() Lin Sha suddenly turned around...

I saw that the stone statue had been completely destroyed, and a column of smoke composed of strange black air rose into the sky.

At the same time, a big hand, a black-skinned big hand with sharp fingers bent into claws suddenly stretched out from the deep pit in front of the stone statue, and he only felt a majestic and very uncomfortable tyrannical aura rushing towards his face come.

What is this, is the devil coming?

At the moment that big black hand stretched out of the deep pit, the monitoring intelligence brain of the main base of the earth star thousands of miles away issued a mournful alarm: a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly appeared in the xxoo area, with a value of [-]!

Bell, who was sitting at the base after being notified by the brain, was taken aback, and hurriedly made a careful reconnaissance through various instruments and monitoring equipment, and found that Lin Sha was at the core of the powerful energy fluctuation. Get in touch and ask what's going on.

"It's okay, I had a little accident here, and it will be resolved soon!" Lin Sha ended the call after a few words of comfort, looking at the black claw protruding from the deep pit with curiosity on his face.

"Ah, Devil's Claw!"

Different from Lin Sha's curiosity, Mi Ke seemed to be stimulated by something, his face was terrified, and without saying a word, he shot an energy shock at the pitch-black claw.

The 'Devil's Claw' with dark skin, curved claws, and powerful arm muscles was reduced to ashes in the blazing energy flames, and there was a tragic and mournful wail in the deep resistance already densely covered with strange black air.

"Bastard sanctuary, I will get it back this time!"

The corners of Lin Sha's eyes twitched for a while, why did it feel like he was watching an anime in an island country?

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and purify all the devilish energy in the cave!" He shouted loudly, awakening Mi Ke who was in a dazed state, and hastily waved out pieces of holy flames, which filled the cave. The strange magic energy is purified.

"Tell me, what's going on?" After this guy finished his busy work, Lin Sha restrained the guy's movements freely, pinching his neck and said viciously.

"I don't know what you're going to say?" Mi Ke pretended to be innocent and confused.

"Hey, you are dishonest!" Lin Sha sneered again and again, and lifted Mi Ke's collar to the place where the mysterious stone statue was. Right now, there is only a deep pit that is constantly emitting thin and strange black air, and the nearby ground is also The potholes were bombed out of shape.

"Your Excellency, what do you want to do?" Feeling the turbulent spatial flow in the deep pit blasted by the energy light ball, and the strong devilish energy that made him feel sick, Mi Ke couldn't help but panic road.

"What are you doing?" Lin Sha kept moving his hands and directly pressed Mi Ke towards the deep underground pit filled with churning demonic energy, and said in a neutral manner: "It seems that you have hidden a lot of things, since you If you are so dishonest, I will always be polite to you..."

"Stop, stop, what do you want to know?" Now that the underground pit where the strange black air is rolling is getting closer and closer, Mi Ke feels very uncomfortable At the sign of control, he suddenly lost his color in shock and yelled hastily without thinking about anything.

"That's right!" Lin Sha showed a satisfied expression, stretched out his other finger to point to the underground pit where the strange black air billowed, and asked, "What's the opposite of the space turbulence?"

"This..." Mi Kewei hesitated, but unexpectedly, his body sank and directly came into contact with the thick and strange black air in the deep pit. The blazing white flames on his body protected his body with bright energy, which counteracted the strange black air in the deep pit and emitted Harsh 'zzzz' sound.

"Ah, I said, I said, quickly lift me up..."

Mi Ke let out a mournful wail. Although the light energy in his body protected his body independently, the thick and strange black air in the deep pit still touched the skin on the surface of his body, and the sting was unbearable as if a hot iron was directly imprinted on his body.

"Haha, that's right, don't forget your identity at this time, a prisoner should have the consciousness of a prisoner!" Although he was very curious about what happened to Mi Ke just now, this guy's physique and energy attributes in his body are good The elephant is incompatible with the weird black air, but thinking about it, he didn't go too deep into the reason.

Frightened by Lin Sha, Mi Ke didn't dare to play tricks anymore, so he had to tell some things honestly.

It turns out that the opposite side of the turbulent flow in the underground deep pit space is connected to another space, a space in the interstellar world that is almost similar to the "sanctuary" where Mi Ke was born. The name of this space is very familiar to Lin Sha——Demon Realm!

