super space warrior

Chapter 71 The Operation Officially Begins

()Thanks for the reward from the brother of "riding a bicycle on the high speed". As for the three reminder tickets, forget it. There are too many codes and there is no time to think about the quality. I hope I can vote for [-] next time. Finally, let out a shout and continue to ask for collection recommendations

"No, you can't risk the danger of your brothers before you have a clear understanding of the surrounding situation!" Lin Sha shook his head and rejected Xiong Wu's bold decision without thinking.

"But the purpose of our coming to Cloud Mist Star is to explore the mineral deposits!" Xiong Wu hurriedly defended, his face flushed red, he really has no confidence to argue with Lin Sha now.

"I see you've been busy the past few days. Didn't you get anything?" Lin Sha glanced at the servant, and snorted dissatisfiedly.

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room looked over at the same time.Their hearts were full of anger, and their eyes were very unkind, and the irritable guy was ready to throw a stool and scold his mother.Alright, when the co-authors are exhausted, do you still have time to do other things?

"It's just analyzing the elemental composition of the soil, and preparing for the next step to find out the nearby geological structure..." Seeing the anger of the crowd, Xiong Wu argued with a somewhat embarrassed expression, and his voice was weak and he seemed very guilty.

Indeed, when the prospecting team was building Dazhai in full swing, he relied on his identity as the captain to busy himself with other things, using the instruments and equipment he hastily saved when fleeing to conduct careful research and analysis on the elemental composition of the soil collected nearby. Make full preparations for the next scientific research action.

Of course, such a thing can be done in private, but once it is brought to the stage, it will have a halo of hatred.

"Hmph, the captain is really serious and rigorous in his work, and he is worthy of being a role model for us!" The little Gu Lin couldn't help but feel angry, and made fun of it with a yin and yang in his throat.

"Yeah, seeing that the captain is so serious about his work, I don't want to get in the way and let the captain do it by himself!" Well, this guy's thoughts are even more sinister.


All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the conference room, and all the members of the prospecting team expressed their opinions one after another. Even those who belonged to the geological scientific research personnel and were supposed to be on the same front as Xiong Wu also all cast down their eyes and glared.

It's not to blame that they're getting ready to turn against each other. The world's affairs have never been troubled by inequalities.A few days ago, they worked hard with those soldiers, sweating and bleeding to build a temporary and stable stronghold, but look at what their boss, Xiong Wu, did?It's really chilling!

Under the joint denunciation of everyone, Xiong Wu's face was pale and trembling all over, he felt a sense of powerlessness welling up in his heart, his eyes were bewildered and he wondered whether his choice was correct for the first time?

"Okay, okay, stop talking, everyone, we are all brothers who share weal and woe, what is there to ignore?" Xiong Da really couldn't see it, so he yelled in a rough voice, and immediately suppressed the condemnation in the conference room pressed down.As the No. [-] player in the name of the prospecting team, everyone still maintained enough respect.

He slowly glanced at everyone, and finally set his eyes on Lin Sha who had been silent all this time, and said in a deep and meaningful voice, "Boy Lin Sha, what do you think?"

Lin Sha was naturally unwilling to have serious disagreements within the prospecting team. He felt that the group attack just now had basically achieved its goal, and it would be too dangerous to continue playing.Turning his eyes, he followed Xiong Da's words: "Boss Xiong is right. After all, the main goal of our trip is to explore the mines of Cloud Mist Star. The temporary camp has been built and it's time to get down to business!"

He set the tone of the meeting with one hammer. Although the prospecting team felt a little awkward, they still nodded in agreement. The topic of the meeting suddenly turned to prospecting. Even Xiong Wu, a senior professional, couldn't help being overwhelmed by some ideas.

The so-called 'one person counts the short and the other counts the long', not to mention that everyone here is an old fritter wandering the stars, and each has a set of specialties that make people shine.Coupled with the fact that the environment has changed at this time, it would be an act of death to act according to the previous plan.

Lin Sha has a unique understanding of controlling the overall situation, coupled with the absolutely brilliant means of mobilizing the atmosphere, the atmosphere in the meeting room was lively for a while, but he also took out a lot of practical dry goods from the mouths of the members of the prospecting team.

General Xiong saw everything that happened in the conference room, and he couldn't help shaking his head secretly in his heart.In terms of leadership ability and skill alone, Lin Sha is definitely a master here, and he is also amazing in grasping opportunities.I just don't know how this kid knows so many twists and turns at such a young age?Xiong Wu has completely lost his chance!

But that's good too, Xiong Da is actually not very happy to have a technician do the management work.

Right now, Lin Sha has completely become the leadership core of the prospecting team. Xiong Da is a sensible person, and he has a clear understanding of his future position: senior thug!

That's right, an advanced thug!

Don't look at him as the No. [-] expert of the prospecting team in name, he has always thought so before.But since a series of recent incidents happened, every time Lin Sha performed decisively, his thoughts and confidence were completely shaken.

Is Lin Sha's strength really inferior to his?Bear doesn't think so.

Although it was ridiculous and embarrassing to say it, he firmly believed that it was the truth!

Lin Sha behaved more like a veteran mercenary than he did, and he wouldn't believe it if he was killed without any special experience.Moreover, the superficial fighting strength of the two differed by a full thousand, but he never saw a trace of awe in Lin Sha's eyes, and there was only a calmness that made one's scalp tingle.

With such a guess, he would remain silent during Lin Sha's robbing shift and power grab, and even faintly seemed to be on Lin Sha's side.

Now it seems that his choice is really correct...

Anyway, his position in the prospecting team is aloof, honestly being a senior thug is not bad, he doesn't want to end up in the same miserable end as Xiong Wu.


Lin Sha didn't know what Xiong Da was thinking, so even if he knew, he would just laugh it off, and secretly praised 'great wisdom is like a fool' in his heart.

At this time, he was not in the mood to pay attention to other things. He presided over the meeting and discussed intensely for more than two hours. Finally, he made specific regulations based on the valuable opinions put forward by all members of the prospecting team. Anyone who dares to mess around will wait for the prospecting team to be completely isolated!

When he said this, he glanced at Xiong Wu intentionally or unintentionally...

Next, the temporary camp of the prospecting team was in a hurry, forming multiple prospecting teams, assigning combatants, improving logistical support, planning the route of travel and the scope of exploration, and after everything was prepared, Xiong Wu rushed to bring a police force regardless of everyone's opposition The team left the camp under the welcome of the left-behind teammates...

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