() The addition is completed, and the Hualong roll will end tomorrow, brothers, give more collections to encourage


In a barren and inhabited alpine forest, there was a loud rumbling sound, mixed with broken branches and leaves and fresh soil, a huge mushroom cloud rose up.

Lin Sha was floating in the void, covered in light blue flames, and the thin air around him was distorted. A majestic and ferocious aura like a wild beast flew around, and all the beasts within a radius of ten miles were all prostrate on the ground and trembling, with eyes revealing A terrified expression.

Satisfied to see the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance and almost covering the air, lightly tap the lens next to the ear, and a set of data appears in the lens with a crisp 'beep' sound.

"That's right. Just now, a full-strength attack has exploded with [-] combat power. It really deserves to be the number one secret skill of the Xiahou family." While muttering to himself, feeling that the energy in his body has almost disappeared, his brows could not help but frowned slightly: "Energy consumption It's too big, don't use it indiscriminately unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Saying that, he took another look at the huge mushroom cloud gradually dissipating in the air and the huge pothole in the ground, the corner of his mouth slightly turned up and his figure flashed, causing bursts of sonic booms to fly away quickly.


Since then, in addition to collecting various materials to study the history of Hualongxing, and wanting to find out all the news about the 'flame jade', Lin Sha has another hobby: collecting special martial arts mastered by wealthy families from all over the world!

His hard work paid off, when the 'Fierce Tiger Army' encountered powerful enemies, he frequently intervened regardless of his status. After half a year, he looted and accumulated nearly [-] special martial arts cheats.

This is not a small number, at least it represents more than 500 powerful forces.Even the top wealthy Xiahou family, which has been accumulated for [-] years, only has thirteen special combat skill cheats in their hands.

The more he researched, the more he discovered that Hua Longxing's cultivation system was extraordinary, and besides broadening his horizons, he was familiar with all kinds of small skills in the use of power.At this time, the combat power value of more than 300 in the detector cannot reflect his current real combat power at all, and he can definitely be called a high-level expert among intermediate fighters.

Not only that, through studying and practicing these special combat skills, he vaguely found out some clues to absorb the huge energy in the 'flame jade'.However, he didn't dare to try indiscriminately until he figured out how to close and release immediately without being blown up by the surging energy.

During this period, in order to strengthen the strength of the 'Fierce Tiger Army', he deliberately selected several extremely simple exercises from the special combat skills at hand, and in the name of Xiahou, the leader of the 'Fierce Tiger Army', rewarded a group of brave and loyal fighters. Meritorious soldiers, in exchange for a burst of cheers and a resounding slogan of long live the leader of Xiahou.

As this group of soldiers continued to grow in battle and gradually became the core force for the Xiahou Clan to control the 'Fierce Tiger Army', the burden on Lin Sha was greatly relieved, and he did not have to follow the army to suppress him from time to time, and he could spend several days each time Do your own thing in free time.

He is not polite either. Whenever he has free time, he will rush back to the Gourd Mountain Mine as quickly as possible, and then take away all the rough refining metals, place them in the space metal synthesis furnace on the lava river, and smelt them to make pieces Standard space metal prefabricated panels, brought back to the base to repair the damaged shell of the spacecraft.

As the energy of the spaceship is fully replenished, intelligent brains actively help speed up the repair of the spaceship damage. It is estimated that it will be completely repaired in less than half a year. At that time, he can fly the spaceship to travel in the interstellar space again.

Holding the 'flame jade' whose light has dimmed quite a bit, Lin Sha really felt distressed. He suddenly lost 180 million energy available for absorption, no matter how he felt a distressed feeling like cutting flesh.

Oddly enough, he couldn't help but ask if he could find a way to replenish the energy lost in the brain 'flame jade'?

Originally, it was just a random question, but Zhinao really gave him a big surprise: "Dididi, with the internal structure and strength of the 'flame jade' crystal, it is entirely possible..."

Happiness came too suddenly, there was a buzzing in his mind at that time, he didn't hear what was said behind his brain at all, except for surprise or surprise. < ren's palm-sized 'flame jade' is even more coveted, and he can't wait to grab it immediately.

With this thought, he became more eager to help the 'Fierce Tiger Army' fight to the end.But before that, he repaired some of the instruments and equipment in the spacecraft through his brain, and then impatiently sent a coordinate loss signal to the vast universe, hoping to get the coordinate confirmation of the nearest interstellar spaceport.

After finishing all this work, he made ten mechanical reconnaissance birds through the spaceship equipment, and carefully put them into the large fuzzy areas of the satellite photos on the way out of the base. Right now, the complete restoration of the spaceship has entered the countdown, and he knows that he is in Hualongxing Time is running out, and he is really unwilling not to find out what secrets are inside.

After returning to the barracks, he completely settled down to help the 'Fierce Tiger Army' develop its power and kill all the forces and individuals that threatened the Xiahou clan's status.With his secret support, the 'Fierce Tiger Army' relaunched a ferocious offensive against the crumbling Hualong Empire. For a time, the flames of war continued and fierce battles were everywhere.

Just as Lin Sha expected at the beginning, the 'Fierce Tiger Army' unified the entire southwest with unstoppable momentum, and after entering the heart of the mainland aggressively with the aftermath of a great victory, they encountered a lot of obstacles.Not only is the royal family resentful of the 'Fierce Tiger Army' that suddenly appeared in the southwest, but even the veteran vassal forces in the heart are also very afraid of the emerging 'Fierce Tiger Army'.

Under the open and covert obstruction of several major forces, the advance speed of the 'Fierce Tiger Army' gradually slowed down, and the momentum of expansion to the heartland was also severely curbed.Although Xiahou's and the core executives of the "Fierce Tiger Army" were annoyed, they had no choice but to adjust their strategies and develop carefully.

It's not that no one wants to ask Lin Sha to take action, and he is also willing to set off a frenzy of terror in order to collect a sufficient number of special combat skills.But as soon as he set foot in the heart of the mainland, he immediately felt a huge pressure like a mountain rushing towards his face, as if warning him not to act foolishly.

He was shocked in his heart, hurriedly sensed carefully and found that this was not done by some strong man, it seemed to be the natural will of this world.As a result, he became more cautious, and at the same time, he also sensed the aura of dozens of strong men in several major camps. Through the energy detector, he was surprised to find that the fighting power of these people was around [-].

This surprised him so much, if it was placed at the time when he had just made an emergency landing, he would definitely have dismissed it.The absolute gap in strength cannot be made up by quantity.But ever since he knew that Hua Longxing had the special combat skill of explosive potential, he didn't dare to underestimate any native master with a combat power of more than [-].

Who knows if there will be a few perverts among them, possessing pervertedly powerful special combat skills, bursting out ten times or eight times their combat power, and there will be no place to cry in the vagina by then.

So he gave up the idea of ​​making a move, and secretly promoted the 'Fierce Tiger Army' to form an alliance of princes with several other veteran princes to jointly deal with the crumbling Hualong Empire.

After three months of hard work, the allied armies of the feudal lords broke through victoriously and finally reached the majestic city of di du. You only need to get rid of the last foolish and stubborn royal family in the city of di du, and you can directly win the announcement of di du The official collapse of the Hualong Empire.

Lin Sha gained a lot of benefits along the way with the army, and when he arrived here, he even started thinking about how to sneak into the city to loot all the secret books of the royal family and snatch the 'flame jade' on the crown.

But how could he have expected that in Hualong Didu, he would encounter the most tragic battle in his life...

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