super space warrior

Chapter 97 Experience and Consultation

() Thanks to brother 'Zhengqi'er for the reward, and brother "Dazun Tiandi" for the reward, there should be another update tonight.

"What, what, the combat power is five thousand, five thousand nine hundred?" Meng Tian opened his mouth wide in surprise, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Don't make such a fuss, it's called accumulating knowledge, don't you understand? If your kid has experienced the unlucky encounters I had before, you might have already broken through the boundaries of intermediate fighters!" Lin Sha let go of his guard in front of his brothers. Ten will tell one by one of his "unlucky" encounters in the past three years, except for "flame jade" and "blue crystal" and other rare treasures of heaven and earth, he explained everything in detail about his other experiences, only Meng Tian was stunned. I was so surprised.

No wonder he was amazed again and again. Compared with his six years of unremarkable interstellar mercenary career, although Lin Sha only made his debut for three years and still had two years to live on a primitive planet like Hualong, the dangers and hardships he has experienced Fierce battles are simply not the same.

The Berserkers' fighting power improved the fastest in the fierce battles and life-and-death trials. It is not surprising that Lin Sha can achieve such achievements.

In particular, Yunwuxing, which I had never heard of, was so fierce and vicious that I could break into a cold sweat just by hearing it, let alone facing those monsters with extremely powerful fighting power.

No wonder the strength of the boss will improve so quickly. He has experienced battles with monsters of the same level or even higher levels. Pick up the leak.

Any one of these things is enough to surprise him, if it were him, he would have died long ago.At least he doesn't have the boss's ability to control energy and "Qi" with perfection, as well as the keen judgment of fighters and the accurate means of grasping the timing!

But the surprise was the surprise. He was more interested in the information revealed in Lin Sha's words, especially the special combat skills that could instantly explode potential.

When Lin Sha recounted the experience of the past three years in detail, the thrilling and dangerous parts of it really made people speechless.Meng Tian first sighed and sighed for a while, and then turned his expression and approached with a playful smile: "Boss, I didn't expect you to learn such a powerful move like instant explosive potential, do you see..."

"Go to death, now is not the time!" Seeing Meng Tian pretending to be pitiful and full of hope, Lin Sha hardened his heart and flatly refused: "The most important thing for you right now is not to learn explosive submarine combat skills and waste your energy on these side branches In the last quarter, it's about solidifying the foundation honestly in order to break through the threshold of mid-level fighters as soon as possible!"

"I want to seek a breakthrough, but my combat power has been stuck for a year and I haven't made any progress at all!" Meng Tian's face became even more bitter.

"Look at your potential!" Lin Sha rolled his eyes and saw that Meng Tian was still in a daze, and he reminded, "Your own situation is the best. At 2800, whether you have made a qualitative leap in your ability to grasp and control the energy in your body, of course, the premise is that you have not wasted exercise this year!"

Meng Tian nodded thoughtfully, the worry on his face seemed to have eased a lot, but he was still a little unwilling: "But the boss has been unable to see hope, it's really worrying, see if you can..."

"Don't worry, you can't miss the benefits of your kid!" Seeing Meng Tian's beaming expression, Lin Sha immediately poured cold water on him, "But not now!"

"Don't act like a bird. Are you disgusting or not? I'm doing this for your own good. Submarine warfare requires a lot of body and energy control. If you accidentally hurt the enemy, you will hurt yourself instead. With your current strength If the state explodes at most [-] times, it is already the limit, and if it is higher, the physical load will be too great to be worth the loss."

He persuasively persuaded: "Besides, even if you can reach [-] or even [-] combat power in an instant, not to mention how long such a submerged state can last, you are still just a pseudo-intermediate fighter and a real intermediate fighter. !"


The brothers hadn't seen each other for more than three years, and it was a coincidence that they met this time.

It turned out that Meng Tian was not a staff member of the Empire's main star office in Yinyan. Like Lin Sha, he was an interstellar mercenary. He was currently employed by a large interstellar trade group, and happened to escort a batch of valuable materials to Yinyan for the group a few days ago.

When greeting the office, he inadvertently learned that Lin Sha was about to arrive, and accepted the task of greeting without saying a word.Of course, this is the version Meng Tian said. As for whether Wang Lun, the person in charge of the office, thought he was not pleasing to the eye, who knows if he just sent him out to welcome the newcomers?

Because Wang Lun didn't want to see him, and because he didn't know the place well, Lin Sha stayed with Meng Tian for the first few days, either discussing each other or telling each other about their experiences of interstellar mercenaries.

Lin Sha’s experience is really nothing to say. He has only been to three planets in the three years since he set off from the Warrior Empire. He has stayed on Hualong Star for two years. The ancient Jupiter and Cloud Mist Star combined have more than three months. The rest of the time is spent in the spaceship. .

Although the experience and battles on Hualongxing and Yunwuxing were very exciting and exciting, after all, these two planets are in the fringes of interstellar development, needless to say that they are desolate and backward, and it is really a joke to talk about knowledge and experience.

The Berserkers really like to fight, but these two planets are either too dangerous or Lin Sha doesn't want to be exposed easily, and it's just a few battles over and over again, so it's meaningless to talk too much.

On the other hand, Meng Tian, ​​since he took the role of interstellar mercenary for six years, the process has been uneventful without much turmoil, far from being so "lucky" like Lin Sha.Apart from being frightened by the unknown interstellar powerhouse with eighteen small tentacles on his head, he has never encountered any dangerous situations.

Not to mention opponents of the same level, I couldn't even find a companion who could be confident and bold in sparring, and spent most of my time in various easy interstellar mercenary missions.I have traveled a lot to planets and galaxies, and I have seen a lot of things in the world. Unfortunately, the improvement in strength is very limited in Lin Sha's view.

Meng Tian told his six-year experience as a story, but Lin Sha benefited a lot from it.Leaving aside those strange interstellar races, Meng Tian's dictation of some battle experiences he had experienced or witnessed with his own eyes made him amazed.

He was sure that there were quite a few combat skills worthy of serious study, but it was a pity that Meng Tian was too contemptuous and didn't take it seriously, so he missed a great opportunity in vain.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Lin Sha and his little brother Meng Tian spent these ten days communicating and chatting with each other.

This morning Lin Sha was instructing Meng Tian to exercise, when he suddenly received a message from Xiong Da asking him to go to the mining department of the main star to hand over the mercenary tasks that had been raised by several levels, and Yinyan also wanted to consult him The specific situation of the cloud star...

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