Earth Emperor

Chapter 19 Thunder Thunder Team

This group of five people are all members of the current Lei Lei team. The young man at the end is Lin Qing. The strong man in heavy armor and the young man in blue clothes at the front are both disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and members of the Lei family. Collateral children.

The strong man in heavy armor is called Lei Shan, he is about thirty years old, he is a strength-type physique, not only the skin around his body has been tempered as hard as a rock, but also his strength is infinite.

The young man in blue strong clothes is called Lei Yan, about 25 or [-] years old, he is taking the route of dual practice of law and body, which is mainly based on skill-based physical training. He is good at the five-element escape method, hidden weapons and sword stabbing. This five-element escape method is not a legend The omnipotent five-element evasion method in the book is a quack technique that uses props to temporarily cover one's own behavior. However, this person's spiritual root is a miscellaneous spiritual root with all five elements, although his mana cultivation is not worth mentioning. , but with the Five Elements escape method, the effect is excellent.

Lei Shan and Lei Yan happened to represent two completely different training modes in the physical training of the human race: the strength-type physical training was developed from the external skills in mortal martial arts, and it pays attention to the continuous tempering of muscles, tendons and bones with spiritual power. It is like steel and iron, hard to hurt with a sword, and pursues infinite power; skill-based physical training is developed from the internal strength of mortal martial arts. What is pursued is the speed and explosive power of the practitioner.

No matter what kind of training mode is used in physical training, according to the degree of strengthening the body, it is divided into four realms from low to high: strengthening the body, refining tendons, shaping bones, and forging shapes. Both Lei Shan and Lei Yan are physical masters in the realm of bone shaping , possessing the strength equivalent to that of Qi practitioners in the early stage of foundation establishment.

If we say that the most eye-catching of the five people, of course, is the girl Jianxiu who walks side by side with Lei Lei. She is about the same age as Lin Qing, and she is already a green-clothed disciple of the Myriad Beast Sect.

This girl named Wu Qionghua has a cultivation level that is about to enter the middle stage of foundation establishment, and is currently the highest cultivation level among the five people. She is not only Lei Lei's follower, but also Lei Lei's fiancée.

Wu Qionghua is three years older than Lei Lei, and her family is one of the important allies and supporters of the Lei Lei family in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, so when Lei Lei was just born, the elders of both parties made baby marriage arrangements for the two. .

As time went by, the two teenagers both showed amazing talents in cultivation. Needless to say, Lei Lei, Wu Qionghua is a top-grade metal spiritual root, and he practiced the sword cultivation technique passed down by his family. Lei Lei is still fast,,.

So when Lei Lei became a white-clothed disciple and formed his own team, the two elders, whose relationship was getting better and better, naturally appointed Wu Qionghua as Lei Lei's first follower.

When the five of them first got together, Lin Qing didn't understand why Lei Lei was a little embarrassed when he mentioned Wu Qionghua. It is said that Lei Lei's age is among the sixteen kingdoms of the human race, not to mention having a fiancée, even if he has already consummated his marriage.

After the five of them completed the first day's mountain patrol mission, Lin Qing finally understood Lei Lei a little bit, because his fiancée not only followed the rules to the point of being pedantic, but also treated Lei Lei as a little brother, caring for her in every possible way, Let Lei Lei lose face very much.

Seeing that it was already noon, Lin Qing squinted her eyes and looked at Lei and Wu in front of her, and whispered, "It's time to rest!"

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Qing finished speaking, Wu Qionghua turned her head and whispered something in Lei Lei's ear. Lei Lei restrained the Unicorn Cloud Beast helplessly, and gestured for the team to stop and rest.

Although this section of the river beach is densely covered with rocks, it is not suitable for a temporary camp, but Wu Qionghua still led Lei Shan and Lei Yan to meticulously level a small open space on the river beach, and took out tables, chairs and tea sets from the storage bag After setting it up, Lin Qing went to Lei Lei's side, and said with a smile: "I knew it was time to rest. When we set off, your wife said to take a rest at noon. Sure enough, the time was right."

Lei Lei glared at Lin Qing with a bitter face, and said: "You don't let the scenery be seen, and you don't let you fight the monsters. You can only follow the route marked in the task jade slip, and you won't let you turn at a single turn. People are suffocated to death, you have to find a way."

"This is your daughter-in-law, what can I, an outsider, do?" Lin Qing spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

Looking up at Wu Qionghua who had arranged the tables and chairs according to the position of guest and host, and was boiling water and making tea in a well-regulated standard posture, Lei Lei sighed again before saying: "My 'Sister Mu', actually He is a very good person, but everything he does is too rigid, which is really boring.”

"Sister Mu" is the nickname Lei Lei secretly gave to Wu Qionghua. Lin Qing secretly observed Lei Lei's fiancée carefully, and found that although this little girl looks as beautiful as the picture, she will always be a beautiful girl. Gu Jing's unwavering expression, gestures and gestures are completely ladylike postures trained since childhood, really like a woodcut beauty, completely missing the cuteness and cuteness that a [-]-year-old girl should have.

Seeing that Wu Qionghua had already brewed the spiritual tea, Lei Lei and Lin Qing hurried over to take their seats as host and guest, and drank the spiritual tea with the spiritual fruit on the table.

These spiritual fruits and spiritual teas are specially cultivated by secret techniques within the Wanshou Sect. They not only have the effect of refreshing the mind and restoring spiritual power, but also help to eliminate impurities in the body and purify the body. Lei has a special status and can only receive it from the sect.

While several people were drinking tea, Wu Qionghua started asking Lei Lei again and again as if he cared about his little brother if he was tired, if he was hot, if he was sitting comfortably, Lin Qing felt that he should find a way to save Lei Lei, Otherwise, after this guy couldn't bear it, he might use the trick of running away halfway.

Thinking of this, Lin Qing pretended to be solemn and said to Lei Lei: "Senior brother Lei, next year will be the Zongmen Grand Competition, shouldn't our team practice together in actual combat?"

Lei Lei immediately put down his tea bowl and replied: "Yes, it has been a long time since our Lei family and Wu family have no disciples who have won the sect competition. This time, we must enter the top three. Lin Qing, do you have any disciples?" Any good ideas?"

Lin Qing was originally two years older than Lei Lei, and was used to calling Lei Lei "Brother Lei". This extremely awkward address "Senior Brother Lei" was only called after Wu Qionghua's insistence. "Sister Mu" also asked Lei Lei Lin Qing had to be called Junior Brother Lin, but Lei Lei always ignored it, so "Sister Mu" had no choice but to give up.

"Let's find some ferocious monsters on the road that may cause harm to the disciples who are alone. This will not only ensure the safety of the disciples who pass by the sect, but also practice cooperation by the way." Actually, this area is already full of beasts. In the fringe area of ​​the area controlled by the sect, there are no single sect disciples walking around. This is purely an excuse Lin Qing made to fool "Sister Mu".

Lei Lei, who had itchy hands, immediately applauded loudly, and then said to Wu Qionghua pretending to be old-fashioned: "Sister Hua, what do you think of this method?"

The two people's addressing each other is also very interesting. According to the rules of Wu Qionghua's sect, Lei Lei is called "Senior Brother Lei", but Lei Lei insists on calling Wu Qionghua "Sister Hua" as he was a child. Can only be confused. (to be continued)

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