super space warrior

Chapter 422 Fame

"Boss, aren't you joking? With Ling Dang and Ding Dang sisters around, who would dare to jump out and stab them?" Li Xin couldn't help but sneered, his face full of contempt.

With his current strength, an interstellar powerhouse with a combat power of 15 is simply not in his eyes.

It’s not that he’s talking big. Although the sisters Ling Dang and Ding Dong are not stationed in the Demon Realm all the year round, with the help of the special potion prepared by Lin Sha, their combat power has successfully broken through the 20 mark. The presence.

"You kid is so arrogant, why can't you even beat a saber-toothed tiger in the wild world?" Lin Sha said with a light smile, "I remember when someone was chased to the point of crying and yelling mother!"

"Boss, you can't talk nonsense, when did I cry for my father and mother?" Li Xin blushed and yelled with a guilty conscience.

Speaking of this really embarrasses him. When the brothers entered the wild world for the first time, Lin Sha acted irresponsibly as the shopkeeper, and sent the brothers safely to Pai Pai to sit on the high platform.

This is a real pain for the brothers. They have suffered a lot in the face of those huge, rough-skinned, thick-skinned, and powerful beasts.They fought and fought but couldn't escape and couldn't escape. Those savage beasts' sense of smell was too keen. They, visitors from another world, had no hiding place at all. They were chased by a group of huge, brutal and tyrannical beasts to the sky.

It is impossible to forget that dangerous experience in my life, and sometimes I still relive the horrible scene in my dream.

For a whole month, their brothers kept fighting with wild beasts, and their hands were chased all over the world. When their lives were dying, the boss rescued them, and then passed through the cycle of reincarnation in the fierce battle with wild beasts. . [

It has to be said that that experience had a huge impact on them, because of course the arrogance of becoming the top interstellar powerhouse in a smooth journey, there is only a longing for stronger power and side resentment.

Nima, anyone who has been chased and bullied by a group of huge monsters for a full three months will not be in a good mood.It is common for people to be injured and suffer injuries. Sometimes they are accidentally crippled under the onslaught of savage beasts, and they stay in the medical cabin of the earth star base for several months.

The boss, Lin Sha, didn't care how much they complained and were tortured, and he didn't care whether they were seriously injured or stimulated by wild beasts. Once they recovered, they were thrown directly into the wild world to be tested.

In short, no matter what went wrong, and whether they were willing or not, each of the brothers stayed in the wild world for three full months.

None of these three months was consecutive, and it took a whole year for the fastest of the brothers to stay there. The two bottom characters like him and Tian Dan took two and a half years to get enough. wait enough.

During the three months of experience in the wild world, he thoroughly understood the truth of 'being behind is about to be beaten'.When he first entered the wild animal world, even if he encountered a wild beast whose combat power was much lower than his, a single encounter would result in serious injury and disability.

It took him more than half a year to adapt to the environment there, and he no longer ended up being killed by those ferocious beasts in seconds.After the three-month trial was over, their brothers made strenuous advances one by one. Not only did their strength increase by tens of thousands, but they even worked hard and earnestly in their usual training.

There is no way, I have suffered too much in the wild world and suffered too much stimulation.

It's really funny to say, when I was in the wild world, I wished that it would end soon, but after leaving the wild world for a long time, I missed it, and sometimes I feel really panic when I think about it.

Numerous chatted about the interesting things in the wild world for a while, and then returned to the topic, Li Xin continued to introduce some things he heard and saw in the earth and stars.

"Boss, you don't know, it's a mess at Yunwuxing now!"

As soon as Li Xin mentioned this, he gloated and gloated, and said with a smile: "You don't know, there are more than a dozen forces participating in the temporary alliance, and most of them are old interstellar mid-level forces!"

"No way, could it be that the Silver Rock Republic hasn't surrendered yet?" Meng Tian asked in surprise. He has been in the Demon Realm for more than two years and hasn't gone out, so he doesn't know much about the interstellar situation.

Not only him, but most of the others were also like this, they would not return to Earth unless necessary, as if they were the masters of the Demon Realm.

No wonder they are like this, under the influence of Lin Sha, they also wholeheartedly pursue personal strength, and all interstellar conflicts and intrigues are completely put aside.For this reason, Li Mumengyi and the others simply resigned from the leadership positions of the combined fighter mech wing, and devoted themselves to improving their own strength. [

For such a situation, Lin Sha is naturally happy to see the results. As long as he adapts to the infestation of the demon world, he will not only get opportunities to practice in actual combat from time to time, but also see different scenery in different worlds through the space channel connecting the demon world, and at the same time broaden his horizons and quickly accumulate rich battles. experience.

