super space warrior

Chapter 424 Waiting and Experimenting

"My lord, this..." The new Eighth Lord Demon Baron looked embarrassed.

"Why, you can't even do what I asked you to inquire about?" Lin Sha frowned displeasedly.

"My lord, it's not that we don't work hard, it's really..." The Seven Great Demon Baron Huangfu was in a state of embarrassment.

"What is it?" Lin Sha's tone was cold and frost covered his face.

"It's because we are rising too fast, and we don't have time to get to know other demon nobles outside!" the baron lord of the third leader of Demon Flame replied boldly.

"It's been almost a year, and you haven't detected anything?" Lin Sha's eyes were bright and unfriendly, and he didn't intend to let these guys go.

"My lord, my lord, the power of the two high-ranking nobles, Earl Carlin and Earl Cafu, has basically been figured out!" At this time, the Baron, the first and second lord of Moyan, answered boldly.

"Only these two earldoms that are closest?" Lin Sha was really angry, and said unceremoniously with a displeasure on his face: "Did you know from the rumors that you fought against the two earls once? Their division of power?"

Despite his dark skin, the Seven Great Demon Baron's face was still purple with shame, and his palms were sweating from fear. [

"Hmph, you guys, don't give me a sloppy eye!" Lin Sha tapped a few words lightly, and he didn't mean to hold on. He changed the subject and said in a deep voice: "How much information have you found out? Say as much as you have!"

The seven devil barons all heaved a sigh of relief, secretly glanced at each other, and the most powerful Mo Yan, the first and second two land lords, answered Lin Sha's question with trepidation, not daring to be careless at all.

If they were still a little bit arrogant before, because of the rapid increase in strength, they had arrogance that they shouldn't have, but now they have no thoughts in their hearts, and some are just full of awe.

The confrontation with the strong Viscount of the Earl of Cafu.Let them know that their own strength is scum in front of the viscount-level strongman, but Lord Lin Sha was able to carry the unbelievably strong viscount strong man with his own strength, and even though it took a lot of trouble, he still won the victory. This astonishing result instantly dispelled the unrealistic thoughts in their hearts.

They are not qualified enough to fight Lord Lin Sha!

Not only that.This time they fought against the two powerful Earldoms consecutively, and they were shocked to find that even Meng Tian, ​​who had been looking down on them before, and several human powerhouses who were closer to the Lord were stronger than most of them.

Even though the Seven Great Devil Barons were confident of defeating Meng Tian and the others, they couldn't guarantee that Meng Tian and the others would not be left behind. The power of the five-person battle formation alone was not something they could resist.

Not to mention Master Lin Sha, they knew that when he was fighting against the strong Viscount level, he still had some powerful means to use.Otherwise, it's hard to say whether the strong Viscount can escape unscathed.

Facing Lin Sha's severe reprimand at this time, they were really terrified.I secretly regretted it in my heart. I thought it was because I was stronger and gradually became slack. I didn't take Lin Sha's orders seriously, and I didn't spend too much effort to complete the task. Now it's easy to hit the gun.

However, they do have their own difficulties.It has been less than ten years since he rose from the bottom, and the land in his hands was obtained with the help of Lin Sha, so it is inevitable that he has not had much contact with other orthodox demon nobles.

After Boss Lin Sha's task of collecting the divisions of the Western Demon Realm in the Demon Realm, they were at the beginning.It is basically hopeless to rely on folk power for such a thing, and it can only be known through the communication between the demon noble lords in various places, but the problem is that they don't know a few old demon nobles at all.

Coupled with the vast territory of the Demon Realm, it is conceivable how much information they can find out.

Although Lin Sha knew this, he still had to beat what should be beaten.The living environment of the demon world is very harsh, and even if you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter.In recent years, although he has been living in the experimental base of the barren world, he has vaguely noticed signs of instability in the chief seven demon barons.

Just at this time, a powerful foreign enemy attacked, and he could have arrived at the first time.But just because they wanted to make the seven devil barons under him suffer, the rescue of Meng Tian and others came late, and he even made an appearance at the last moment to turn the tide.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad. It not only shows my previous life but also expresses my dissatisfaction with these guys. At least there is no need to worry about any problems until the combat power of these guys does not exceed 50. [

The only thing that made him unhappy was that the tasks he had ordered did not achieve the results he wanted due to various reasons, such as the situation in the Western Demon Territory reported by the Seven Great Devil Barons at this time.

He also knew that although these guys were slack, they were really in trouble.The old rise too fast as they said, and there is no time to get acquainted with the demon nobles of other territories.

