super space warrior

Chapter 420 Shocking the Demon Realm

An earth-shattering battle...

On both sides of the battle, Earl Cafu's personal guards lead a viscount-level demon superpower, and Lin Sha, the top interstellar powerhouse who has been reclusive for seven years and often turns the tide at critical moments.

The ten or so baron-level demon powerhouses who came with him did not know how to take Lin Sha down, but they were wiped out by Lin Sha in the palm of their hands.

The tyrannical strength that Lin Sha showed, not to mention the viscount-level demon powerhouse who dominated the battle, even his own powerhouse was surprised.

The gap is too big, the baron-level powerhouse is no match at all!

"I didn't expect there to be a viscount-level powerhouse in such a remote place in the demon world, and he was a humble human being!"

"There are many things you didn't expect, so don't talk nonsense and give me a 'machine gun punch'!"

Lin Sha didn't have the heart to talk to the other party, he suddenly appeared in front of the devil viscount and launched a fierce attack.

The two first fought against each other for a while, and to Lin Sha's surprise, the strong Viscount from the Earl's Land was not at a disadvantage in the face of his fierce fists and kicks. [

The violent collision of fists and feet caused a howling wind that filled the sky, and rolled into the sky. The extremely low lead gray clouds in the sky suddenly rolled violently, stirring back and forth like boiling, revealing rare gaps, large or small. ; Rolling towards the ground, it seems that several large-equivalent high-strength explosives exploded wildly, creating shocking pits on the ground, and even directly causing the ground to collapse and form huge deep trenches.

In the face of such astonishing power, no warrior in the sky or on the ground within a thousand miles would dare to approach.

Faced with a powerful enemy whose fists and kicks are not inferior to his own, Lin Sha has no good way to kill him directly.After fighting for half an hour, the two sides immediately changed their combat methods, and the two straight figures rushed straight into the boiling lead gray clouds, locking the target and bombarding each other with extremely ferocious energy.

Apparently, both Lin Sha and the viscount viscount in the Earl's Collar wanted to test the limit of the opponent's strength.

A scene that shocked many native demon fighters and strong human beings from the outside world appeared...

I saw the two superpowers suspended in the violently tumbling lead clouds, their bodies blazing and powerful like demon gods descending, except that a layer of energy shield visible to the naked eye was arranged outside their bodies.The two powerhouses faced each other's energy bombardment without dodging or avoiding it!

Crazy, really too crazy!

What surprised the strong players of the spectators was that a series of energy and energy shock waves were densely packed and extremely fierce. The bombardment exploded at two points with an incomparable blue and dark light. Dao's stalwart figure, like a demon god, retreated again and again from the aftermath of the explosion, but still stood proudly.

What kind of strength is this, and how powerful is it?

Although the energy protection shields on the two powerful men kept agitating and looked like they might fall apart at any time, they remained strong in the face of continuous violent energy explosions and did not collapse. To maintain the energy protection shields needs a lot of energy The energy in the body is continuously output, and at the same time, the continuous close-range energy explosions will greatly damage the body strength.

If it is placed on a strong demon baron level.Even if it can maintain the external energy shield without collapsing.The body also couldn't bear the concussion injuries caused by continuous close-range energy explosions.

But look at those two.The hands didn't listen to each other's movements and continued to bombard each other for a full ten minutes. All the thick lead gray clouds within ten miles of the sky were swept away, revealing the dark scene in the sky above, and the two didn't seem to be affected in the slightest. Still flexible and agile as always.

"The combat strength is over 50. What a terrifying guy!"

In the hand of the spectator, Meng Tian kept pressing the energy detector on hand, and seeing the astonishing numbers displayed on the small screen, he couldn't help changing his color and taking a breath.

In order to adapt to the special environment of the Demon Realm, Linsha deliberately customized a batch of professional energy detectors. The maximum detection value of the palm size reaches 100 million, and it does not attract attention at all when it is worn close to the body. [

If you don't do anything, you can't do it. There are too many strong people in the demon world. The previous highest detection value was only 30. The standard small energy detector worn on the eyes is not suitable at all.In the dangerous demon world, it is very fatal.

In terms of these hardware conditions, Lin Sha has never been stingy to do his best.

"Boss's strength has improved so quickly, it's really jaw-dropping!"


The change in the size of the territory is nothing, what really changes is the strength of Lin Sha and his younger brothers.

