super space warrior

Chapter 405 Demon God Appears

In the next three years, Lin Sha formed a small force based on the small contract where the space channel was located.

The small force is centered on Lin Sha and the [-] or so demon natives and human masters who survived the bloody battle, and then absorbs the nearby wilderness bandits and low-level demon warriors.

Except for Lin Sha, a strong human being who is not far behind the devil baron, the thirty or so younger brothers who have survived the bloody battle have made great progress in combat power. Normally, the combat power of [-] to [-] is the high-end combat power.

This is strength, although it is not as good as the most common devil baron, but it is much stronger than the devil local tyrants scattered in the vast wilderness, and you can kill them by sending out a random squad.

Of course, Lin Sha is not as busy as the men. The initial group of forces is only a few million miles around the demon local tyrants. It seems that they have discussed it. Nearly ten families joined forces to besiege Lin Sha's castle. The result can be imagined.

Nearly [-] rubbish warriors gathered by local demon tyrants were turned on their backs by the Shade people, and none of the ten or so leading demon local tyrants could escape the fate of death. Out of courage, he hastily knelt down and surrendered, only to save his life.

After that massacre, almost half of the local tyrants and lords under the Black Rock Devil Baron were killed, and the outermost few million miles of the territory were surrounded by other forces except Lin Sha's family!

This time, the feud with Baron Black Rock became even bigger. I heard that he killed hundreds of human slaves in a fit of anger after hearing the news. The baron's castle that had just been repaired was almost stained red with blood.

Lin Sha was not interested in slaughtering those out-of-stock demon local tyrants. All the bloody methods were done by his masters who mixed various races.They were also suffocated and had nowhere to vent their anger.It just so happened that those gangs of unscrupulous devil local tyrants came to the door, and they naturally massacred them unceremoniously to vent their anger. [

The blood of more than a thousand devil local tyrants and their garbage fighters has stabilized the territory, and the headache has come again.

There are hundreds of masters of various races with a lot of food under his command, plus thousands of garbage captured soldiers.The demand for this food is so high that it makes the scalp tingle.If it is placed anywhere in the interstellar world, it is not a problem to support such a large number of people, but this is the outer area of ​​the demon world where the land is extremely desolate.

The food transferred from Earth Star was only enough to feed thousands of soldiers for two months. Hearing such bad news, his group of mixed-race masters immediately exploded, and strongly demanded that Lin Sha kill all the thousands of soldiers captured by rubbish. kill.To avoid wasting precious food and even use some parts of the bodies of those garbage captives as spare food!

Lin Sha's face was green at the time, and he hurriedly waved his hands to stop the gang of mixed-race men from messing around, saying that he had a way to solve the food problem, and this put an end to a man-made crazy massacre.

Only then did he really feel the cruel and bloody survival rules of the demon world. In order to survive, he could be desperate, eat the flesh and blood of his compatriots raw, and even destroy everything in order to survive.

During the period, he also went back to Earth Star a few times, and showed the situation here and the recorded video data to Meng Tian and the others, which made these boys stunned and turned pale.

Where have they seen such a brutal scene.Where have you seen that kind of fierce battle that never ends?

"Boss, this is too cruel!"

Watch the brutal and bloody carnage played out on the big screen.Meng Tian couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"Is this cruel?"

Lin Sha curled her lips in disdain.Greeting Meng Tian and the others to the front, and claiming all the heights that happened because of the food crisis, these "flowers in the greenhouse" waved their hands at the end and said bluntly: "This is called bloody cruelty. In order to survive, you can be crazy enough to be desperate." everything!"

"Uh, Lin Sha, stop talking, it's too disgusting!"

As the only female present, Ding Dong couldn't bear to pull.Has she ever seen such bloody and cruel things when she has been sitting on the main star of Warrior?Don't say you've seen it, or even heard of it!

"Boss Demon Realm has nothing to do with StarCraft, why do you attach so much importance to it?" Meng Yi couldn't stand the bloody picture on the big screen, turned his head and said dissatisfied.

"Who said there was no contact!" [

Lin Sha glared, and then recounted what he had heard and seen in the castle, only to be so shocked that Meng Tian was dumbfounded and speechless for a while.

"No, no way!" Lin Zhan turned pale and couldn't help but yelled, "How is it possible that the Devil Realm is connected to so many worlds?" He shook his head vigorously as he spoke, as if wanting to throw this absurdity out of his mind.

"It's a wonder in the Great Thousand World. Anything can happen!" Lin Sha glanced at the younger brothers who looked very unnatural, and said leisurely: "We can have space passages here, who can guarantee that there are no other places in the interstellar world? If there are no such demons, how can we explain so many myths and legends about demons that we have collected?"

"Then, Boss, how should we deal with it?" Meng Tian swallowed hard, and cautiously asked.

"Don't do anything, as long as you keep a little vigilance in your heart!" Lin Sha waved his hands, and seeing the faces of the younger brothers who were confused, he could only explain patiently: "There is no need to make any noise, You just need to secretly pay attention to what strange events have happened in the interstellar world!"

Next, he arranged for his younger brothers to prepare a lot of food that is also available in the Demon Realm, and stored it in the small space base in the hidden valley, and told them to practice hard. .

Then he brought a batch of special plant seeds back to the Castle of the Demon Realm. Through the calculation of the small brain in the basement of the castle, he detected the soil composition and other related data near the castle. Soil Improvement Program.

And based on the conclusions obtained by the brain, he collected various common materials in the devil world, and after a lot of experiments, he finally produced a biosolvent that improved the soil near the castle.Under the eyes of a group of mixed-race masters who didn't know why, they ordered these special-effect biological solvents to be evenly sprinkled on the land within a radius of fifty miles of the castle. ,

Soon, the barren land that had been infested by biosolvents suddenly changed, causing a group of demon natives to call out the manifestation of demon gods. The land that could not grow any plants and had no half vitality turned into fertile soil in the mouth of the demon natives.

There was no need for Lin Sha to speak up about what happened afterwards, and the gang of mixed-race masters under his command took care of it properly, planting all the grain seeds brought by Lin Sha on the land that suddenly became "fertile soil"...

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