Surprise, really a surprise!

It's a pity that Lin Sha has only now established a firm foothold in the Demon Realm, and has just mastered two demon baron territories. In addition, the space channel connecting the earth and stars is too small to bring large-scale equipment and experimental instruments.

In the basement of the castle where the space channel connecting the earth and stars is located, there is only a simple laboratory. It is okay to do some simple experiments or store experimental materials, but it is very difficult to complete all the testing tests for a certain new material.

Therefore, even if he knew that Heisha had a space channel connecting the wild world, he had no plans to do anything out of the ordinary for the time being.

But what makes him aggrieved is that he just wanted to go over to check the terrain environment, and step on the spot in advance to prepare for the large-scale entry in the future. Who knows that those wild beasts have such a keen sense of smell, or he just happened to hit the muzzle of the gun unfortunately. He had just sneaked into that wild world, and before he had time to make any arrangements, he was besieged by a large group of wild beasts.

It's not a problem to deal with those wild beasts with a combat power of less than 20, but it's hard to deal with those with a combat power of more than [-]. Coupled with the natural and powerful Shentu support of the wild beasts, even he feels a bit overwhelmed.

But the problem is, Nima faced not only a group of huge savage beasts with a combat power of less than 20, but also three powerful savage beasts with a combat power of between 20 and 30. What made him most depressed and surprised was The leading one, which looks like a tyrannosaurus rex, has a fighting power of 35!

Looking at the giant shield, which was nearly 50 meters tall, and each piece of scale armor on its body was comparable to an astonishing defense, Lin Sha spoke for a while.After a little testing, he witnessed a small mound about [-] meters high being flattened by the sweeping tail of the tyrannosaur monster. He turned his head and returned to the demon world without saying a word.

It is safer and safer to send small reconnaissance robots in the past...[

After the black sand collar gradually calmed down, he took the opportunity to go back to the stars.

To Lin Sha's delight, a large-scale conflict finally broke out between the temporary alliance formed by the Silver Rock Republic and the ten powerful interstellar forces in the outer space of the Cloud and Mist Star.

The reconnaissance spacecraft sent out and the public information that has not been collected show that the opposing sides were only trying to exchange fire under the size of a medium-sized interstellar warship, but they became angry when they hit the two sides.

In the end, it was unknown which force could bear it first, and directly attacked the last big star warship. The already tense situation suddenly lost control. A total of eight large star warships from both sides joined the battle circle without hesitation after half a year.

This time, the combined fleet of three large interstellar warships could no longer hold up. Under the fierce attack of five large interstellar warships from the Silver Rock Republic's protective fleet, the alliance fleet severely damaged two large interstellar warships in just one month. One of the interstellar warships was slightly injured, and basically lost its ability to fight.

The Silver Rock Republic has gone too far, it is simply "naked" hitting the faces of the ten powerful interstellar forces in the alliance.

As a result, the members of the alliance were naturally outraged, and after a little calculation, they decided to send more large interstellar warships to join the battle.Isn't it bullying people by the number of warships? The Alliance has a lot of large interstellar warships.

I don't know whether the Silver Rock Republic wants to control the situation in a small area, or has other ideas. In short, let the large-scale interstellar warships sent by nearly ten interstellar powerful forces in the alliance enter the western star field, and then enter the western star field where the cloud-shaped star is located. The planetary star field implements space jumping and sneak attack tactics of warships.

As a result, a dozen large-scale interstellar warships jointly dispatched by nearly ten powerful interstellar forces in the alliance encountered frequent attacks after entering the planetary star field where the cloud star is located. In just half a year, five large-scale interstellar warships were lost. The ship was severely damaged and had to withdraw from the battle in a hurry and return to their respective lairs for repair and recovery.

Facing the large-scale interstellar warship of Silver Rock Star, which is elusive and erratic, and can also carry out uninterrupted space jump and transfer operations, the alliance is even more envious after eating and holding back.

According to the predictions of the top scientists of various forces, the space jump technology mastered by the Silver Rock Republic is still immature, and depending on the situation, the space distance they can jump at the moment is limited.

It is precisely because of this that they are even more eager. If the space jump technology of the Silver Rock Republic is mature, it does not need to be too mature as long as they can perform long-distance space jumps across galaxies, and they will not have the guts to confront the Silver Rock Republic.

At this time, when the Silver Rock Republic is not completely strong enough to make them dare not act rashly, they will really be in trouble when the Silver Rock Republic becomes stronger.

But even so, after witnessing the powerful power of space jump tactics, nearly ten powerful interstellar forces in the alliance are still afraid, and the damage to a dozen large interstellar warships also makes them feel overwhelmed.

For a long time, large interstellar warships have been in the hands of various forces, playing the role of strategic-level armed forces, and each one is extremely precious, and the slightest damage will cause heartache.This time, more than a dozen ships were damaged at once. Although it was shared equally by nearly ten powerful interstellar forces, it also made the various forces of the alliance very alarmed. [

At this time, unless the war of the country is launched, if the scale of the war is controlled in the star field where the cloud star is located, the alliance may not be able to get a bargain.

The key point is that they really have no good way to deal with the fleet of the Silver Rock Republic, which is elusive and erratic and can conduct non-stop space jump operations.

At this time, Lin Sha couldn't bear it anymore, and used various channels to give the alliance a stupid move.

Then the entire planetary galaxy where the cloud star was located was completely boiled, and many powerful interstellar forces that had previously held a wait-and-see attitude joined the temporary alliance, which made the alliance's strength surge for a while. Silver Rock Republic Alexander.

Three years have passed, and the Silver Rock Republic is still in a state of confrontation with the powerful and growing alliance, and the relationship between the two parties is becoming more and more tense.

Although the Yanhuang galaxy did not join the temporary alliance, as the safest space base in the nearby star field, several powerful interstellar forces that are familiar with it have settled in in the past two years, bringing a lot of income to the Yanhuang galaxy. It also brought a rare popularity .

Lin Sha likes to see such a situation. Right now, he is so focused on the Demon Realm that he really doesn't care about the interstellar affairs.If it weren't for the sudden eruption of the Silver Rock Republic that might seriously threaten the safety of the Yanhuang galaxy, he wouldn't be in the mood to pay attention to these disturbances.

After pouring another fire in the dark, he put all his energy into the Demon Realm again, and was more interested in the space passages connecting the Demon Realm to other worlds... (To be continued.)

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