super space warrior

Chapter 395 Two Captives

Lin Sha stared at the tall and strong demon who was three meters long like a fool.Although I can't understand what Ya is talking about, but looking at its ferocious and frantic bird, there must be nothing good to say.

He really didn't expect that just after he set up camp on the side of the space passage of the demon world, a demon would come to him on his own initiative.

This is definitely a great joy for him, but it's a pity that he can't understand the bird language of the demon world.


The strong demon soon realized that he was working hard. The blank face of the human being opposite him made him angry. The strong arm stretched out suddenly, like a black lightning wave towards Lin Sha's chest and neck.

Lin Sha squinted his eyes and kicked up, then kicked heavily on the strong demon's chest. There was a muffled 'bang', and the strong demon screamed and flew upside down like a kite with a broken thread.


The devil's mouth was full of blue blood; he climbed up from the hole smashed in the ground in embarrassment, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth casually, and roared loudly, his strong body rushed up like the wind.


This guy was obviously not convinced, he stood up and kicked out the shadows of his legs, screaming and shaking people's eardrums, and the air around him was violently surging.

"Gatling cannon!"

Comparing moves, Lin Sha thinks he is the second and no one dares to say that he is the first. He swings his iron fist like a cannon, and the rumbling sound is continuous and shocking.

The fist speed rubbed against the air and made a shrill scream, and the air ripples were visible to the naked eye rippling around the arm, punching no less than a hundred times in an instant and intertwined with the shadows of the two legs.

bang bang bang...

There was a deafening 'bang bang' muffled sound from the punches and kicks, and a gust of turbulent airflow roared and spread in all directions with the two of them as the core.

The sound of punches roared, the shadows of legs roared, and the two of them fought faster and faster, and finally saw a series of afterimages, and the surrounding space showed signs of instability driven by the turbulent airflow.

After four or five minutes of head-to-head attack, it was Lin Sha who was superior in the end. He blasted through the continuous offensive created by the powerful demon with a faster speed than the shadow of the attacked leg. The iron fist blasted the strong demon like a siege hammer. With clear fist marks, the strong demon was once again defeated by Biao Xue and flew out backwards.

"Nima's body is really strong!"

Lin Sha retracted his fists and adjusted his disordered breathing, but his heart was filled with admiration. He was continuously hit by his full-strength iron fists. If he was an interstellar powerhouse, he would have been blasted into a dishonesty.But right now, only dozens of clear fist marks have been blasted on the body of a strong demon, one can imagine how strong his body is.

Surprised in his heart, he kept moving his hands, and before the air around him calmed down from the turmoil, he moved his right index finger repeatedly, and azure blue energy beams shot out.


The dense blue energy beams easily cut through the turbulent air, and instantly bombarded the fallen demon like raindrops.

sizzle sizzle...

There was no piercing accident as imagined, and the azure blue energy beams from the laser rubbed violently against the dark and rough skin of the demon, making a harsh "sizzling" sound like splashing sulfuric acid, and strange black air diffused and quickly dissipated in the air. In the air, it seems to cancel each other out with the azure blue energy beam. [

Doesn't the skin on this guy's body still have the attribute of resistance?

Lin Sha stared wide-eyed, looking at the dark skin of the demon with scars besides the fist marks with an incredulous expression, feeling so depressed that he didn't know what to say.


The strong demon jumped up from the ground, bursting its mouth full of sharp fangs into anger and roaring again and again. I didn't see how it acted like a cattail fan with sharp fingers and opened its big hand. A jet of black energy light quickly condensed and threw towards Lin Sha. go.

Sensing a strong 'demonic energy' rushing towards his face, Lin Sha did not dare to neglect his right hand and suddenly raised his right hand, a half-meter-long crescent-shaped azure blue energy light blade came out of his hand, instantly matching the flying black energy The light clusters meet in mid-air.

There was no explosion or any sound. The crescent-shaped blue energy light blade quietly split the dark energy light group into two, but the color was a little lighter and the length of the light blade was a little shorter. It still carried an unstoppable force. The momentum is flying towards the strong demon, the speed is so fast that even the air is divided into two, and it is too late to close.

After being split into two, the dark energy light ball thrown by the strong demon flew in mid-air for a certain distance, and finally dissipated ten meters in front of Lin Sha unsteadily.In an instant, the black air in front of his eyes spread rapidly in all directions, and the concentration was too high. Lin Sha didn't want to touch his body and retreat.

The crescent-shaped energy light blade on the other side also bombarded the strong demon in an instant, and there was a sudden explosion with a 'boom', a dazzling azure flame burst out, and the strong demon screamed and a huge hole was cut and exploded on his body, smelling blue. The blood spurted out and was quickly absorbed by the dry and barren ground, leaving only a large irregular blue stain on the ground.

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

Although his vision was blocked by the thick black mist, Lin Sha sensed that the strong demonic aura on the opposite side fell rapidly and was obviously injured. Without saying a word, he bent his legs slightly and then suddenly stood up.His body soared into the sky like a sharp arrow and drew a graceful arc in mid-air, his strong right leg flashed out and swung down on his head.

There was a muffled sound of 'bang', Lin Sha flashed out his right leg and slashed hard on the left shoulder of the strong demon, and this fellow spewed out a big mouthful of blue blood, and the strong body forcefully plunged into the ground to a depth of two meters.


Lin Sha landed with both hands first, and his body spun wildly around his hands like a windmill. Before the strong demon could break free from the ground, his head was connected to his chest and he was shot dozens of times in an instant.His body was like a kite with a broken string, it was pulled out from the ground abruptly and thrown into the air.

wow wow wow...

The series of attacks was really not light. Although the strong demon's body was abnormally strong in resisting blows, it couldn't bear the continuous blows and spurted blood again and again. Its internal organs were displaced and suffered serious internal injuries.

"Hehe, a demon warrior with a combat power of [-] is really vulnerable!"

Sensing that the aura of the battle demon's body was rapidly falling, it was no longer a threat, Lin Sha laughed lightly, his body was drawn out of the sheath, his sword rose from the sheath, and in an instant, he came to the top of the strong demon's head and slammed it down heavily. The screams hit the ground and passed out instantly, and the ground around him was immediately stained blue with blue blood.

"Haha, after capturing this guy, he is no longer blind to the devil world, so I don't know how hard this guy's bones are?" He mentioned the unconscious devil and returned to the castle ... (To be continued.)

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