Earth Emperor

Chapter 126 Secret Realm Training

Updated: 2012-09-17

The moment Lin Qing passed through the rock wall fluctuating like water ripples, Lin Qing felt that everything around him was distorted. He seemed to be floating in an inexplicable space, full of strange and broken scenes, and at the same time, there was a strong tearing force coming from all around. The force seemed to drag him into pieces.

Fortunately, this uncomfortable feeling didn't last long, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he came to a brand new environment.

This is a emerald green lake, the sky is also as blue as washing, and the air is full of rich aura that seems to be condensed into drops of water.

Lin Qing was standing on the surface of the emerald green water at this moment, the smooth surface of the lake was as smooth as a mirror, Lin Qing who hadn't used any spells yet easily stood on the surface of the water, weirdly without any sign of sinking.

He looked around and found that there was no other scenery around him, the whole space seemed empty and lonely, and no matter whether it was his sight or consciousness, he could only reach a distance of about fifty feet. The connection between water and sky is generally ethereal and hard to find.

After walking forward for a while, Lin Qing found that although he had been walking, the surrounding scenery had not changed in any way. This also verified his own judgment. This should be a small space with a radius of fifty feet. The next two years will be spent here.

Taking a deep breath of the abundant aura, closing her eyes to seriously feel the rare fresh and fragrant smell in the aura, Lin Qing suddenly had an impulse, feeling that she needed to fully integrate into this magical "Wei Yu Dongtian" among.

He quickly took off all his clothes, shoes and socks, stood barefoot on top of the blue waves, and slowly opened his arms. He felt the viscous spiritual power in the air caressing all over his body like spring fog and rain. The unprecedented comfort made him almost cry out.

Lin Qing, who had seen the magic of "Wei Yu Dongtian", realized that every moment here was precious and could not be wasted anymore. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, and began to practice the thick soil formula.

With the operation of the formula, Lin Qing felt that every inch of his skin and every pore was greedily absorbing the pure spiritual power in the air, and the meridians and acupoints in his body were beating actively, like a long time Absorbing spiritual power crazily like a dry riverbed, what surprised him the most was that what was sucked into his body was actually the spiritual power of the earth element!

"Wei Yu Dongtian" is the secret place of the Myriad Beast Sect's cave, and its mysticism is indeed beyond Lin Qing's imagination.

In this "Weiyu Dongtian", all auras can be transformed by themselves according to the spiritual root attributes of the monks who come in, and this is not a completely isolated space. The sunlight, air, and water inside are all essences absorbed from the outside world. When cultivating in such an environment, what you absorb is not only spiritual power, but also all kinds of natural essences and any things that monks need. Even monks who have not yet entered the bigu realm in the foundation-building period do not need to eat or drink at all. Water, there is no need to sleep and rest at all, just devote yourself to practice without stopping.

Slowly, with the operation of the Thick Soil Art in Lin Qing's body, the spiritual power in the surrounding air was crazily attracted, and an invisible cyclone was formed with Lin Qing as the center, and the density of spiritual power in the center of the cyclone was even greater. Reached the point of liquefied Hittites!

The liquefied spiritual power powerfully massaged Lin Qing's bones and skin. While being absorbed by him, it also strengthened his body and washed away the dirty impurities inside.

If Lin Qing opened her eyes, she would be able to see that countless small black spots were squeezed out from the pores by tiny droplets of spiritual power, and then quickly disappeared without a trace by the invisible cyclone.

The "Thick Soil Jue" of Dilingmen is indeed a very miraculous technique. The monks who practice this kind of technique can have strong magic power far exceeding that of monks of the same level, but the disadvantages of this kind of technique are also very obvious. It is because it is necessary to absorb a large amount of spiritual power during cultivation in order to successfully advance to the next stage.

In the era of lack of spiritual veins and lack of spiritual power, if a monk who practiced the "Thick Soil Art" could not find a large number of spiritual stones, he would not be able to guarantee the improvement of his cultivation.

After Lin Qing established the foundation, although he had enough spiritual stones to guarantee his cultivation, he still lacked the time to retreat and meditate, and his cultivation had remained at the initial stage of foundation establishment and progress was slow.

This sudden two-year retreat is very timely for Lin Qing, what's more, in a place like "Wei Yu Dongtian", where the spiritual power is almost endless, it is the "Thick Soil Art" that absorbs spiritual power crazily Moment of power!

At this moment, Lin Qing was neither sad nor happy, as if she was the center of the world, she completely forgot about all mundane matters, and her mind was completely immersed in cultivation.

As the operating speed of the "Thick Soil Art" gradually accelerated, the invisible cyclone around Lin Qing also became bigger and bigger, and the spiritual power within the entire fifty-foot radius surged violently towards the center of the cyclone as if being blown by a hurricane.

