Earth Emperor

Chapter 22

As the saying goes: "Ten fat and nine eat", Lin Qing is an out-and-out foodie, he actually has a large bag of various spices for barbecue in his storage bag, but the yellow-toothed roe deer itself is fragrant, and Lin Qing's Those "stocks" were no longer needed. Seeing his extremely proficient grilling movements, Lei Lei and the others began to wonder if this guy was a chef in the first place. www

Soon the faint scent spread, Lin Qing quickly cut off the roasted part of the deer, and Lei Lei took out another bottle of spirit wine from the storage bag and distributed it to everyone.

Five people sat around the bonfire under the faint moonlight, eating fragrant barbecue and drinking sweet and mellow spiritual wine. Things that can be easily done by mortals are a rare luxury for young monks like Lei Lei who bear the hope of the family.

After eating for a while, at Lei Lei's suggestion, the five of them released their spiritual pets. In the daytime battle, because they had taken the initiative from the beginning, and in order to avoid unnecessary injuries to their spiritual pets, the five of them No one has released their spiritual pets to help in the battle, and now it's time to let the spiritual pets come out to relax.

The soul pets of Lei Shan and Lei Yan are their daytime mounts Iron Armored Rhinoceros and Swift Shadow Leopard. After they are released, they lie obediently on the periphery of the circle to rest.

The spirit ape "Xiaobai" and the mastiff "Red Pang" fight together as soon as they come out. It seems that these two are good playmates, and the spirit pet of "Sister Mu" is a middle-grade spirit beast Red-crowned Thunder Crane, this kind of crane is white except for the red feathers on the top of the head, and there are faint circles of thunder patterns shining on the wings.

This red-crowned thunder crane, more than one foot tall, stands leisurely on one leg behind "Sister Mu", and from time to time uses its iron beak to take the roe deer meat handed over by its owner, and gracefully swallows it with its neck up.

The enthusiastic Lei Lei didn't ask Lin Qing why he accepted a mastiff as a spiritual pet, but instead said to Lin Qing: "Where did you find such a majestic mastiff? It's a bit like it was just accepted as a spiritual pet?"

Feeling that Lei Lei was trying to make fun of him, Lin Qing hastily explained: "My 'Red Fat' is not an ordinary mastiff, it has overthrown a high-grade monster."

After raising his glass and taking another big sip of spirit wine, Lei Lei replied with a bit of drunkenness:

"'Red Fat' is unusual. When I was in closed-door training, my uncle had already used a spirit pill to help Xiaobai successfully advance to the rank of a mid-level spirit beast. This little monkey is very proud. It is not a monster with similar strength. You don't want to talk to me, your mastiff is at least as strong as a low-grade spirit beast."

Since the two met again, Lei Lei only asked Xia Lin Qing if he had a spiritual pet, and then did not ask any more questions, nor did he ask about the fire spirit lion. This kind of unreserved trust moved Lin Qing very much. .

After all, the transfer of the fire spirit lion is a bit complicated, and it even vaguely involves the conflict between the top management of the Wanshou sect. It is really inappropriate to tell Lei Lei. If Lei Lei really asks about this, Lin Qing, who is unwilling to lie, really does not know How to explain to Lei Lei, being so vague is of course the best solution.

Seeing that the roe deer on the rack was roasting and eating little leftovers, Lin Qing peeled a few more wooden sticks, threaded the roe deer head, heart, liver and other internal organs that had been thrown aside just now, and put them on the grill as well. baked up.

In fact, the heads and viscera of monsters are seldom eaten. After all, monsters are far larger than domestic animals. Usually, the monsters hunted can't even finish the meat, but Lin Qing has developed a habit of saving in the military camp. Roasting the heart and liver of a monster really has a special flavor.

After roasting for a while, Lin Qing suddenly felt that the mastiff "Red Fat" who no longer played with Xiaobai Lingyuan was lying there, looking straight at the deer head on the grill, with a look of salivation. , in fact, Lin Qing had already thrown a few large pieces of meat with bones to the mastiff "Red Pang" and Xiaobai just now. There was only a pile of bone dregs left in "Red Fat".

"You foodie, then—" Lin chuckled and cursed, and threw the half-baked roe deer head into the distance. This is also a throwing game he and the mastiff "Red Pang" often play.

The mastiff "Red Pang" quickly turned around, and after two light vertical leaps, caught up with the deer's head that hadn't landed yet, and then jumped up beautifully.

Seeing that the mastiff "Red Pang" was about to bite the deer's head with its big mouth, a black shadow suddenly appeared obliquely from the dark place where the campfire could not illuminate, and forcibly pulled the deer from "Red Pang"'s mouth. head snatched!

What a "red fat", after biting nothing, he forcibly shook his head in mid-air, knocking the head of the deer off from the black shadow's mouth again.

The black shadow turned around in mid-air, and rushed towards the head of the deer that had fallen to the ground. "Red Fatty" did not show any weakness, and rushed forward with a low growl.

At this moment, the place where the deer's head fell was a little closer to the bonfire, and Lin Qing and the others could already clearly see that the black shadow was actually a strange bird that looked like a crow.

