super space warrior

Chapter 64 Asking Price

() I can't hold it anymore, there is another update tomorrow.Hehe, I played a little trick, the number of words updated today has reached [-], continue to ask for favorites, recommendations and rewards

It's a pity that everything is too late...

Lin Sha's eyes were filled with murderous intent, he flicked the dead fish-like bear far away with a flick of his right hand, and still tapped twice with his left index finger, two light blue energy beams collided with the two fiery red energy rays again. Air offset.Instead of retreating, he rushed to the belly of the tall humanoid mecha, and before Xiong Lie, who manipulated the mecha, could react, he slapped it hard!


A deafening muffled sound spread throughout the spacious hall of the transport ship. Everyone felt as if there was a thunder in their ears, and their heads were buzzing and blank, and their eyes seemed to lose focus as they looked around blankly.


Immediately afterwards, there was a loud sound of heavy metal hitting the ground, and the entire huge interstellar transport ship seemed to shake. Such a loud noise finally woke up the prospecting team in the hall, and raised their eyes to look in the direction of the loud noise. Go, all of them opened their mouths so wide that their eyeballs almost popped out.

I saw that the tall humanoid mecha that Xiong Lie was manipulating, which was still aggressive just now, was already lying on the ground motionless and turned into a dead object, and the high-strength metal ground assembled from pieces of hard metal plates was covered. A huge human-shaped groove was smashed out, and whoever saw it couldn't help but feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

Xiong Da’s pounced movement abruptly stopped halfway, he was stunned for a while looking at everything in front of him, subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned his head mechanically and stared blankly at Lin Sha floating in the air like a god descending into the world, his eyes rolled Turning around with difficulty, my mind went blank.

At this moment, the empty hall of the transport ship was deathly silent.The atmosphere was extremely solemn, as if even time had come to a complete standstill, and everyone looked at Lin Sha with dull eyes, looking up to the gods.

"Ahem, come back to your senses, if you don't rescue the one in the mecha, you will die!"

Lin Sha coughed softly and broke the silence in the spacious hall of the transport ship.

Although he was very satisfied with his "little test of skill", which completely shocked the prospecting team and prepared the next draft for his rude request, but he was unwilling to make the relationship too rigid.

"Oh, hurry up, you, you, and you, don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, why don't you hurry up and pull that bastard Xiong Lie out and send him to the medical cabin?" After recovering from the sluggish state, he hurriedly directed the handyman guards and Xiong Meng, who was pretending to be dead, to send Xiong Lie, who was completely unconscious, to the medical cabin.

The noise in the hall of the transport ship immediately resumed, and a large group of members of the prospecting team surrounded Lin Sha with excited faces, chirping and asking questions and admiring again and again.

"You are so talented, you have such a skill." Xiong Da stretched out a thick arm that could run a horse with a face full of depression, tightly clamping Lin Sha's neck, and said viciously: "Say, are you hiding your strength? "

Indeed, Lin Sha's performance just now was too astonishing.

Not to mention anything else, just the ability to shoot energy beams with his fingers is really amazing.Xiong Da asked himself that he couldn't do it, and none of the people present could do it, not even any of the high-level interstellar fighters he knew could do it.

Maybe the elite star fighter can do this, he comforted himself in his heart.

What surprised him even more was that when the two energy beams fired by Lin Sha collided with the energy attack fired by the humanoid mecha, they did not explode violently but canceled each other out. How did he do it? ?

Although he had a vague guess about this in his heart, he shook his head and threw away the absurd thoughts in his heart: How is this possible?

To say that there is no way to do this, the energy beam emitted by the humanoid mecha is very stable, it is difficult to explode without encountering a strong obstacle.In order to completely offset the energy beams fired by the humanoid mecha without making a sound, the two energy beams fired by Lin Sha's fingers must also be stable.

is it possible?

Shaking his head secretly in his heart, he didn't have the ability to do this anyway.

According to the general practice, the energy accumulated in the human body through exercise is extremely unstable after it is released, and when it encounters a slight obstacle, it will explode violently with a 'bang', and its power is naturally ridiculously powerful.

This is what makes an interstellar warrior with a certain strength awe-inspiring. It is completely a human-shaped explosives depot. Whoever is not comfortable throwing one can blow up even rough-skinned and thick-skinned things like interstellar battleships, let alone ordinary ones. human beings.

As the saying goes, 'it is easy to destroy but difficult to build', if you want to manipulate the released energy to maintain a stable state, what kind of terrifying energy control is required?

Does Lin Sha have such strength at such a young age?He doubted it deeply.

All in all, all in all, if he doesn't figure out the reason, he can't eat well and can't sleep well.


Lin Sha couldn't hold back any longer, recovered from the state of pretending to be 13, and couldn't help laughing with a 'puchi', seeing Xiong Da's face turning black and showing signs of turning around, he waved his hands hurriedly and said: "Wow, how can it be?" ?”

"You kid is lying to me again?" Xiong Da Niu stared, dissatisfied: "With the strength you showed just now, how can you only have a mere [-] combat power?"

"Yes, yes, you have too many ghosts, you can't help but guard!" At this time, the little Gu Lin also came over, and the small eyes quickly echoed Lin Sha, but he was nervously staring at Lin Sha, afraid of him Zang privately refused to tell the secret.

Not only him, but the guards of the prospecting team who were in charge of cleaning also pricked up their ears, holding the cleaning tools and swaying from side to side, refusing to leave, although the cleaning work had already been done by the hard-working cleaning robots.

Lin Sha rolled his eyes, knowing that the opportunity had come, he first showed a very embarrassed expression, causing the hearts of the people around him to sink and scream, and then his expression changed quickly and his eyes stared straight at the groove in the metal floor. The humanoid mecha in the middle hesitated and said, "Well, the kid is very interested in this thing..."

Xiong Dayi's eyes lit up when he heard the joke, and he couldn't help calling Lin Sha a cunning guy in his heart. He tightened his arm around Lin Sha's neck, and said with a smile, "As long as you are willing to tell the truth, I will give you a 'damaged' aircraft." It's not impossible for mechas!"

"Really?" Lin Sha's eyes turned red upon hearing this.

You must know that mechas are sharp weapons in the hands of higher civilization planets.Perhaps its insignificant effect in a large-scale interstellar war can almost be equivalent to cannon fodder.However, the mecha's individual combat ability is extremely powerful, and it is the only means by which they can compete with individual powerful space fighters in small battles.

I didn't expect to have the opportunity now...

"Hey, take a look!" Just as Lin Sha was thinking about it, the exclamation of a guard next to him interrupted his excited association...

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