Earth Emperor

Chapter 26 The Human-Eyed Blood Bat

Before the voice of this continuous interrogation finished, the strange bird "Huo'er" was not happy, it flapped its wings and flew up and down around Lin Qing, and said "quack" in its mouth:

"Who is a child, who is a child, this deity is almost 100 years old this year. www"

Although this monster is intelligent, how can it be an opponent of the human race in terms of ingenuity and sudden change, not only "Huo'er", even the great ape king was very embarrassed by Lin Qing's words, it suddenly stood up as if He was about to lose his temper again, but thinking about what Lin Qing said was indeed reasonable, he knelt down again and said:

"Young man, you have to accept this mission no matter what. If I don't want more people to know about it, I'll go find those little fellows in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect right now. Don't play tricks with me, Old Ape. Just tell me why you are willing to accept this task."

In fact, Lin Qing originally wanted to get back the place where he fell, and didn't really want to embarrass the old ape. After all, the great ape king was willing to spend mana to help "Xiaobai" unlock his natural supernatural powers, which made Lin Qing very grateful.

This is also the reason why monsters are frank and inflexible by nature. If the Great Ape King directly threatens Lin Qing to accept the task on the condition of helping "Xiaobai" unlock his innate supernatural powers, then Lin Qing really has to submit obediently.

Having achieved his goal, Lin Qingchong, who was about to borrow the donkey from the slope, blinked at the strange bird "Huo'er", and said:

"Your Majesty the Great Ape King, don't get me wrong. Although 'Huo'er' is a divine beast, it is still in its infancy after all. I am afraid that I will not be able to protect it in case of danger. If there is someone who can help me improve my strength Magical artifacts, monster followers and so on, just give them whatever you want."

Seeing that Lin Qing had already spit out, the Great Ape King, who was relieved, murmured:

"'Huo'er' can suppress its own divine beast aura, and ordinary monks can't discover its identity at all, but your concerns are also reasonable. This king's subordinates can arrange one for you, it depends on what type of monster you want Yes, it’s just that this king doesn’t have any magical artifacts here.”

The strange bird "Huo'er" who had landed on Lin Qing's shoulder again interjected, "I have a magic weapon here."

After finishing speaking, the strange bird "Huo'er" raised its neck violently, opened its mouth and spat out a bracelet-like magic weapon into Lin Qing's hand.

This bracelet-like magic weapon is composed of twelve golden round beads strung together. Each bead is round and moist like jade, but it is more translucent and magnificent than the color of jade. Although Lin Qing still doesn't know the effect of this magic weapon , but just the appearance made him love it so much that he simply put it on his right wrist.

The strange bird "Huo'er" was very satisfied with Lin Qing's reaction, and proudly introduced:

"This is called the Yuling Bracelet, and its function is similar to your spirit beast ring, but each bead of the Yuling Bracelet is a du li space, which can store and release monsters independently, and the cultivation speed of monsters inside is the same as outside. ten times as much!"

Hearing that this beautiful bracelet was just a high-grade spirit beast ring, Lin Qing was a little disappointed, and asked, "How did you hide such a big string of beads in your stomach? Besides, you are a divine beast, so what are you doing with a spirit beast ring?" ?”

The strange bird "Huo'er" suddenly replied with some embarrassment:

"The bodies of our beasts have their own space, which can store items. You just don't know it. This Yuling Bracelet is actually a place for me to practice. Even if you don't ask for it, I will take it out for you to use. The Yuling Bracelet is You can't recognize the owner of my magic weapon with a drop of blood, you can just manipulate it directly with your spiritual consciousness."

Lin Qing, who knew that he hadn't really got a bargain, was immediately choked up, feeling that this broken bracelet was not given to him, but he still had to say what he had to say on the scene, he pretended to be casual and said:

"Since the gods and beasts take us as partners, we can't look too mean, that's all, Great Ape King, you can just get me a monster that can fly with me, and I don't care about running on the ground."

I thought that Lin Qing would not be interested in a mere spirit beast ring, and the Great Ape King, who could speak like a lion, immediately had a good impression of Lin Qing. He completely forgot how he was run over by this guy just now, and hurriedly said: "Isn't that right?" Question, I will arrange it now."

The great ape king let out a low growl, and soon a huge and terrifying eagle monster flew in from the cave without a sound, and landed gently behind Lin Qing.

Lin Qing carefully looked at this eagle-like monster named Ghost-faced Four-clawed Owl, and was almost taken aback.

I saw this giant owl standing upright about two feet away. Its feathers were as black as ink, and its ghost-like head had a sharp hook-like beak. With a pair of sharp claws, it looks ugly and extremely vicious!

Seeing that Lin Qing seemed to look down on this ghost-faced four-clawed owl, the Great Ape King hurriedly explained:

"Young man, this ghost-faced four-clawed owl is the ultimate wind-type monster. He is also a capable general among the birds under my command. With it following you, even if you can't solve it when you encounter trouble, it should be no problem to escape. .”

Originally, he was hesitating whether to let the old ape replace him with a more attractive bird, but when he heard that the ugly ghost-faced four-clawed owl was actually a top-quality monster, Lin Qing immediately beamed with joy, and immediately went to Climb up and ask to take this ghost-faced four-clawed owl as a secondary pet now.

Although the Great Ape King who begged Lin Qing was a bit reluctant, he still agreed to Lin Qing. After all, the best monsters have limited intelligence and cannot speak human words like divine beasts. If they are not accepted as assistant pets, there is no way Lin Qing communicated.

Seeing that the Great Ape King agreed to his request, Lin Qing, who was afraid that the cooked duck would fly away, hastily used a magic formula to accept the ghost-faced four-clawed owl as his first assistant pet, and followed the strange bird's order calmly. "Huo'er" said that he practiced the control method of the Yuling Bracelet, and then threw the ghost-faced four-clawed owl, the spirit ape "Xiaobai", and his spiritual pet mastiff "Red Fat" into the Yuling Bracelet , this is ten times the speed of cultivation, Lin Qing wants to become a monster and sneak in now!

At this time, the Great Ape King on the high platform saw that Lin Qing had finished tormenting, he hesitated, turned around, took out something from somewhere and threw it to Lin Qing, and said, "The human-eyed blood bats here are also treated as yours." Assistant pet, these little things can't be put away, and I don't have the heart to kill them."

Human-eyed blood bat?Lin Qing was taken aback immediately, he looked at the thing in his hand, it was a somewhat crude spirit animal bag, because the spiritual consciousness restriction on the mouth of the bag had been forcefully broken, so Lin Qing could directly feel the dozens of furry beasts inside. It was the same thing as recorded in the classics, covered in blood red, with some human-eye-shaped markings on its wings, it was the human-eyed blood bat.

The human-eyed blood bat itself is not of high grade, it is only a low-grade monster, and it only lives in the black nightmare abyss in the western wilderness, but this monster's illustrious reputation is mentioned in the classics of various sects in the cultivation world. records can be found. (to be continued)

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