super space warrior

Chapter 9 Target - Flame Star

() "The ss6009 channel, the ak47 spaceship can take off, the ak47 spaceship can take off..."

A mechanical broadcast sounded from the terminal building of the third civilian city spaceport on Warrior Planet, and then a small spaceship with an oval silver-gray shell and a bold black logo of AK47 soared into the sky, with three dark red cylindrical flames at the bottom Under the boost, the speed is getting faster and faster, turning into a silver-white streamer, breaking through the atmosphere and sailing towards the vast universe.

"The spaceship has broken out of the atmosphere. The spaceship has come to outer space. The spaceship stops accelerating and closes the No. [-] and No. [-] power cabins, and releases the emergency protection state. The target is the flame star!" A crisp and melodious electronically synthesized female voice sounded in the spaceship.

"Set it to smart driving mode!" Lin Sha ordered.

"The smart driving mode is on, the smart driving mode is on!" said the electronically synthesized female voice.

With a crisp sound of 'crack', the spaceship protection measures on Lin Sha's body have been turned off.Standing up from the large and soft metal chair in the command cabin, he stretched his waist with his hands open, and there was a "crackling" sound from his body.

He glanced at the interstellar channel map on the big screen, and after confirming again and again that he was not mistaken, he walked towards the spaceship hall with confidence.For the first interstellar voyage, no matter how careful you are, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Hehe, all of you have come out?" When they came to the spaceship's hall with an area of ​​only about [-] square meters, the Seven Little King Kongs had already gathered together to discuss something excitedly.

The Seventh King Kong hurriedly said hello, Lin Sha waved his hand, first checked his younger brother Lin Zhan who was still sleeping soundly in the arms of the bell, and when he saw that there was nothing wrong, he laughed and scolded "little lazy pig", and then turned to the Seventh Little King Kong. Seriously said: "You guys have to adjust your status well, it will not be easy to wait for the Fire Star!"

"Don't worry, boss." Meng Tian solemnly assured on behalf of the seventh child: "We have carefully studied the situation of Huo Xingxing, and we will never embarrass you, boss!" The other six children hurriedly nodded in agreement, their faces full of confidence.

"It's good that you are mentally prepared!" Lin Sha nodded in satisfaction, looked up at the bright, beautiful and mysterious outer space outside the porthole, snapped her fingers, and the smart baby carriage leaning against the corner drove slowly Coming over, he took his little brother from Bell, put him on the smart stroller and walked around to check.

The Seven Little King Kong laughed and made a fuss for a while, until they gradually cooled down from the excitement and curiosity of the first interstellar voyage, then they greeted each other and returned to their respective cabins, adjusting their state and preparing for the next harsh practice on the flame star.

That's right, Lin Sha drove the spaceship out of the main star with a group of confidantes, that is, to go out to practice and practice.

It is said that ever since his own combat strength value reached 830, he has encountered a common obstacle in the practice of warriors - the bottleneck.

In fact, three years ago, he already felt that the speed of his strength improvement began to slow down, and the training environment and conditions at home could no longer meet his needs.Originally, he wanted to ask Li Guang, a strange uncle, to help him purchase a batch of training equipment. Who told him that he was too young to go out alone to find those affiliated race scientists?

Of course, he was not without worries, fearing that Uncle Li Guangda would find out his secret.Fortunately, my parents rushed back in time at this time, and the matter naturally fell on my parents.

Dad Lin Cheng was puzzled at first, not knowing what his weird son was doing, but Lin Sha didn't tell him and he didn't ask much.Ordered a pool booster, a small gravity set, and other oddities and gadgets from the city-affiliated race store.

With the help of these high-tech equipment, his strength began to increase significantly through hard training.Of course, while he improved himself, he didn't forget the benefits of his parents.In the name of increasing combat experience, stalking and dragging them to compete in a specific environment, the effect is very obvious, at least my parents think so.

After half a year of 'discussing', the stagnant strengths of Mom and Dad have increased by [-] and [-] combat power respectively.If it wasn't for the fact that they had already formed the fighting habit, they couldn't bear the boringness of basic training, and Lin Sha wouldn't believe that basic training had any effect even if he said it out loud, otherwise their strength would improve more quickly.

But even so, today, three years later, the fighting power of Mom and Dad has risen by [-] and [-] respectively, and then stagnated again. Lin Sha's own strength has also encountered a bottleneck, and it is difficult to increase rapidly in a short period of time.

Of course, it's not like Lin Sha doesn't have other training methods. Considering his physical strength and strength at this time, he doesn't have the courage to touch some extreme environments for the time being.Who knows that endlessly increasing water pressure and gravity will limit physical development and become a dwarf like Vegeta?

And not only did he encounter bottlenecks in his practice, but his confidant, Seventh King Kong, also encountered such troubles.

At this time, someone is about to ask, what kind of international joke are you making? Lin Sha only encountered a bottleneck with a combat power of more than 800, and the Seven Little King Kong encountered a bottleneck with a combat power of more than 300?That's not the way to joke!

Indeed, if he practiced meticulously according to Lin Sha's training method, there is still a lot of room for the Seven Little King Kong's strength to improve.But the problem is, affected by the general environment, the Seventh Elementary School’s attitude towards basic exercises is dispensable. If it weren’t for Lin Sha’s strong pressure, they might not have done the boring basic exercises all day long.

The entire Berserker clan is like this, thinking that basic training is useless at all, basically there is little or no practice in this area.

Ke Linsha understood the importance of basic training, and spent a lot of time and energy on it, laying a solid foundation and foundation over and over again.But Qi Xiao didn't have such a subjective initiative, but passively practiced under Lin Sha's strong pressure, and the effect can be imagined.

The so-called twisted melon is not sweet. Since Qi Xiao is so repulsive to basic training, Lin Sha doesn't bother to force it, so he simply takes them to the target he selected to practice and practice, hoping to break through the bottleneck and improve his strength to a higher level.


"Dididi, the spaceship has reached the outer space of Flame Star, and will enter the atmosphere in 10 minutes. The spaceship has reached the outer space of Flame Star, and will enter the atmosphere in 10 minutes. The spaceship starts to slow down, the spaceship starts to slow down, and the protection measures are activated. The protection measures are activated..." The crisp and pleasant electronically synthesized female voice sounded in the spaceship again.

After five days of flying in space, Lin Sha's spaceship is finally about to arrive at the destination planet.

After Xiao Linzhan was settled, the Seven Little King Kong and Lin Sha huddled together in the main control cabin of the spaceship, looking at the huge planet with fiery red light on the big screen, feeling both excited and apprehensive...

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