This strange bird fluttered its wings, raised and lowered its beak, pecked its claws, and had an indistinguishable fight with the mastiff "Red Fat". You must know that birds and monsters fight on the ground with monsters that are bigger than themselves. Food, usually it is the part of being abused, but now the mastiff "Red Fat", which can easily overwhelm even the top-grade monster black golden leopard, did not take advantage of the ground fight!

When several people around were applauding and cheering for the mastiff "Red Fat", Lin Qing looked around and felt a little cold sweat, because the other spirit pets around, even including the middle-grade spirit beast Danding Both Thunder Crane and Spirit Ape Xiaobai quietly hid behind their master, Xiaobai Gulu's big eyes turning around even showed a look of fear, and the two high-grade monster beasts Iron Armored Rhinoceros and Swift Shadow Leopard even shook their limbs. I can't stand still.

For monsters, this situation is level suppression, which refers to an instinctive reaction when a monster encounters a high-level monster that is much higher than its own level.

In fact, the level of monsters is not absolute, just like a lion cub will be killed by an adult wolf, if a high-level monster is still in its infancy, it may not be able to beat a few levels lower than it Low-rank monsters, but the majesty aura inherent in high-grade monsters makes any monsters lower than it fear.

Until the time of life and death, low-level monsters will not easily challenge the dignity of high-level monsters, even if they are only young high-level monsters.

What does it mean to be a high-level monster that is higher than the middle-grade spirit beast? Is it a legendary beast?

Seeing the long hair all over the body, "Aww" growled incessantly. The obviously furious mastiff "Red Fat" still couldn't do anything about the strange bird that was bigger than a normal crow. Lin Qing hurriedly shouted: "'Red Fat' came back and left something for the guests to eat."

The mastiff "Red Fat" who had just been separated by the strange bird, who was about to pounce on it again, was still a little unwilling. He lowered his body and bared his teeth and roared at the strange bird with a "woo woo", before Lin Qing yelled again. After a few times, he turned his head resentfully and returned to Lin Qing's side.

The strange bird didn't even go away, it croaked twice like a demonstration, then lowered its head and pecked a small hole in the deer's head with one beak, and then sucked the brains inside.

At this time, Lei Lei and the others beside him also felt the abnormality of their spiritual pets, Lin Qing secretly made a gesture to them not to act rashly, and then checked that the mastiff "Red Fat" had no scars on his body, and then Put on a nonchalant look and continue to roast the remaining roe meat and internal organs.

After the strange bird drank the brains, it didn't continue to peck. Instead, it jumped a few times to the campfire contentedly, and tilted its head to look at Lin Qing who was grilling meat.

Reflecting the bonfire and the moonlight, everyone could clearly see that this strange bird did indeed resemble a crow in appearance, but it was a bit bigger than a crow, and its shiny black feathers all over its body were shining with a metallic luster.

Different from the crow, its beak and claws are bright red, and there is a cluster of crest feathers on the top of its head, which makes this strange bird look mysterious and noble.

What Lei Lei and the others didn't expect was that Lin Qing suddenly picked up the stick with the deer liver and shook it at the strange bird, saying, "This is more delicious, do you want to try it?"

The strange bird seemed to be able to understand it. It hesitated for a while looking at the roasted golden and fragrant roe deer liver. Seeing that Lin Qing didn't intend to throw it over, it simply flapped its wings and landed on Lin Qing's shoulder, pecking Lin Qing comfortably. He lightly handed the deer liver to him and started to eat it.

Seeing Lei Lei and the others looking at him worriedly, Lin Qing pretended to be calm and called everyone to sit down, divided up the remaining roe deer meat, and threw all the bones to the mastiff "Red Fat" who looked at him angrily. Then he said: "Di Lei, come and have some wine."

Before Lei Lei stepped forward, "Sister Mu" grabbed the wine bottle from Lei Lei's hand and walked slowly to Lin Qing, poured a full glass and handed it over.

Lin Qing took the wine glass and held it up high, saying: "Good wine, delicious food, and confidantes are all here, why don't you all have a drink?"

Several people saw that the monster bird that was most likely to be a beast level had already finished eating the deer liver, they looked here and there curiously, and they didn't intend to hurt anyone violently, so they all jumped up and followed Lin Qing to grab a cup Drink up the wine.

Sensing that this strange bird was very psychic, Lin Qing simply signaled to "Sister Mu" to pour herself another cup, then held it up to the strange bird and said, "If you eat meat, you have to drink, come have a taste."

A few people just wanted to make fun of Lin Qing for being stupid, but the strange bird unceremoniously drank the wine in the glass in one breath, then flapped its wings and croaked, looking very happy.

Seeing this, Lin Qing simply snatched the wine bottle from "Sister Mu" and handed it over. The strange bird put its beak into the bottle and sucked for a long time, then flapped its wings from Lin Qing's shoulder and flew into the air, stumbling around again. Landing next to the bonfire, turning around the bonfire as if dancing.

The mastiff "Red Fat" next to him seemed to have forgotten the revenge he had just had, and ran over to jump around the strange bird. Everyone was stunned to see this pair of live treasures performing in the circle.

Lin Qing quickly shook the wine bottle only to realize that the half bottle of spiritual wine left in the bottle just now was sucked up by the strange bird in one go. Could it be that this bird is drunk? (to be continued)

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