Earth Emperor

Chapter 116

Updated: 2012-09-07

There was another exclamation around him, thinking that he was seriously injured, Lan Mu, who was half kneeling on the stone platform, raised his hand, and the low-grade spiritual weapon "Flying Fish Grabbing Sand" sword suspended in the air flew out, just slanting Pointing at the center of the Wolf Fang Saw, the high-speed spinning magic weapon suddenly staggered and lost its center of gravity, unable to continue attacking, and could only circle around again, looking for a new attack angle.

Lan Mu's hasty attack seemed random, but it was actually very ingenious, once again showing his outstanding talent in fighting skills.

The star with the moon and the wolf-toothed saw whirled forward with great force, and its quality was the top-grade magic weapon. If Lan Mu had directly used the "Flying Fish and Sand" sword to block it, he would probably be hit back to himself by the huge impact. body, one can imagine what kind of result that would be.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Lan Mu endured the side effects of being struck by lightning, and using a skillful method, he manipulated the "Flying Fish and Sweeping Sand" sword and stabbed directly at the center of gravity of "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon Wolf Tooth Saw". Lin Qing's fierce blow was resolved.

Lin Qing, who refused to show weakness, made a single-handed tactic, and manipulated the "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" to draw various mysterious trajectories, and quickly attacked Lan Mu.

At this time, Lan Mu had completely eliminated the adverse reaction of being struck by lightning. Standing there calmly, he commanded his "Flying Fish and Sweeping Sand" sword to intercept Lin Qing's attack, and let Lin Qing's "Sky Star with Moon Wolf" No matter how weird the "tooth saw" move is, how tricky the line is, it can't break through Lan Mufeijian's defense.

In the previous competitions, Lan Mu only used spells to attack, giving people the illusion that he was not good at using magic weapons, but now he is controlling the "Flying Fish and Plowing Sand" sword clearly like a master of swords, Lin Qing's "Sky Star Accompanied by Moon and Spike Saw" actually backed away steadily, and gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

While fighting with Lin Qing's magic weapon, Lan Mu was able to free up his hands to attack together with the two followers of the water attribute spiritual root, and shot a series of bright gold attack spells at Lei Lei.

The disadvantage of the lightning cover is that it takes a long time to activate and the duration is short. Now it has already dissipated in the air. Lei Lei, who only relies on splitting the lightning mirror for defense, is alone in the face of the magic attack of the three people who cooperate tacitly. Lapel, some can't take care of the top.

Seeing this, Lin Qing hesitated for a moment, thinking that he should suppress Lan Mu first, then sacrificed the "Tiantian Axe" again, and used the "Ax Breaking the Galaxy" in the "Nine Strikes to Split the Sky" from the air, facing Lan Mu slashed straight down.

At the same time, the "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" made a roundabout, wrapping around Lan Mu's back waist from behind, which not only prevented him from escaping backwards, but also made it difficult for him to look at the head and tail.

Both "Batian Axe" and "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" have exquisite tricks, and they don't just rely on the "Control Art" to control the magic weapon to swing at will, so after Lin Qing controls these two magic weapons, , the power is extremely astonishing, many hall masters and elders of Wanshouzong have seen it in the competition, so it is not surprising.

But now, this blue-clothed disciple, who has not been in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect for a long time, is able to control two magic weapons at the same time, which is rare, and can perfectly combine the attacking moves of these two magic weapons, so that he can't let the beasts Many senior officials of Zong were surprised.

In front of Lin Qing's double attack with magical weapons, Lan Mu's performance was still very eye-catching. He held the sword formula and danced lightly, the white magic robe fluttered in the wind, and slid on the stone platform like a wave crossing the water.

Looking carefully, Lan Mu controls the sword of "Flying Fish and Plowing Sand" like a flying fish swimming in the torrent, shuttling back and forth between "Batian Axe" and "Sky Star with Moon Spike Saw", and always It can lightly stab the center of gravity of two powerful instruments, breaking their unfinished combined attack.

"Lan Mu is number one! Lan Mu must win!"

The cheering voices of the female disciples came from the mountains around the Dabi Stone Terrace. These are young girls who are fascinated by Lan Mu's peerless beauty. After the first person couldn't help but start cheering, they gradually evolved Shout out in unison.

"Grandma, this Lan Mu has great talent, high cultivation, and is prettier than a little girl. He can do everything in a fight, and he can't stop him. This is too flamboyant, let him go Those of us who are short, slender, and poor are messing around in the sect, why don't we cheer for Team Lei Lei?"

On a hilltop where he was watching the battle, a young blue-clothed disciple who didn't know which hall was shouting loudly on purpose, trying to attract the attention of a few young female disciples not far away whose eyes were staring at golden stars.

Unexpectedly, a male disciple in green suddenly appeared behind him, grabbed his neck and threw him into the distance, saying sharply:

"Senior Brother Lan is so handsome, how can a commoner like you belittle yourself, let me see you again, and hit you every time I see you!"

Just when everyone nearby thought that this green-clothed disciple was Lan Mu's old relative, they saw this man leaning towards those female disciples with a slanderous face and a flattering expression on his face, and he was quite appreciated by the beauties Only then did he understand the person's intentions.

Although the surrounding cheers for Lan Mu became more and more enthusiastic, Lan Mu's expression became more and more serious at this time.