If the energy attribute of the 'Sanctuary' is a single light, then the energy attribute of the Demon Realm is a single darkness.Unlike the interstellar world, which is inclusive of all rivers and rivers, all types of energy can exist, and the energy attributes that can exist in these two spaces are single, without any tolerance at all.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with the fact that the energy attributes of the two spaces are incompatible, and there is a stable space channel connecting the two spaces, it seems that the relationship between the creatures in the two spaces is extremely tense.Especially in the areas connected by space passages, there is really a small fight every three days and a big fight every five days, and it has long been a situation of endless death.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is your enemy.After dealing with each other for a long time, I am naturally very familiar with certain habitual actions of the enemy.Although Mi Ke has never seen the 'Summoning Altar' and 'Positioning God Statue' before, it is not difficult to guess the strange scene in the cave combined with the rumors in the sanctuary.

As for the strength of the powerful in the demon world that Lin Sha is most concerned about, Mi Ke said that with his current strength, he is just a small master in the demon world, and at most he can only occupy the mountains as the king in the barren and remote peripheral areas.A little closer to the core area is a scumbag, either killed by a more powerful demon or persuaded to act as a thug younger brother of a strong demon.

Lin Sha didn't take this very seriously, saying that the master who suddenly stretched out the devil's hand from the crack in space had a fighting power of only 3, and the devil world was not as terrifying as Mi Ke said.

Boss, there are strong and weak everywhere, okay?

Mi Ke helplessly explained that the space passages like underground caves must be connected to a desolate and remote area in the Demon Realm.Then he introduced the space passage connecting the Demon Realm and the Sanctuary. The larger the space passage, the more stable it is, and it is all in the hands of the high-level leaders of the two forces. Once it is opened, at least there will be more than 30 strong fighters. Move out, otherwise the energy wasted is too much, even the two forces can't afford it.

"You guys have indeed concealed a lot of things. It seems that you were too light when you forced the confession!" Lin Sha raised his fist and beat Mi Ke severely, and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't bother to pay attention to the crap in your sanctuary. If you don't tell me about this demon world, you should know the consequences!"

Seeing Lin Sha's grim face, as if thinking of something terrible, Mi Ke shuddered, and hurriedly listed everything he knew about the Demon World.As Lin Sha threatened, this guy may be unwilling to reveal the secrets of the sanctuary, but it doesn't matter if he tells the specific situation of the demon world.

Of course, this guy Mi Ke knows very little news. From his combat power of more than 2 when he just left the Sanctuary, it can be understood that this guy is also a small role in the Sanctuary.If he hadn't met Lin Sha, he might not be as strong as the demon whose hand was cut off just now.

"Oh, what do you mean, this area of ​​the Demon Realm connecting the 'Summoning Altar' and the 'Positioning God Statue' is most likely just an inconspicuous outlying barren area of ​​the Demon Realm?" Lin Sha asked curiously with eyes lit up.

"That's right, I'm [-]% sure that's the case!" Mi Ke said seriously.

"What about this space turbulence, which is also connected to a stable space channel?" After getting the answer he wanted, Lin Sha immediately changed the topic.

"That's hard to say!" Seeing the deep pit that was still emitting evil spirits, Mi Ke's expression became more serious, and he shook his head to express that he didn't know too well.

"Then how did you get out of the sanctuary at that time?" Lin Sha asked curiously. Judging from the fact that the demon just stretched out one claw, the space channel connected by the space crack here is not that big even if it is stable. Otherwise, it is impossible to pass even a demon with a body of about five meters.

"The space rift here has nothing to do with the exit of the sanctuary on Hualongxing. It is a medium-sized space passage that allows those with a combat power of less than [-] to pass through normally!" Mi Ke curled his lips to express his disdain for this place.

"Hehe, then tell me how to close the space passage this time?" Lin Sha's eyes flashed, and he made a decision in an instant, but he said with some annoyance: "I don't have time to stay here for many years!"

Mi Ke really got caught, and inadvertently revealed a trick: "I have a set of wind sealing formation here, and it is no problem to seal the space cracks here!"

"That's good," Lin Sha breathed a sigh of relief. He was really worried about such trouble when he spoke casually just now.Now that there is a solution, everything is easy to say, clasping his joints together, he grinned at Mi Ke and said, "Boy, you should honestly hand over this sealing circle, otherwise hehe..."

Lin Sha used means, or Mi Ke originally wanted to teach this small-scale banning circle to the exempt area. made one.Lin Shayi also learned this method of painting gourds. Although the sealing magic circle drawn without light energy in his body is not as powerful as Mi Ke's, it is still no problem to close the small space cracks in the underground cave.

Just when Lin Sha was amazed by the air of the sealing circle, he didn't know that a huge conspiracy was brewing against the Yanhuang galaxy and himself...

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