Gradually, the originally invisible cyclone took shape like a swirling vortex of water, and the color gradually deepened, gradually turning into light yellow. This was because a large amount of earth-type spiritual power had gathered in the cyclone. The stronger the spiritual power of these earth elements, the darker the color of the cyclone.

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed.

At this time, the space where Lin Qing was located in "Wei Yu Dongtian" has changed beyond recognition!

In the center of this space with a radius of [-] feet, a black-brown tornado with a thin bottom and a thick top is spinning rapidly. The lower part of the tornado is inserted into the clear water that was originally flat as a mirror, and it has already sucked the green water of the entire lake into a huge and incomparable black swirls.

Lin Qing was sucked into the center of the tornado, his limbs stretched out in a large shape and floated in mid-air, the inner spiritual power of the tornado was still being absorbed by him hungrily.

Beside him, "Batian Axe", "Sky Star Accompanying the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" and "Soldier Fighting Victory Armor" were also floating inside the tornado, and rapidly spun along with it.

While Lin Qing was cultivating these three instruments, they were also nourished by abundant spiritual energy. The changes in the "Tianxing Axe" and "Sky Star Accompanied by the Moon Wolf Fang Saw" were not very big, but became brighter and more lustrous. That's all, they are all newly refined instruments, and spiritual cultivation still needs a slow process.

The "Warrior Fighting Armor" is different. It was originally a high-grade spiritual weapon, but it fell into a low-grade spiritual weapon because of the lack of nurturing by monks. Glossy black light shone on the outside, and those spikes on it were even more ferocious, which made people dare not look directly at them. They swirled and danced wantonly in the air current, as if they had life.

The entire space is filled with khaki-yellow atomized spiritual power like a sandstorm. After the spiritual power absorbed from the outside of the space is atomized, it is sucked into the black dragon in the center of the space, and finally enters the Lin Qing's body.

In the small valley outside the "Weiyu Dongtian", the old man with white hair and hunchback is sitting in a circle facing three stone walls. His deep eyes seem to be able to see the inside of the cave through the stone walls.

Suddenly, the old man muttered to himself with a serious expression:

"Something's wrong this time. Why does the spiritual power of the whole 'Wei Yu Dongtian' feel a little out of balance? It seems that more than one of the boys who went in this time has practiced a heaven-defying technique!"

If the white-haired hunchbacked old man really went in to check, he would find that on the other side of Lin Qing's space, there was also a space filled with surging violent spiritual power.

In this space, Lei Lei sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, his back straight, his blue hair fluttering strangely behind his head without any wind.

In the sky above his head, black clouds formed by the liquefaction of spiritual power kept rolling in, and then turned into strange-shaped lightning bolts that were sucked into Lei Lei's body. From a distance, it seemed that there were countless thunder gods and lightning mothers hiding in the dark clouds , Violently smashed towards Lei Lei with all kinds of lightning.

Lei Lei's family-inherited thunder method is also a powerful method that needs to absorb a lot of spiritual power. Unlike Lin Qing, Lin Qing, who has an earth-type spiritual root, can also absorb soil in the spiritual stone mine. Lei Lei could hardly find any thunder-type spiritual power that could be absorbed by him.

In "Weiyu Dongtian", which is a rare place that can provide thunder-type spiritual power, Lei Lei's family-inherited formula is also fully fired, causing the imbalance of spiritual power like Lin Qing.

There are many separate training spaces in "Wei Yu Dongtian", and the spiritual power in each space is average. When encountering insufficient spiritual power in some spaces, "Wei Yu Dongtian" will automatically restore the original The spiritual power that should be allocated to other spaces is transferred to the past, so as to ensure that there will be no situation where the cultivator who is practicing suddenly finds that the spiritual power in the space is absorbed by himself.

In the previous cultivation process of disciples, it was rare for the spiritual power to be insufficient, but this time, Lin Qing and Lei Lei, two monsters with big appetites who absorbed spiritual power, met together, which actually triggered a rare "Wei Yu Dongtian" The spiritual power is out of balance.

The other Myriad Beast Sect disciples who were cultivating in other dimensions didn't know that the spiritual power in their dimension was being "stolen" quietly by Lin Qing and Lei Lei, and their cultivation progress gradually slowed down.

The most unlucky ones were the captains of the top three teams in the Human King Competition. In fact, the main function of "Wei Yu Dongtian" was to help the monks who were about to advance to the Jindan stage to accumulate enough spiritual power. These three captains all Since he stayed for a long time in the late stage of foundation establishment, he would have been able to absorb enough spiritual power to hit the Jindan stage through this two-year retreat. With the concentration not rising but falling, it might be difficult for the three favored ones to complete their original training tasks.

Guaranteed by abundant spiritual energy, both Lin Qing and Lei Lei's cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of foundation establishment, but both of them didn't seem to know it, and continued to greedily absorb spiritual energy without stopping.

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