super space warrior

Chapter 411 The Battle Finally Begins

He secretly harmed the Silver Rock Republic fiercely. Seeing the sparks flying between the alliance formed by nearly ten powerful forces in the interstellar world and the Silver Rock Republic, Lin Sha immediately withdrew and retreated. No matter buried.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

This incident has distracted him a lot, and he needs to pay close attention to the changes in the interstellar situation. He can only temporarily dispel the idea of ​​cleaning up the Black Rock Devil Baron.

Fortunately, the Demon Realm Castle is on the right track, and there are several people from Meng Tian taking turns to sit in charge, so there is no fear of mistakes.

Not to mention anything else, the soil improvement plan that Lin Sha worked out through his smart brain has achieved fruitful results.And the high-yield grain he planted before has successfully harvested five seasons at this time.

The so-called peace of mind with food in hand, in a place like the Black Rock Demon Baronie, being able to produce food normally is an extremely remarkable achievement.

Let's put it this way, Black Rock Collar is actually a huge mine. The barren land is remote and there is nothing to do. Here food is hard currency, which is much more expensive than the ore that can be seen everywhere in the field.

Although the weather in Heiyanling was indeed a little dry, which inevitably affected the food production, the cultivated fields within a radius of [-] miles were still enough to feed thousands of people, and there was still a lot left.

Of course, the castle is not stupid enough to show off with these grains, at least it can't be known to the world before killing Baron Black Rock.With the food that can fill their stomachs, it is easy to talk about anything, and those proud and arrogant natives of the demon world did not cause any trouble even if Lin Sha was not watching.

With such a good foundation, Lin Sha can also put more energy on the other side of StarCraft. [

After some serious negotiations, the nearly ten powerful interstellar forces that united were extremely dissatisfied, and under the secret instigation of "people with good intentions", they planned to form a joint fleet and forcefully enter the cloud star to find out what happened.

What makes Lin Sha dumbfounded is that the Warrior Empire also joined in for some reason, and even sent three medium-sized interstellar warships to join in the fun.

For this reason, he deliberately got in touch with the empire, and warned Zhan Tian that it would be best not to join in, otherwise he might not take advantage of it and cause trouble all over.Of course, he just gave a warning, as for whether Zhan Tian listened or not, that was his business.

The situation in the interstellar western star field, with the establishment of the joint exploration fleet, became more and more tense, and the Yanhuang galaxy, which is only half a year away from the cloud and mist star, also became lively. Their station in the Western Starfield.

Judging from this posture, they are planning to fight for a long time.Lin Sha naturally agreed cheerfully. He also wished that the more forces that opposed the Silver Rock Republic, the better, so that the safety of the Yanhuang Galaxy would be a little more secure.

Before, he was the only one who knew the biggest secret of the Silver Rock Republic, not to mention that he had a tense relationship with the Silver Rock Republic.

Well now, the entire Interstellar world knows the secrets on Cloud and Mist, and the Silver Rock Republic is under joint pressure from nearly ten powerful interstellar forces, and is busy preparing for the battle.Even if they knew that it was Lin Sha who leaked the news, they couldn't take it into consideration, so let's read this level first before talking about anything else.

In the light of interstellar numbers or anticipation or anxious waiting, the nearly ten powerful interstellar forces united did not move slowly, and soon formed a team headed by three large interstellar warships, supplemented by nearly thirty medium-sized interstellar warships. combined fleet.

Lin Sha learned through secret channels that if it weren't for the fear of the Silver Rock Republic jumping over the wall, and if it wasn't clear whether the cloud star really had good things, maybe there would be more than just such a small number of large-scale interstellar forces dispatched this time. battleship.

It may involve wars in the galaxy, and large interstellar warships with powerful firepower are the real mainstay!

In anticipation, the United Fleet quickly assembled in the western star field, and then slowly flew towards the cloud star in spite of the repeated warnings of the Silver Rock Republic.

In the outer space of Cloud and Mist Star, the Silver Rock Republic urgently mobilized five large-scale interstellar warships, and nearly fifty medium-sized interstellar warships were waiting in formation. The densely packed steel monsters almost filled a certain space star field of Cloud and Mist Star. The ferocious muzzles of millions of energy cannons seemed to choose someone to devour.

"Let's fight, the more intense the fight, the better, don't save face for brother!"

Looking at the image sent back from the small reconnaissance spaceship from the periphery of the cloud star, the fleet of the Silver Rock Republic was in a tense confrontation with the joint fleet formed by nearly ten powerful forces in the interstellar world. Lin Sha felt as if his gun might go off at any time. I couldn't help but laugh out loud in my heart, wishing that the warships of the two sides would open fire and bombard each other right now.

Finally, on the tenth day when the huge fleets of the two sides confronted each other, no matter which faction the ship was, they swaggered and sent a small finger-capable reconnaissance spacecraft to bypass the fringe star field of the Silver Rock Republic's defense fleet, trying to enter the cloud and mist As soon as Xing found out, he was directly blasted to pieces by the defense fleet of the Silver Rock Republic, who had been holding back his anger for a long time. [

This time, the hornet's nest was stabbed, and the anger in the hearts of the two sides broke out completely. The two sides had a tacit understanding not to use large star warships, and directly billed by their respective medium-sized star warships and small armed spaceships.

Immediately, the spacious space battleships in the outer space of the cloud and mist star were intertwined vertically and horizontally with strong energy artillery fire. Medium-sized interstellar warships rushed to open their mouths and opened fire with strong firepower. Small armed spaceships and space fighters that looked like ants roared in all directions, entangled with each other and fought with great joy.

From time to time, flashes of energy and violent explosions erupted in the starry sky. Under the bombardment of powerful space weapons, spaceships exploded and fighter planes were constantly damaged, and fresh lives were buried in the vast space along with the spaceships and fighter planes.

Finally the battle begins!

Lin Sha breathed a sigh of relief, and told the bell to keep a close eye on the war on the cloud star, and report to the demon world immediately if there was any disturbance. He had stayed in the earth star for too long recently, so he had to return to the demon world to report.

After handing over all the affairs of the Yanhuang galaxy, Lin Sha brought some gadgets back to the Demon Realm.

As soon as he returned to the Castle of the Demon Realm, Meng Tian, ​​who was sitting here, told him a very bad news. Baron Black Rock Demon led his troops to encircle and suppress it.

"Nimma, I haven't looked for bad luck yet, but I just sent it to my door." Lin Sha sneered again and again: "Since Heiyan is eager to court death, there is no need to be polite to this guy, right? Recruit people to prepare Challenge..." (To be continued.)

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