Earth Emperor

Chapter 24 Primordial Violent Ape

The giant ape squatting on the high platform is covered in gray-white hair, and its body size is at least five feet away. From the wrinkled ape face and the chest-length mottled white beard on the chin, it can be seen that this giant ape I don't know how many leisurely years have passed.

What surprised Lin Qing the most was that he hadn't felt a wave of monster power from this giant ape, which was obviously of extraordinary strength. Realm, could it be that this old ape is actually a divine beast?

"Young man, you can call me the great ape king. I already feel the aura of my descendant. Let it come out quickly." The old ape, who called himself the great ape king, still maintained a calm expression when he spoke in a muffled voice. Motionless squat position.

Lin Qing nodded slightly, and waved his hand lightly, a snow-white spirit ape appeared in front of Lin Qing amidst the flashing green light.

Xiaobai, the spirit ape who had just been released from the spirit beast ring, was still a little confused at first, but when he turned his head and saw the gray-white old ape on the high platform behind him, he was shocked all over.

Although Lin Qing still didn't feel any aura, the spirit ape "Xiaobai" clearly sensed something from the old ape, maybe this is the same origin call in the blood of the monster beast, and the spirit ape "Xiaobai" squeaked excitedly Squeaking, he quickly ran towards the old ape.

The old ape's expressionless face like a stone sculpture finally showed a smile. It waved lightly, and the galloping "Xiao Bai" rose into the air and slowly fell into the arms of the old ape!

Seeing "Xiaobai" Huan hugging the old ape affectionately, Lin Qing was also sincerely happy. He bent down to the old ape in a neither humble nor haughty manner, and said, "My task of patrolling the mountains has not been completed yet, so I'm afraid I can't stay here. It's been a long time, please forgive me, Great Ape King."

The great ape king lightly stretched his long arms, took "Xiaobai" into his arms again, stroked its hair lovingly and said: "I never thought that this little guy's ancestor bloodline is purer than mine, God is sorry to see me so ancient The Violent Ape lineage is about to reappear in the world."

Hearing that "Xiao Bai" actually had the blood of the Primordial Violent Ape, Lin Qing immediately envied Lei Lei's good luck. This Primordial Violent Ape was a famous gold-type divine beast in ancient times. Jingjin pouring is average, not only the magic weapon is difficult to damage, but also the attack power is amazing. It is a typical all-round divine beast with both offense and defense!

Then look at the spirit ape "Xiaobai" lying motionless in the arms of the great ape king, as if asleep.

Slowly, clouds of white mist rose around the great ape king's body, emitting bursts of strange fragrance, making the high platform look like a dream.

Seeing Lin Qing's confused expression, the Great Ape King who seemed to be casting a spell slowly explained:

"'Xiaobai' has taken a pill that can boost his cultivation, but this pill is too overbearing, and it is difficult for him to refine all of it by himself. It may be detrimental to the improvement of his realm in the future. Now I will help him refine all the pills. Even though 'Xiaobai' cannot be promoted to another level immediately, it can completely eliminate hidden dangers."

After finishing speaking, the Great Ape King entered the state of petrification without making a sound.

Seeing "Xiao Bai", who was almost as tall as himself, being embraced by the Great Ape King like a baby, Lin Qing not only clicked his tongue, but at this moment, the strange bird seemed to be unable to bear the loneliness, flapping He flew to Lin Qing's shoulder with his wings, and chatted with Lin Qing.

It turns out that there are countless big monsters in this vast western wilderness, among them there are 36 that can break into the name and occupy the cave, called "36 cave monster kings", and the monster king closest to the Wanshou sect in the cave is the Great Ape King.

This great ape king was also a demon ape who was born in Xianguoling in his early years. Later, by chance, he awakened the blood of the divine beast contained in his body, opened up his innate supernatural powers, and created his own world in this western wilderness.

To Lin Qing's surprise, according to the strange bird, the blood of the divine beast in the great ape king's body was not pure enough, so it did not reach the level of a divine beast, but belonged to the top-grade spiritual beast.

However, this old ape has been practicing for a long time, and with the bloodline of the Primordial Violent Ape with powerful combat power, its actual combat power may not be much weaker than that of ordinary adult beasts.

When he was in the Sutra Pavilion of Wanshouzong, Lin Qing had already seen the classics on how to define the level of monsters.

According to the records in the book, the level of monsters was originally a definition of the level of monsters by monks based on many factors such as the bloodline qualifications of monsters, the room for improvement, the strength of innate supernatural powers, etc. This kind of comprehensive strength evaluation method.

Because the strength development of monsters is greatly influenced by the innate bloodlines, bloodline qualifications are the primary condition for determining the level of monsters, and this powerful old ape cannot be included in the list of beasts because the bloodlines are not pure enough. Strange.

"Then what level of monster are you?" Lin Qing suddenly asked with a smile.

The strange bird held its head high and replied arrogantly: "Of course this deity is a divine beast."

