super space warrior

Chapter 4 Going Out and 1 Punch

() Towering high-rise buildings glowing with metal gloom, the spacious and tidy streets have cold-looking suspension cars roaring past from time to time, and the pedestrians on the streets are sparse and deserted.

This was his first impression of the Third City, a commoner on Warrior Planet, and he felt very good.

Lin Sha walked along the sidewalk just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, breathing in the fresh air with a strange fragrance of flowers, and looking around this strange high-tech city curiously with two short legs.

That's right, when he was able to freely control the 'Qi' in his body and suppress the battle value at around sixty, he couldn't stay at home anymore, and couldn't wait to run out for a stroll.

Since time travel and rebirth, apart from seeing many kids of the same age in the baby training room at the beginning, the rest of the time has been staying at home.Communication with the outside world depends entirely on the home-use brain, facing the unchanging environment every day, I have long been bored.

After soaking in the brain for more than a year, Lin Sha also has a general understanding of the planet he lives on.

Seen from outer space, Warrior Planet is a wild planet wrapped in green.This is indeed the case, except for the eight high-tech cities, the entire Warrior Planet is a green wilderness world.

He doesn't know whether the warrior planet is as big as the earth, but it is a fact that the berserkers are sparsely populated.The majestic warrior galaxy overlord, one of the big forces in the universe, but the total population is only about three million.

Although the vassal races have mastered 'test-tube babies' and 'cloning technology', it has been proved that the Berserkers who were not born from the mother's womb have many defects in both developmental potential and intelligence.

In addition, the berserkers have been fighting all over the universe all year round, and the number of deaths in battle is roughly the same as the number of births, so the population of the berserkers has been unable to increase.

Warrior Planet has seven civilian cities, and the size of each city is estimated to be half the size of the previous life.And the living area of ​​the Berserkers is no smaller than that of a prefecture-level city, with a population of less than 50 but with such a spacious living place, coupled with the expansion of the land area due to high-tech factors, one can imagine the lives of the Berserkers. How abundant is the living environment.

It is said that it is a civilian city, according to Lin Sha's opinion, it is better than the best living environment in the most prosperous earth city in the previous life, and it is even more incomparable in terms of living comfort and information transportation.

It's just that the Berserker clan has a very strict distinction between upper and lower levels, and everything is based on strength.After adulthood, if the combat power is below [-], he and his descendants can only live in various civilian cities, and they are not allowed to set foot in the royal city at all!

It is said that the members of the royal family are even rarer, and the entire giant city plus the vassal service races has just over 10 people.I don't know if such a small number of people occupy such a large city, will it feel scary?

Except for the Berserkers and tens of millions of vassal races, there are no highly intelligent creatures in the entire warrior planet. Therefore, the entire planet has not been extensively developed, and many areas still retain their lush primitive features.

In addition to the Warrior Planet, the Berserkers also controlled the remaining 28 planets in the Warrior Galaxy.The empire needs to send manpower to the bases of the major planets, and the strategically important planets also need to send heavy troops to station, making the tribe where the main star is even thinner.

Lin Sha's city is the third commoner city, as the name suggests, his parents are low-level fighters.Although the name of the city may sound ugly, the empire really takes good care of its people. The various infrastructures in the city are built to the highest standards, no worse than the famous interstellar city nearby.

Strolling on the clean city streets, feeling the interstellar city style that is completely different from the previous life, enviously twittering the hovering cars and various aircrafts that come and go on the air highway, walking two hours with envy and jealousy. The short legs walked towards the established goal: When can we drive these things for a ride?

He had a clear purpose for this trip. Apart from taking a good look at the city he lived in, he wanted to find scientists of the vassal race who served the Berserkers and ask them to make some special tools for cultivation.

He deliberately searched a lot of relevant information from his home brain, and knew that the subordinate races serving berserkers in each city lived in the outer areas and did not mix with berserkers.

It should be said that the upper echelon of the empire cared for the clansmen. As a member of the ruling class of the warrior galaxy, they enjoyed the highest treatment in the entire galaxy. Both in terms of life and status, they were higher than those of other races. They were truly privileged classes.

The core of each city is also the area with the most high-end and most comfortable living facilities, where the Berserkers live and live.As for the other races attached to the Berserker Clan, no matter how remarkable achievements they have made in their respective fields, their status is lower than that of ordinary low-level fighters of the Berserker Clan.No way, who made Berserkers a nation that highly advocates personal force?

Those who can live on the main star are elites from the vassal races, most of them are technological talents, who take shelter of the Berserkers to survive, and mainly provide space technology services for the Berserkers.Their residences and scientific research institutions are located on the outskirts of the city, so Lin Sha had to take the initiative to find them.


"Little ghost, why are you alone, where's your lord?" Just as Lin Sha's thoughts were wandering, a loud shout suddenly came from his ear.

Lin Sha looked blankly at the source of the shout, wondering if the other party was calling him?

There are few people on the street, but it is not without pedestrians.Flying in the air looks chic, but it takes energy in the body.

In the distance, a mighty man in battle armor walked over fiercely, his eyes as big as copper bells fixed on Lin Sha, as if he was afraid that he would run away suddenly.

Seeing this guy, sensing the powerful aura emanating from his body, Lin Sha's eyes shrank and he couldn't help but gasp: Strong, it's really too strong!

Along the way, it's not that he didn't sense countless powerful 'Qi', but none of them was as powerful as the armored man in front of him.It is simply majestic, like a mountain, shining like a bonfire in the dark.

Just when he was in shock and didn't come back to his senses, his collar was tightened and he was lifted up.The bull's eyes of the big man in armor were close in front of him, Lin Sha just punched him without thinking...

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