super space warrior

Chapter 57 "Flame Art"

()Thank you for the 200 rewards from the brother of 'riding a bicycle on the high speed', and remind you not to be too cruel. I will try to work harder tomorrow and continue to ask for favorites and recommendations for rewards

"Sure enough, it's wonderful. Damn it actually played resonance. Why didn't I think of this?"

Lin Sha slapped her hands hard, looking at the text illustrations on the big screen, her face flushed with excitement.

He never thought that the ancestors of the Hualong royal family would come up with such a wonderful way to absorb the vitality energy in the 'flame jade'?

That's right, the "Flame Art" with a ridiculous name is regarded as a treasure by the entire Hualong royal family. It has been passed down in the Hualong mainland for thousands of years, and it is specially used as a super cheat for absorbing the energy in the 'flame jade'.

It can only be said that Lin Sha was lucky. At the beginning, he lured away the perverted old Hualong emperor, and ordered nearly a thousand of his men to evacuate the entire imperial library. Even if you know that the pieces of paper with written records are garbage, you have to take them away.

Later, when he was arranging and copying these graphic materials, he was still lost for a while, because he didn't find out the special technique used by the royal family to absorb the energy of 'flame jade'.

Don't doubt that the cheat book "Flame Art" was mixed with other cheat books at that time, and its effect on storm diving was very average. At a glance, it was just a second-level special combat skill cheat book that was too ordinary to be ordinary.

Maybe this is called "hiding soldiers in the people". If you don't pay attention, it is really possible to miss such a real treasure.

Fortunately, he has such a magical weapon as the brain. During the four months when the spaceship returned to Mulan Star, he spent a lot of energy researching the history of Hualong Star and the hundreds of special combat technique cheats. Discovered the unusualness of "Flame Art".

Well, he admitted that he was putting money on his face by saying that.

There are hundreds of special combat skill cheats stored in Zhi brain, with different functions and various training methods.If you want to study thoroughly one by one, don't even think about it in ten or so years. Where did he spend so much time on it?

Therefore, he learned the method of classifying books in the library of his previous life, and through the analysis of his brain, he classified these hundreds of special combat technique cheat books into categories, and used the efficiency of submerging potential, the speed of cultivation, the trajectory of energy movement, and special techniques, etc. as standards, to classify all The cheats are divided into more than a dozen categories with similarities and minor differences, for him to retrieve and study at any time.

And this "Flame Art" was squeezed out in this way, which kind of classification alone has a marginal effect but is not satisfactory.How should I put it, it's like an ugly duckling mixed into a group of white swans, it's really an eyesore.

In this way, it aroused Lin Sha's special attention. Among the hundreds of cheat books on special combat techniques in the royal library, which one is not the best among the best?

Any random book, at least above the middle level, has a peculiar effect in a certain aspect, and the iron iron will set off a bloody storm in Hualong Continent.

Not to mention the elite cheats in the royal library, but the dozens of special combat technique cheats he snatched along the way with the "Fierce Tiger Army", even the worst submersible explosion effect is better than "Flame Art" Not a lot.

The so-called 'everything is abnormal must be a demon', he believed that there must be amazing secrets hidden in the rubbish cheat book "Flame Art", otherwise how could it be entitled to the honor of entering the royal library?

After some careful research, he finally discovered the secret hidden in the "Flame Art": what kind of explosive submerged combat technique cheat book is this?

Can you imagine the ecstasy in my heart at that time?

Originally, with his temperament, he wished he could practice immediately to increase his strength quickly.

But he still forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, not only did not practice, but put the "Flame Art" on the shelf, for fear that he would not be able to bear the itching in his heart and practiced silently.

There was no way, the spaceship was not far from Mulan at that time, and he was worried that he would not be able to control the 'flame jade' energy absorbed into his body for a while, and he would be exposed in front of the emergency reception staff sent by the empire.

It's still the same old saying, when one's own strength has not reached the height of being able to despise everything, one must hide one's clumsiness when it is time to hide one's clumsiness, and one must not act recklessly when it is time to pretend to be a grandson.

You must know that in the history of the Berserker Clan, there have been countless amazing and brilliant geniuses. They have been shining brightly and attracted much attention since they were young, and they all claim to be the future of the Berserker Clan.

It's a pity that very few of these geniuses were able to grow up alive, and most of them died inexplicably when they went out to participate in mercenary missions.

If you study it carefully, it is not difficult to see that there is a deep taste of conspiracy hidden in it.

Although the official statement of the empire is high-sounding, saying that there is an intelligence error and so on will completely shirk the responsibility.

But this kind of thing happens so often, and all fools understand the problem.

This is also the main reason why the berserkers have a population of three million, but defections often occur in history.

With such a bloody example in front of him, Lin Sha didn't know that if he restrained himself, he would be courting death.

Sure enough, the empire's supervision of the tribe has reached an extremely strict level.

Just like him, a low-level soldier whose fighting strength has just passed a thousand and lost contact due to an accident, the high-level empire sent three spies to investigate carefully.

Although the strange uncle Li Guang said a seemingly reasonable reason, and his own performance is enough to attract attention, but his talent is low, but in just ten years, relying on hard training and hard work to break through the [-] mark, it can be regarded as a Eye-catching little focal points.

But these still can't conceal the true intentions of the high-level empire. Everything about the clansmen must be within their grasp and control, otherwise the end will be absolutely worrying.

Now embarking on the journey of performing mercenary missions, he can finally study "Flame Art" with confidence and boldly, hoping to master the method of absorbing the energy in "Flame Jade" as soon as possible, so as to quickly improve his strength.

This inspection surprised him greatly. He did not expect that the "Flame Technique", which was explored by Hualong's ancestors and supplemented and modified by the Hualong royal family for thousands of years, was so simple and easy to understand.

To put it bluntly, it is actually very simple. It is to use the resonance principle to first adjust the energy fluctuations in the body to the same level as the 'flame jade', and then use special techniques to use the huge energy in the 'flame jade' for your own use.

In this regard, he had to admire the anti-weather luck of the ancestors of the Hualong royal family. Such a good thing can happen, no wonder he can become the founding monarch who dominates the world from an ordinary warrior.

Even if Lin Sha has a smart brain and a large number of space high-tech instruments to help him, it will take a long time to detect the fluctuation frequency of the active energy in the 'flame jade', let alone Hua Longxing, who is still in a state of technological ignorance.

Putting down the distracting thoughts in his heart, after studying the "Flame Art" thoroughly, he began to try to absorb the active energy in the 'Flame Jade'...

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