Although the answer was the same as Lin Qing expected, Lin Qing was still a little shocked when the strange bird admitted it himself. Divine beasts only appear in legends, and now they are actually standing on their shoulders and bragging about themselves. It's like dreaming.

"Then what kind of beast are you?" Lin Qing continued to ask, but the strange bird turned its head and combed the feathers on its back, ignoring Lin Qing's question.

Lin Qing, who originally thought that the strange bird was under the Great Ape King, suddenly realized that there might be another relationship between the Great Ape King and the strange bird. He wanted to test it again, so he curled his lips and asked, "Only you It’s still a beast like this, even the mastiff I raise can’t beat it.”

The strange bird seemed to be stimulated all of a sudden, flapped its wings and flew around Lin Qing twice, then quacked in the air and said:

"I see that little chubby dog ​​is cute, and I'm playing with it, you fat man, how dare you question my strength, quack"

"Okay, 'Huo'er, don't make trouble anymore"

At this time, the white mist and the strange fragrance from the great ape king's body had disappeared, and the old ape just happened to see the scene of Lin Qing and the strange bird making a noise when he finished his work, so he continued:

"Young man, 'Huo'er' is a divine beast whose blood has awakened, but it is still in its infancy. The mastiff in your spirit beast ring is not ordinary. It is very likely that it also has the blood of a divine beast, but I don't know if there is one. There is no chance to awaken the beast blood in its body."

Lin Qing was no longer surprised by the great ape king's ability to judge the blood of the spirit beast's bloodline through the spirit beast ring.

Seeing that this mighty monster is so easy to talk, the little fat man who had put his guard aside a long time ago said casually:

"Is this bird called 'Huo'er? It's really a beast. It's a pity that I already have a spiritual pet, otherwise it would be awesome to accept it as a spiritual pet."

"Presumptuous!" The great ape king who had been squatting there stood up abruptly and yelled, a power of the Hittites like a god and demon suddenly erupted, and the unsuspecting Lin was swept away like a wave of air. He rushed back a few steps and fell to the ground with a plop.

Lin Qing, who caused trouble by talking nonsense, felt as if he had been knocked down by a wild giant elephant running wildly. His muscles and bones were about to crack, and his blood was churning. down.

The Great Ape King who had gathered all his monster power seemed to calm down again, and slowly crouched on the high platform with Xiao Bai in his arms again, and said word by word:

"Young man, please remember that the dignity of divine beasts cannot be offended. Anyone who wants to accept divine beasts as spiritual pets is the common enemy of all our monsters. My lord forgives your ignorance this time, and next time you offend me It's not that simple anymore!"

After experiencing the tyranny of the big monster, Lin Qing could only look at the big ape king with a wry smile, not knowing how to explain it.

At this time, Xiao Bai, the spirit ape in the arms of the great ape king, seemed to be awakened by the tyrannical aura just now, looking at the great ape king and then at Lin Qing in horror.

The great ape king lovingly touched Xiao Bai's head, put Xiao Bai on the ground in front of him, and said to Lin Qing and the strange bird:

"I want to help Xiaobai activate his innate supernatural powers, you all stand back, 'Huo'er' you help him cover it."

Lin Qing, who had suffered just now, hurriedly retreated to the entrance where he came in, and the strange bird "Huo'er" flew in front of Lin Qing triumphantly, and said, "Little fat man, I did not eat your barbecue for nothing."

Lin Qing directly ignored this chattering bird, and stared intently at the high platform, only to see the Great Ape King hooting, his body swaying around like a dance, and the spirit ape Xiaobai in front of him followed suit. The Great Ape King's movements twisted and turned.

This kind of scene that should make people feel a little funny is extremely solemn, and it makes people feel very solemn and sacred. As the movement range of the great ape king becomes larger and larger, it no longer controls its own aura and coercion. In the palace-like cave, strong winds blew up, and the air waves like a tsunami overlapped and rushed in all directions!

Fortunately, there was a strange bird "Huo'er" standing in front of Lin Qing, spreading its wings to block most of the aura for Lin Qing, otherwise, with Lin Qing's perfect cultivation of Qi, he would have been rushed out by the air waves cave.

Feeling the increasingly powerful aura of the Great Ape King, Lin Qing once again had a desire for power.

The gap between heaven and earth in front of the peerless monster did not break his confidence, on the contrary, it aroused the ambition of the little soldier in the original army camp: Isn't the Great Ape King originally from the little monster on Fairy Fruit Ridge? One day, I will rise up on this cultivation way, and I will use my aura to shock the whole world!

At this time, the great ape king who had raised his aura to the peak roared in the sky, and his fists hit his chest like a drum. Behind the great ape king, a huge phantom floating ten feet away was actually a legend. The Primordial Violent Ape!

Although the Primordial Violent Ape was only a phantom, its whole body was as clear as its real substance, especially the furious ring eyes and the fangs sticking out of its lips, which showed an extremely ferocious appearance. The boxer beat his chest madly and raised his head to the sky, roaring again and again, a chilling fighting spirit that does not accept the world makes people feel cold! (to be continued)

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