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"The NB-type single-person spaceship AK-47 requests to land, please mark the landing location on the control tower!"

"Ak-47 spaceship is allowed to land on the apron 365 in the SBX area!"


A huge fireball pierced through the atmosphere of Mulan Star, dragged a long tail flame and came straight to Mulan Spaceport. When it reached the sky above the spaceport, its speed suddenly stagnated. Four blazing flames spewed out from the bottom of the spaceship, and it began to slowly decelerate towards the designated landing at the port. place to fly.


The elastic ground of apron 365 in the SBX area trembled suddenly, and the suction-cup support frame ejected from the four corners of the spaceship was firmly attached to the smooth ground of the apron, and landed steadily and safely at the Mulan Space Trade Port.

The ugly appearance of the spaceship made the surrounding cosmic people look sideways for a while. The gray and black pieces looked like children's graffiti, and it was extremely ugly like a dirty cloth that had been used for a long time.

These cosmic beings couldn't help pointing and whispering, with mocking or disdainful smiles on their faces.

Although they knew that the spaceship might have suffered an accident in space, but who said that the Berserkers had a bad reputation in the interstellar world, they would not easily let go of such a good opportunity to ridicule.

With a crisp sound of 'click', the cabin door of the spaceship slowly opened, and the noisy taunting sound around suddenly stagnated.It doesn't matter if they sneer behind their backs, if they really want to laugh at the irritable berserker clansmen in front of their faces, they are not so stupid.

Lin Sha walked out of the hatch lightly, causing the surrounding cosmic people to exclaim for a while.

Although he has a stern face and a tall and straight figure, his immature face still betrays his true age.

Of course, surprise is nothing but surprise, and the surrounding cosmic beings dare not underestimate him in the slightest.The [-] combat power value clearly displayed by the ear detector proved that the immature boy in front of him was not easy to mess with.

He glanced coldly at the cosmic beings with their own thoughts, and carefully sensed the surrounding energy atmosphere. The detector worn by his ear also kept beeping, and there was no strong person within a few hundred meters around him. , the one with the highest combat power value is only in the early one thousand, obviously the sbx area is too remote and just some small shrimps.

Although it has been sensed that there are dozens of powerful auras in the core area of ​​the space port, it is conservatively estimated that the combat power is more than [-], and there are three more powerful auras than all the powerful auras he has seen. It is very likely that the combat power has already Breaking through [-] or even reaching a higher level, I was both excited and apprehensive.

Here, he didn't dare to expand the scanning range of the detector.According to the interstellar convention, within [-] meters is the normal scanning range of the detector, and if it is expanded further, it will be suspected of provocation.You must know that all the space warriors have eccentric tempers, and the stronger the warrior, the more this is the case. He doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble because of such a 'little thing'.

Lin Sha carefully looked at the surrounding environment, tall and majestic towers, neat and elegant buildings, as well as a vast port and hundreds of spaceships of various sizes and sizes moored in the port. .There are also strange-shaped cosmic beings walking around, forming a unique interstellar picture scroll that intoxicates him.

I was so excited that I had the urge to scream up to the sky, loudly announcing to the universe that he, Mr. Lin, was back!

Suddenly his face changed, his pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the tower.He keenly sensed a powerful aura approaching quickly, followed by three not weak auras.Regardless of possible conflicts, lightly press the detector to increase the scanning range, and scan in the direction of the tower.

"Hey, the combat power is five thousand eight hundred, two thousand six hundred, two thousand three hundred, two thousand one hundred..."

He sneered at the data displayed by the detector. Such combat power basically did not pose any threat to him.You must know that ordinary warriors walking in the interstellar world have almost no means of hiding their strength, and they will not hide their strength at all. A special case like Lin Sha cannot be used as a general reference.

He frowned as if thinking of something, and there was a trace of impatient joy on his face. He hurriedly adjusted the detector to the imperial public communication channel, and said in a trembling voice, "This is Berserker Lin Sha, this is Berserker Lin Sha , the nearby clansmen hear it, please answer, and the nearby berserkers clansman hear it, please answer!"

"Haha, Xiao Linsha, don't worry, we are on our way, your broken spaceship is really ugly!" Suddenly, the detector worn by the ear sizzled, and a familiar laugh came over.

"Is that you, Uncle Li?" Immediately, the figure of a strange uncle appeared in Lin Sha's mind, and he couldn't help shouting excitedly, his nose was sore and he felt an urge to cry.

"Haha, Xiao Linsha is good. I haven't contacted you for two years and I can still hear your Uncle Li's voice!" Even through the detector, I couldn't hide the excitement and joy in Li Guang's words.

The next moment, four figures suddenly appeared in front of Lin Sha, the leading one was a big man with a smile on his face, who else could it be if it wasn't the uncle Li Guang?

He didn't know the three arrogant male clansmen behind Uncle Wei. Didn't he hear that Uncle Li Guangda almost never teamed up with clansmen?

"Haha, I haven't seen Xiao Linsha in two years. You have grown taller and stronger. You are no longer the old-fashioned little Douding." Li Guang laughed and hugged Lin Sha hard. Watching Lin Sha grow up, the two are so close that they can be regarded as half relatives.

"Hey, Xiao Linsha, your strength has grown very fast. Now you have [-] combat power. There is great hope for attacking intermediate fighters!" Looking at the data displayed on the detector, he couldn't help being surprised, "Huh!" After making a sound, the surprised expression on his face flashed, and he muttered secretly in his heart, holding Lin Sha happily for a while.

Based on his years of life-and-death battle experience, he was keenly aware of the dangerous aura on Lin Sha's body, which made him feel palpitations. Maybe this kid's strength is not as simple as it appears. .

Immediately, he shook his head and threw this ridiculous idea out of his mind. He grew up watching this kid, so doesn't he know what skills he has?

Maybe this kid has made great progress in the past two years, but it is impossible to threaten his own safety.Maybe he cared too much, he took the initiative to find a reason in his heart.

Lin Sha's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately felt that the uncle's words meant something.

Li Guang's temperament, no one knows better than him.These words did not seem to be directed at himself, but they were deliberately said to the three people next to him.

While joking wantonly with the strange uncle, the corner of his eyes inadvertently glanced at the three tribesmen, and sure enough, the arrogance on their faces dissipated a little, and the smile in their hearts was nothing more than that.

But what they did next made Lin Sha frown slightly and feel angry...

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