super space warrior

Chapter 427 Cruel Trial

The three demonic baronies closest to the Demon Flame Territory have suddenly become violent recently...

In the beginning, a few powerful bandits appeared, plundering wantonly and mixing the three major territories into a mess.

It wasn't a big deal, this kind of thing has happened before.But when the barons of the three major territories led their younger brothers to attack the bandits aggressively, they were suddenly attacked and killed by an unknown mysterious strong man.

This time the "chaos" became serious. The three major baron leaders made a "chaos" for a while, and the core demons who knew the mysterious means of "devil god's blessing" were gearing up for each other, and they all recruited people to take over as the lords of the territory. Location.

All of a sudden, the Three Kingdoms were overthrown; the three territories were in flames of war, and the flames of war were raging everywhere, and blood and bones were scattered all over the corners of the three territories.

At the same time, several demon barons who bordered on the three major territories took action in addition to the Demon Flame Territory, rushing into the chaotic three major territories without stopping to get a share of the pie.

Such a good opportunity is a rare opportunity, as long as they get the "Blessing of the Demon God" from the three major territories, their strength will skyrocket in a short period of time.This kind of incident is not small. Although the three lords died strangely and strangely, in the face of huge interests, these situations were deliberately ignored by the leaders of all parties.

As a result, the already chaotic land of the three great dragons became even more chaotic, and it could be described as a mess of porridge.

The Devil Baron is the Devil Baron, with the aura of "Blessing of the Devil God" added to his body, not only his strength has improved rapidly without any sequelae, but his physical potential has also been developed to a certain extent, which is stronger than the same rank. [

The baron-level powerhouses who had entered the three major territories were overwhelming, forcing the strong men from the original territories who had committed suicide to unite to fight against the powerful enemy.But even so, those devil barons still had the advantage of the decisive team, and they were all overjoyed to see that their goal was about to be achieved.

Unexpectedly, a mysterious force appeared out of nowhere, and the strength of the masters was all good, and the leader was not much worse than the veteran devil baron.Those devil baron powerhouses who were about to get a piece of the pie and were overwhelmed by the previous good situation were attacked and killed one after another. Not only did they not gain any benefits, but they also trapped themselves in vain.

Now, four devil barons died inexplicably. Their territory was naturally in chaos, and it had the same sense of evolution as the previous three territories, and the fighting was endless.

Even though he knows that there are forces behind the scenes, but in the face of huge interests, all dangers and risks are put aside, and the benefits that are enough to make people envious are first obtained.

For the rest, the demon lords connected to the seven chaotic territories were dispatched one after another, leading their men and horses to rush into the chaotic territories non-stop in order to take advantage.

A certain lord took over a certain territory, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds through another "blessing of the devil god". When a certain lord competed with a certain lord for a certain territory, a fierce battle broke out, and the certain lord was defeated and seriously injured and retreated.A certain lord, Mo Yantao, is so powerful that he won two territories of such and such in one go, and the promotion to the Viscount level is just around the corner!

For a while, all kinds of rumors spread around the chaotic territories, and some good news made the demon lords who were close to these chaotic territories but out of their reach red-eyed, eager to rush over to get a share of the pie.

As for the news of those lords being seriously injured or falling, they are automatically ignored. If you want to get benefits, you have to take huge risks. If you can’t get benefits, you can only blame yourself for your incompetence.

The demon lords who secretly envy, envy and hate, and their eyes are red are eager to have as many dead lords as possible, so that they can go out to snatch more benefits in an open and honest manner.

Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious and tyrannical mysterious sniper team wandered in the chaotic territory, attacking and assassinating lords and nobles from all over the world with a purpose.In a short period of three months, thirteen devil barons died under their sneak attack, causing the baronies of around 15 yuan to fall into complete chaos.

That's right, this mysterious and powerful sniper team is run by Lin Sha himself. He also selects strong fighters of various races to join, and changes a group of people every once in a while. The benefit of the outer domain lord.

The most brilliant thing is that they didn't just kill them blindly, but some foreign lords got great benefits, and these guys attracted most of the attention of the outside world with their brilliance.As for those demon baron lords who died, they can only be blamed for their bad luck. Who told them that their strength is poor?

The devil world is so realistic!

What Lin Sha didn't expect was that, after a series of bloody battles with those baron-level lords, the strength of his younger brothers increased greatly under the threat of death, especially Meng Tian and the others had faint signs of breaking through the 40 mark.

And Lin Sha's own strength has also made a big breakthrough. In such a high-intensity assassination battle, his combat effectiveness can be described as a sudden increase.No way, who told Lin Sha to have the thickest foundation and contribute the most? [

As the saying goes, if you pay, you will always get something!

This is the case for Lin Sha. Although all the demon barons who are far inferior to him are eliminated, continuous high-intensity combat is also a rare test for flying. In addition, he did not use special methods such as storm-submarine combat skills. In combat combat, it is very difficult to kill a veteran demon-level powerhouse in a short time.

You must know that those demon nobles are very sensitive to danger, and have extremely rich combat experience. When they see a bad situation, they immediately use their whole body or even the bottom of the box. Sometimes even Lin Sha has to avoid the edge temporarily.