In the past seven years, there are enough sparring partners.The conquest of the demon world has gone all out once.It was the time when he took down the seven or eight leaders of Demon Flame, and singled out two strong demons with a combat power of over 35. It took Lin Sha a lot of hands and feet to get rid of these two guys.

For most of the rest of the time, he was nestled in a different world, either fighting those outrageously powerful savage beasts, or concentrating on researching newly discovered species and new materials.

The battle with those savage beasts is really thrilling, and there is a possibility of serious injury or even death if you are not careful.

Under this harsh environment, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds.The combat power has increased from the previous 55 to an astonishing 20, and the combat power has increased to almost an astonishing value of [-].

The reason why his strength has improved so quickly is that besides the frequent shopping with those rough-skinned and thick-skinned beasts, the most important thing is that he has developed a very precious potion for improving his body potential.

This special potion is extremely precious. It is made by refining the blood of hundreds of savage beasts, coupled with the fusion and catalysis of interstellar top biotechnology, and its effect is amazing.

What an astonishing method, after taking this special drug, the smallest cells in the body will slowly evolve under the action of the drug, and then comprehensively and gently improve the physical fitness, stimulate the body's potential to accommodate more bioenergy.

Originally, the combat power of 40 and 50 is not a small barrier, even if he wants to successfully break through with his accumulation, it will not be completed in a short time.He failed in a bloody battle with wild beasts every day, and his body simply couldn't bear such a huge loss.

But with this kind of special medicine, it is different. Every time you fight with a powerful wild beast, there will be a qualitative improvement, and there is basically no load on the body.

Not only that, but in the crisis of fighting against powerful beasts, he can also easily explode his physical potential, just like challenging the limit, so that his strength can achieve rapid progress.

Of course, the rapid increase in his combat power in less than seven years is not all due to the effects of fighting powerful beasts and special magic potions, but also the spiritual skills practiced in a world of mysterious thoughts. It has played a big role.

Speaking of this mysterious world of thought power, it is a magical outer world that he discovered when he took down the magic flame. The intelligent beings in it all practice a mysterious thought power technique, which is weird in terms of cultivation methods and attack methods. very.

When he first set foot in this mysterious outer world, he almost capsized in the gutter because he didn't understand the situation.

At the beginning, he thought it was just an ordinary world that couldn't be more ordinary, just like the earth universe in his previous life, but who would have expected that it would be a high-energy world.

The training and attacks in this world are all focused on the mind power cultivated through mental power. If he doesn't explode the mind power, even if he is given a pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, he won't be able to see anything.

After suffering enough, he secretly killed some trash mind power practitioners, and found a way to cultivate mental power to condense mind power, and then assist that special potion to improve his strength. It is very simple. Passed the pass without any trouble at all.

The reason why Meng Tian and his team's combat effectiveness improved so quickly is also the result of him secretly taking this special potion for his younger brother.Otherwise, with their little strength, going to the wild world to fight with that powerful savage beast is purely courting death.


The two superpowers held back their energy and bombarded wildly. The rumbling thunder continued for more than half an hour and there was still no sign of weakening.

Lin Sha saw that this was not going to work. There was no way to condense the energy big move in such a short time, and there would be no results after three days and three nights of small fights.

With their level of strength, the recovery speed of energy in the body is not a joke. It is estimated that the energy consumed in the body has been fully restored in less than a few breaths just after throwing out a series of energy.

Apparently the viscount viscount demon strongman on the opposite side was not happy with this result, and the two of them could see each other's unwillingness in their eyes, so they had a tacit understanding and suddenly stopped their hands, flashing and colliding fiercely.

The battle really went on for three days and three nights, and the two powerhouses have maintained an unbeatable situation. Even if each of them broke through the 60 mark with their trump cards, it would be the same if they met each other. .

In the end, Lin Sha's stamina was superior. There was no way he had a lot of potions on hand. He could afford to consume them, but the strong viscount demon from the earldom couldn't afford them.

Not to mention the huge energy consumption in the body, even the severe hunger like a tide can kill it.

In the end, seeing that the situation was not good, this guy forced Lin Sha back with a super energy shock wave, and then turned and left without looking back.

This fierce battle between viscount-level powerhouses shocked the outskirts of the demon realm in the west of the demon world. In a short period of time, almost all viscounts and demon nobles below knew that there was a super powerful human powerhouse in the Demon Flame Territory!

All kinds of reliable and unreliable rumors are rampant, Lin Sha's name is not only resounding in the Demon Flame Eight Territory and the nearby demon territory, even the high-level demon nobles in the Western Demon Territory remember their number one figure...

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