There are almost no such opportunities in the interstellar world, unless they participate in the war of destroying the country, but that is not to say that there is something like that.Usually those interstellar powerhouses with similar strength are not the super bosses of all forces, so how can they spend time with Meng Tian and the others to increase their combat experience and improve their strength?

Before, they had to take turns to sit on the earth star, but since five years ago, the sisters Ling Dang Gen Ding Dang, and the Xiahou family and Xiahou Xianger who came out of Hualong star managed the Yanhuang galaxy, and they have completely escaped and never intervened again. The affairs on the Yanhuang galaxy.

Even if you have to go back to Earth for something, you can only go to the small base in the hidden valley at most, and return to the Demon Realm immediately after completing the mission without seeing anyone.

It is precisely because they devote themselves to training that their strength can improve so quickly in a short period of time.


"How is it impossible?" Li Xin rolled his eyes and explained: "I don't know where a small piece of 'energy storage metal', a special product on the cloud star, has been carefully inspected by the top interstellar material scientists. Metal has all kinds of strange effects, and it is theoretically feasible to help warships jump in space!"

Meng Tian and the others were startled when they heard this, but Lin Sha was indeed smiling and remained silent.

The piece of "energy storage metal" lost in the interstellar is his masterpiece. There are many such mineral deposits in the territory of the demon world. He randomly picked up a few pieces of ore and refined and concentrated them. After letting the unlucky captive Mi Ke use his own energy to purify the atmosphere of the demon world on it, Then it flowed into a large underground auction house in Interstellar through a secret channel.

As a result, things turned out as he had expected. The energy storage metal that was "lost" from the Silver Rock Republic fell into the hands of the Provisional Alliance, causing an uproar immediately.

It has been several years of small-scale battles with the Silver Rock Republic, and the time has almost exhausted the patience of the members of the Provisional Alliance. They doubt that it is worthwhile to completely turn against the Silver Rock Republic for a speculative metal?

Lin Sha naturally wanted to make them think it was worth it, and it was very worth it.

As a result, a piece of stray energy storage metal suddenly appeared, which excited the temporary alliance that suffered heavy losses and low morale in the past few years. Some interstellar forces that were still on the sidelines joined one after another. I can't breathe.

The energy storage metal that appeared mysteriously stabilized the military spirit of the temporary alliance, and at the same time indirectly implied that the Silver Rock Republic resisted so fiercely for a small cloud star. The stubborn behavior is a bit too extreme.

You must know that although the Silver Rock Republic has mastered the primary technology of space jumping, the temporary alliance against it represents almost one-third of the interstellar strength. The previous performance is enough to be recognized by many interstellar forces. If there is no problem No one would be so stupid as to be an enemy to almost half of the interstellar world.

As a result, the galaxy where the cloud and mist star was located, which had been somewhat quiet, suddenly became lively again, even more lively than before.

Now that it has been proved that such good things as energy storage metals do exist, and the reaction of the Silver Rock Republic is too suspicious, it would be a fool not to rush up to get a share of the pie at this time.

In response, the Yanhuang galaxy, which is only half a month away from the normal voyage of the star field where the cloud star is located, has become more lively and prosperous, and there are not a few interstellar forces applying to settle in.

To be honest, there are interstellar bases where warships can dock in the nearby star field, but no one is as safe as the Yanhuang galaxy. The Silver Rock Republic has a lot of interstellar warships capable of space jump operations. No one can bear it all at once.

The Yanhuang galaxy is not the case. The entire galaxy is covered with various types of reconnaissance equipment, and the speed of crisis response and its own strength are not a joke.Three years ago, a small fleet of the Silver Rock Republic jumped from the space of life and death, trying to catch the Yan galaxy by surprise.

As a result, the space jump caused violent fluctuations in space energy, which caused the alarm of the reconnaissance equipment, and the super main cannons all over the space bases on the outer planets of the Yanhuang galaxy fired their power one after another, regardless of whether it was the enemy's attack or not. Starfield is a blast.

Then thousands of fast spaceships arrived, apart from anything else, tens of thousands of intelligent combined battle mechas were dropped, and the remaining ships of the small sneak attack fleet were dragged down desperately. With an extremely powerful energy shock wave, the remaining sneak attack ships were spared from annihilation.

This time, in response to the sneak attack of the small fleet of the Silver Rock Republic, in addition to letting all interstellar forces see the strict prevention and control measures of the Yan Galaxy, it also made the twin sisters Bell and Jingdong famous in the interstellar.

Those with a combat power exceeding 20 will be respected no matter what.

What's more, the Yanhuang galaxy has more than 20 combat powers, not just one or two, and there are as many as three people exposed, so the hot-eyed yellow galaxy has once again become famous.

"The two sisters, Ling Dang and Ding Dong, have made a big splash and become famous among the stars..." At this time, Li Xin was talking about the excitement... (To be continued.)

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