The pay and the harvest have been directly proportional. In just one month of latent assassination by Sa, he personally killed as many as eight baron-level demon powerhouses, and his younger brothers also killed five and seriously injured several others.

Fortunately, there are not a few human masters participating in various forces in the chaotic territory station, which prevented their identities from being exposed in the first place.With their efforts, more and more territories were affected by the chaos. Before, it was limited to ten lords, but with the continuous expansion of the exhibition scale, the territory involved soon exceeded 30 yuan.

Among them, a dozen or so territories that lost their lords became a mess, and nearly twenty baron-level forces poured into these ten or so main territories. They fought endlessly for the precious opportunity of "devil god's reward".

It's not just about competing for interests, there are also many devil barons who are worried that their mortal enemies or enemies will get benefits and their strength will increase greatly, and then they will cause trouble for themselves, so they simply don't do anything and send elite men secretly to carry out sneak attacks and assassinations.

Therefore, although the jng cadre team led by Lin Sha is powerful, the number of people who act low-key has always been kept in a very small range, and has never attracted the attention and siege of the outside world. There are quite a few people who are willing to take the blame for them.


"Chaos" "chaotic" completely "chaos", in just over a year, the clothing site that Earl Carlin nominally controlled was in chaos, with flames of war everywhere and fierce fighting everywhere.

Not only the devil baron-level powerhouse was caught in the chaos and couldn't extricate himself, tearing sand frantically to snatch the benefits and benefits of the soil man Yanhong, even several viscount-level demon powerhouses were implicated and participated.

I don't know what's going on, these viscount-level demon powerhouses seem to despise the huge benefits of the "Blessing of the Demon God", but their own territories are affected by the flames of war, or they help relatives, friends and family members to kill the enemy and enemies, which makes the already numerous The chaotic situation is even more weird and unpredictable.

Some baron-level demon powerhouses without the support of viscount-level demon powerhouses have united to protect themselves. The combination of several old baron-level demon powerhouses can deal with a junior viscount-level demon powerhouse, which prevents the situation from happening The one-sided situation made the flames of war continue to have no intention of stopping.

At the same time, stimulated by viscount-level demon powerhouses, those demon barons without backers became even crazier, and their pursuit of strength reached an extremely crazy and terrifying level.In order to improve their strength, they can be desperate, and in order to strengthen themselves, they can give up everything, including family and friendship...

At this time, not to mention the instigator Lin Sha, even Earl Carlin, who is as powerful as Count Carlin, can't stop the continuous spread and expansion of the war.Although the Earl personally executed many demon baron-level powerhouses in order to stop the continuation of the war, it was a pity that things backfired and did not have any positive effects, and instead aroused collective resistance from the demon baron group.

For a while, Earl Carlin was in a hurry to put out the fire, but unfortunately, the fire could not be extinguished with a few threats.

With such a result, Lin Sha, the man behind the scene, is naturally happy to see the results. He hopes that things will become more "chaotic" as possible, so that he can fish in troubled waters, and quickly improve the combat effectiveness of himself and his subordinates through battles, so as to deal with possible dangers in the future. situation.

There are too many powerful people in the demon world, maybe someone can see his hands and feet, at least to deal with the anger of the devil Earl Karin, and must improve his combat power in the shortest possible time.

It is precisely because of this that even though the previous goal has been achieved long ago, disturbing Earl Karin's sight prevented him from staring at the leader of Moyan all the time, and at least he had to buy time for the new generation of Moyan to grow up .

As a result, a secret sneak attack and assassination not only achieved the goal that he wanted to achieve before, but also unexpectedly discovered the great help of the rapid improvement of the strength of the battle.At this time, don't say that Lin Sha is reluctant to give up such a good opportunity, even the younger brother who has tasted the sweetness will not agree to give up easily.

Therefore, when the flames of war completely spread and swept across half of Earl Carlin's nominally controlled area, and expanded outwards at an extremely rapid pace, it was basically impossible to stop the flames of war unless veteran Earl-level powerhouses were dispatched. Obviously, Earl Karlin It does not have such strength and prestige.

Seeing this, Quinolinesha simply stopped sneaking around and changed his face to participate in this war with an astonishingly wide range as a squad of wandering mercenaries.

Although the consumption of continuous high-intensity battles is astonishing, even if Lin Sha adopts the rotation system, it still cannot withstand the huge consumption. Thoroughly inspired, not only did not feel any fear, but actively and enthusiastically challenged the battle.

Once again, I felt the cruelty of the jungle law of the demon world, and I was deeply moved by the militant blood of the natives of the demon world.No wonder there are so many powerful people in the demon world. In such a warlike atmosphere, it would be unreasonable if there were no strong people.

Of course, the belligerent Lin Sha, his younger brother, was happy to see the results, and at the same time, he himself was completely immersed in the joy of fighting and the joy of harvest.To be honest, the character of his previous life had too much influence on him, he always held the passive thinking of not committing crimes, and missed a lot of great opportunities to quickly improve his strength by relying on fighting.