The current Lan Mu still looked relaxed and freehand, but in fact, it was with all his strength that he resisted Lin Qing's double-tap of the magic weapon.

Although occasionally Lan Mu could still shoot an attack at Lei Lei, but the threat was not as good as before, and Lei Lei became more and more relaxed.

An unprecedented anxiety appeared in Lan Mu's heart. The reason why he was willing to change schools and worship Jiang Daoguo as his teacher was not because someone was the suzerain and could support his team to win the championship, but because of other reasons.

Lan Mu's family was wiped out when he was young, such a deep hatred made him unforgettable, but his enemies also have a lot of history, Lan Mu alone has no hope of revenge.

When Jiang Daoguo sent someone to contact him, in fact, the only condition Lan Mu put forward was that he hoped that Jiang Daoguo's suzerain would help him create a chance to confront the enemy alone in the future.

While agreeing to Lan Mu, Jiang Daoguo also put forward his own conditions, that is, he must win the final of the new competition at all costs, and look for opportunities to kill or seriously injure Lei Lei!

The hope of whether he can get revenge depends on the victory of this game, but now he is caught in the most unfavorable fight for himself, how can Lan Mu not be as good as the oily heart?

Just when Lan Mu was thinking of a good strategy, "Boom!" came a loud bang like a car crashing into the city gate, drawing the attention of the disciples watching the battle back to the battleground with the largest number of people on the Dabi stone platform. group.

It was Lei Shan who charged over on the Iron Armored Rhinoceros just now. Seeing that the disciple who was wielding the Lightning Strike Iron and Wood Shield was defending very tightly, he simply urged his mount to slam into it fiercely. After a loud noise, although Lei Shan and his mount They were both bounced away by the iron and wood shield struck by lightning, but the disciple with the wood spiritual root was also hit by the tyrannical impact, and his blood boiled.

Leishan's Iron Armored Rhino also wailed and almost fell down, the iron and wood shield struck by lightning was as indestructible as a city wall poured with copper juice, and the violent shock force caused Iron Armored Rhino to suffer some internal injuries.

Lei Shan gently scratched behind his spiritual pet's ears a few times to calm Tiejia Manxi's uneasy mood, turned his head around again, and once again rushed towards the three Lan Mu followers who were getting closer and closer.

The follower of Lan Mu who controlled the Lightning Strike Iron Wooden Shield faced the pincer attack from Wu Qionghua, Yue Lingbo, and Lei Shan, so he had to take the time to use a series of wood-type defensive spells to supplement the dead corners that the Lightning Strike Iron Wood Shield could not defend against. Seeing this, the two followers of the water-type spirit root also used a few water shields from time to time to reduce the pressure on his defense.

The chubby Yue Lingbo saw that the three of them had revealed their weakness, so he straightened up on the back of the Black-feathered Bald Eagle, waved his hands repeatedly, and all the mysterious water in the Seven Treasures Xuanshui Gourd spewed out, condensing into seven glazed beads Projectiles of the same size were about to shoot out at the follower who made the lightning strike the iron and wood shield.

"Fatty Yue, be careful behind you!"

Yue Lingbo, who was about to urge Xuanshui to shoot out, suddenly heard Lei Yan's loud reminder, and hurriedly felt behind him with peace of mind, only to realize that the three demon-slaying arrows had arrived in the shape of a product!

Yue Lingbo was frightened out of his wits. He knew the power of the Demon Slaying Arrow. With his own defense, if he was hit by the Demon Slaying Arrow, it would be like breaking bones and piercing through him directly!

Fortunately, the Xuanshui in the Seven Treasures Xuanshui Gourd hadn't been shot out at this time, Yue Lingbo quickly activated the formula, and the seven drops of Xuanshui instantly merged into a long black dragon, and turned to Yue Lingbo's back with a whistling sound.

At the same time, the black-feathered bald eagle, who was connected with Yue Lingbo, rushed upwards, and the Xuanshui dragon turned into a huge wave of black light, and slammed down fiercely. The three demon-killing arrows pressed against Yue Lingbo's spirit The pet's tail feathers were inserted obliquely on the Dabi stone platform!

It turned out that the two knights with bows and light armor who were blocked by Lei Yan and the mastiff "Red Fatty" saw that their teammates were in an emergency, and rushed back to rescue them. The two were forced back into the distance again.

At this time, the positions of the two knights with bows and light armor were still a little closer to the three followers of Lan Mu, so although the two of them couldn't rush back, they still looked for opportunities to shoot three arrows at Yue Lingbo, which almost made them careless. The fat black man met Hades.

With this lesson learned, the three of Wu Qionghua dare not be careless anymore, and have to be careful. Although the cold arrows shot by the two knights with bows and light armor from time to time did not pose any real threat, they still made Wu Qionghua three No one dared to attack with all their strength, and the battle with obvious advantages fell into a stalemate again.

Now the most relaxing thing on the Dabi stone platform is the spirit ape "Xiaobai".

It has already mastered the rules of Qianhao porcupines' flying stabs, and seeing that there is no danger from Lei Lei, it playfully teased the three Qianhao porcupines.

The spirit ape "Xiaobai" made a grimace, twisted his buttocks, and easily hopped back and forth to avoid the flying thorns. The thorns that were originally as dense as a forest on the three poor Qianhao porcupines gradually became scarce. .

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