Not only that, but because the Demon Flame Territory expanded too fast, it was terribly tyrannical, which caused panic among the nearby demon nobles.It's too late to be on guard one by one. How can they befriend the seven demon nobles with eight collars of magic flame?

Therefore, the situation reported by the Seven Great Devil Barons was just as he had expected. It was only the general situation of a dozen or so nearby Devil Barons.

These seven people seemed to be afraid of Lin Shasha, they only reported the confirmed or certain news, and didn't even mention the rumors that were heard.

In the end, Lin Sha was still dissatisfied with their report, and directly asked them to tell them all they knew, whether it was the real situation they found out or gossip that was hard to distinguish between true and false.

According to rumors, the vast expanse of the Western Demon Territory is ruled by the Ten Great Demon Dukes, but it is not clear whether it is the Ten Great Dukes or not.But this is enough to make Lin Sha startled, a mere demon viscount is so powerful, let alone a top powerhouse among the demon nobles.

Having been in the devil world for so many years, I have heard a little about the division of the strength of demon powerhouses below the earl. The strength of the devil baron is between 20 and 50, and the strength of the devil is between 100 and 100 million. The strength is [-] million. The strength above is that of the Earl of Demons.

In other words, the viscount strong man in the earl collar who was frightened away by him is just the bottom of the viscount strong men. This shows how terrifying the strength of the devil duke is, maybe there are millions or even thousands of people. Ten thousand fighting power?

Although Lin Sha didn't use his full strength, his combat power would be close to 70 if he broke out completely, but that kind of highlight state didn't last long, and could only be used as a desperate means.

The number of marquis-level demon powerhouses under the top ten demon dukes is probably no less than a few hundred, and the number of earl-level demon powerhouses at the next level is measured in thousands. As for the viscount and baron-level demon powerhouses, it is hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands. Ten thousand.

And the area of ​​territory that no devil baron has at hand is not much smaller than that of an asteroid in the interstellar world, which shows the vastness of the Western Demon Territory.

At this time, Lin Sha was really fortunate that almost every demon aristocratic territory had space passages leading to different worlds, otherwise it would be really unbearable for such a large number of powerful demons to flood into the ordinary world.

There is only so much information that the seven demon barons under his command can inquire about, and the rest are gossip and anecdotes about demon lords from all over the world, which Lin Sha has no interest in.


Time flies, and three months have passed in a flash.

The leader of Demon Flame stood ready to meet the wrath of Earl Cafu.But he couldn't wait, and there was no movement from the Earl of Cafu at all.

Later, Lin Sha couldn't wait any longer, so he patted his butt and returned to the third area of ​​Moyan, and rushed to a small island off the coast of the wild world through the space passage of the core castle.

The area of ​​the small island is only tens of square kilometers, with beautiful mountains and water, and a pleasant climate. The center of the island is a flat grassland, and there is a small interstellar biological laboratory standing in the shade of green grass.

In order to build this interstellar standard biological laboratory, Lin Sha has spent a lot of energy and time, bit by bit, like ants moving house, transferring the laboratory's equipment and special constructions from the earth star through Moyanliang.

Not only the laboratory, there are also four small energy turrets installed around the beautiful and sturdy building to protect the laboratory.Regardless of the beautiful scenery of the island and its appearance as a resort, any place that is associated with the word "wildness" will definitely not be without those ferocious wild beasts.

Although the island where the biological laboratory is located is isolated overseas, without the harassment of ferocious beasts on land, and the sneak attack of giants in the sea, the "big presence" of birds and beasts in the sky is indispensable.

At the beginning, Lin Sha didn't know the situation, and it took half a year to finally set up the shelf of the laboratory. Then one day, he was suddenly attacked by a group of raptors and savage beasts. As a result, the laboratory that had just set up the platform was destroyed.

After learning from the pain, it took Lin Sha another year and a half to build this small biological laboratory with the help of Meng Tian's younger brothers, and four small energy forts controlled by the laboratory's brain.

At this time, Lin Sha was doing experiments in a small sub-room of the laboratory. He was concentrating on carefully pouring the light blue solvent in the test tube in hand into the space metal glass flask, and his hands kept moving like a butterfly wearing flowers. The various ingredients were added carefully, and the flask half-filled with the blue solution was placed on the burner.


Although he was careful and careful, tried his best to control the temperature of the flame at the bottom of the flask, and stirred gently with the long glass rod at a constant speed, but the blue liquid in the flask suddenly expanded when it reached a certain temperature, and then "bang" a bang.

"Damn it failed again..." Lin Sha dodged the warm and splashing blue liquid, and couldn't help cursing anxiously...

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