At the very least, he couldn't kill the weak for any reason, and he didn't use any means to engage other powerful people for a battle with unknown results. .

This made his heart of a strong man not even perfect, it can be said that there are flaws everywhere.He is nostalgic and cherishes all kinds of hard-won feelings, and will not easily give up any people and things related to him.

This kind of personality can be said to be good or bad, but the good thing is that the subordinates don't feel too much pressure, and they are also very relaxed and comfortable when interacting with each other on weekdays.

Speaking of which, he has been in the Demon Realm for more than ten years, and none of his subordinates has defected or scrambled during such a long time. I have to say that his gentle personality has played a great role.

The natives of the Demon Realm and the strong human beings from other worlds mixed in the Demon Realm are very realistic. Before their strength reaches a certain level, they naturally want to hug a thick breast, and at the same time, they don't want to be used like a slave by the boss.

It just so happens that Lin Sha has both of these points. Needless to say, his strength is far superior to that of a low- and middle-level demon baron, and his personality is considered gentle and easy to get along with. Only when I can't stand it will I come forward to take care of it, and the younger brothers can listen to it and are willing to cooperate.

Needless to say the disadvantages, there is not much majesty for a long time, the younger brothers will inevitably slack off, and when the younger brothers are up, Zihui will have all kinds of bad thoughts.Of course, these are just small things. The real disadvantage is that Lin Sha does not have a cold and strong heart, which is really terrible at critical times.

Fortunately, his strength has never stopped improving, and the improvement rate is not small. He can always defeat or suppress his opponent with absolute strength. It can be said that Dune has been able to go smoothly without encountering too many setbacks.

It's inevitable that he wasn't cruel enough to himself, otherwise, during those few times when he ran away from the wilderness, he actually had the strength to fight, but the price may be a bit high, but the rewards in the future are definitely a lot, and now finally If you miss all of them, otherwise your current strength will only become stronger. It is not a dream if your basic strength exceeds 70.

But right now he has a great opportunity to make corrections, and that's right, to participate deeply in the "chaos" in the Earl of Carlin.

For those demon native fighters who are not breathing, due to the large difference in appearance, he has no psychological burden at all when striking, and the lethality of various powerful moves in his hands can be maximized.

Once the mentality problem is resolved, although his basic strength is just in the early 60, the power of the roster is no less than 65.Even against low-level viscount-level powerhouses, although it is a bit difficult to deal with, one's own safety is still guaranteed.

It was also in this bloody and cruel environment like Shura's hell that Lin Sha's heart of the strong gradually matured, and his strength also surged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

60 combat power, 65 combat power, 70 combat power...

It can be said that Lin Sha seems to have entered a strange state at this time, and under the stimulation of the war-torn environment, his combat effectiveness is crazily increasing like a volcanic eruption.

Don't doubt that this speed of improvement is not in line with common etiquette. Except for the battle between the city and Muyuanlai, who had just reached the level of a senior interstellar warrior, this time was Lin Sha's longest and most dangerous battle.

Even if you are fighting against a strong enemy, you can't use your full strength. You must devote a part of your mind to pay attention to the surrounding movements, and be careful to guard against sneak attacks and assassinations that may come from any place in all directions.You can't completely relax during rest, you must keep one eye open and one eye closed to prepare for battle at any time, and your spirit must remain highly concentrated and tense for a long time.

This is all precious experience gained at the price of blood.

The son living in the chaos of war can be described as years in years, and the consumption of body and spirit is extremely astonishing. Even if he has all kinds of special medicines to replenish constantly, he still has to recover his magic power once every three months. Eunuch, make some adjustments and self-cultivation.

But that's the case, Meng Tian and the others were seriously injured many times in just one year. If Lin Sha didn't pay attention to maintenance all the time, they might have died long ago.And the other natives of the demon world and strong human beings from the outside world are not so lucky. They will never be stingy if they can give Lin Sha a hand, but sometimes they really can't take care of it, so you can't blame him, can you?

It is precisely in such a cruel environment that training can even be called "forced". The five of Meng Tian can be described as fast. After recovering from the first serious injury, they successfully broke through the 40 combat power mark, and then their strength became even stronger. It was Meng Jinka who slowed down at the level of 50 combat power all the way.

Not only their strength has improved rapidly, but also those who rotate the native strong and the human strong from the outside world, as long as they don't hang up in the battle and recover, their strength will increase significantly.To Lin Sha's surprise, there were thirteen more powerful people with a combat power of over 20 in the Demon Flame Leader.

This time, the vacancies of the seven unlucky demon barons were quickly filled. Even if they had not been baptized by the 'Blessing of the Demon God', there was no need to worry about the lack of high-end powerhouses in the Demon Flame Territory.

Another round of fighting that lasted for three months ended. Lin Sha hurried back to the Demon Flame collar with his scarred and exhausted men, and then those who should be sent to the medical cabin were sent to the medical cabin, and the special potions that should be taken slowly Self-cultivation is slowly self-cultivation.

Lin Sha originally planned to take a good rest for a few days. Unexpectedly, Bell, who is in charge of the galaxy Yanhuang Galaxy, rushed over and told him an amazing news... (To be continued.)

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