became dull and awkward.

Just at this time, the little girl Xiang'er came to the door, Lin Sha calmed down and didn't look back to leave, and went out to play small games with the little girl with a smile on his face.

Xiahou bit her lips and sat on the couch blankly, watching Lin Sha leave without turning her head, her heart was disappointed and her eyes were gloomy.For no reason, she was jealous of the little girl Xiang'er.

Lin Sha always treats the little girl with the kind of amiable and responsive attitude, no matter how busy things are, as long as the little girl asks him, he will obediently find time to do so.She laughed to herself and thought, if that girl Xiang'er asked Lin Sha to help Xi Yuan, would he pretend to be happy and agree to it no matter how unhappy he was?

However, she is not without means.It's just that Lin Sha's true strength has never been figured out before, and he has been hesitating whether to put all the chips on hand.

But now, she smiled and stroked her flat belly lightly, a radiance of holy motherhood appeared on her jade face, coupled with Lin Sha's rhetoric and inadvertent domineering aura just now, she finally made up her mind.

For the thoughts in my heart, no matter how much I pay, it is worth it.Thinking of this, she didn't hesitate anymore, put on a coat casually, and hurried to the dressing table, carefully took out a small exquisite brocade box from the interlayer of the dressing table.


"What is this?" Lin Sha asked in surprise.

After breakfast, he was dragged back to the bedroom by Mrs. Xiahou.At first, I thought she wanted to talk about the previous topic, and impatiently wanted to evade it, but I didn't expect that she handed over a small exquisite brocade box without saying anything.

The moment he received the box, his expression changed completely in shock...

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