Earth Emperor

Chapter 29 New hatred and old hatred

When Lei Lei was considering whether to show up, the Patriarch of the Yue Family, Yue Qingbin, had already seen Lei Lei at the periphery of the crowd.

He hurried over and plopped down on his knees, almost crying and said:

"Young Master Lei, my family Ling Botian is pure and honest, and he is definitely not the kind of dirty and dirty person. This is purely a misunderstanding. My father-in-law's family only has this family-heirloom artifact. The small battle has a great reputation, how can it be so vaguely handed over to others, let Shao Lei be the master."

Although Yue Qingbin seemed panicked in front of Lei Lei, but in a few words, he hinted that Wang En and others were planning to plot the spiritual weapon of the Yue family. It seems that the head of this small family is not mediocre.

Lei Lei was about to speak, when Wang En over there saw Lei Lei, folded his fan together, and said with a sneer:

"I said, how could such a low-level family like the Yue family be so bold and reckless? It turns out that with the backing of the famous Lei Shao, it's no wonder they don't put my Wang family in their eyes!"

Lei Lei sighed inwardly, after all, Yue Qingbin was the patriarch of a small family living in a desolate place, and he didn't know that Wang En was the descendant of Wang Yinghuo, the master of the Wanshou Sect.

Seeing this situation, Lei Lei could only smile wryly and went forward to answer Wang En, but the two families had deep grievances, and Wang En was always jealous of Lei Lei's talent, but the situation became more and more rigid.

At this time, the hoofbeats of "Dede" were suddenly heard from the uphill path of Fuyunling, and the people in the quarrel looked back, only to see a fat man with a yellowish complexion and a simple and honest appearance, who was dressed in the blue clothes of a disciple of the Wanshou Sect Riding a silver-hoofed red deer is galloping in the wind and dust.

Lei Lei took a closer look, and it was Lin Qing who hurried back from Tianpuya in the western wilderness!

Overjoyed, Lei Lei hurriedly ran over to meet Lin Qing, Wu Qionghua and the other three who had just heard the quarrel from Yue's house also followed Lei Lei to meet him, excited Lin Qing hurriedly rolled off the saddle and embraced Lei Lei Together.

"Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua behind the two was also very happy to see Lin Qing returned safely, but she still stepped forward to remind Lei Lei that this is not the place to speak.

So Lei Lei, who just found out that the spirit ape "Xiaobai" had activated his innate supernatural powers, was about to jump for joy, hurriedly calmed down his excitement, put his arms around Lin Qing's shoulders and told Lin Qing what happened in front of the gate of Yue's house as he walked.

Wang En here saw Lei Lei hugging the short and fat boy happily and talking non-stop, feeling a little confused, the blue-clothed disciple among the followers behind him saw Lin Qing but his eyes lit up, and hurried forward Lie down next to Wang En's ear and whispered a few words.

When Lei Lei, Lin Qing and others approached, Wang En said with a smile:

"It is rumored that Lei Shao recruited a follower of the earth spirit root outside the sect. Could it be this one? I heard that this person is average in strength, but has a unique taste in picking monsters. He actually chose a big dog as a spiritual pet, or This is Lei Shao's unique arrangement?"

Before Wang En finished speaking, several followers behind him burst out laughing in full cooperation. Cui Cui, the female disciple in green clothes, was even more trembling with laughter, and took advantage of the situation to puff out her chest and shake her body in a seductive wave. Lei Lei winked.

Although no one in the surrounding Yue family laughed, the unheard-of prodigal incident of taking a big dog as a spiritual pet still made everyone look at Lin Qing with suspicious eyes and start whispering.

Lei Lei, who was still young, ignored Cui Cui's deliberate flair at all. He was already flushed with anger, and was about to speak up to reprimand Wang En, when Lin Qing who was beside him shouted first:

"Zhang Sanlang, you have done a good deed, I wanted to find you a long time ago, but today I want to give me an explanation!"

It turned out that at this time Lin Qing had already sized up the six people facing Wang En, and found that the blue-clothed disciple behind Wang En turned out to be Zhang Sanlang who had dealt with him before. He immediately understood why Wang En said what he said just now. The Deacon Wang, the Internal Affairs Department of the Central Hall, whom the Flame Lion met must also be a member of the Wang family.

This Saburo is about eighteen or nine years old, with a medium build but slightly hunchbacked, with a pair of small triangular eyes under his sparse eyebrows, and a bit of cunning flashed through his eyes from time to time. He took a step forward and said:

"Well, you short fat man, talking nonsense, you got the flame lion assigned to you somewhere, and you made a stupid dog as a pet to fool Mr. Lei Lei, and you want to plant me on me, you are very calculating! "

This Sanlang is indeed sharp-tongued, and the few short sentences not only imply that Lin Qing exchanged the flame lion for personal gain, but also contains provocative words. If Lin Qing is led by him to defend himself, the flame lion will be swapped. It can only be that the water is getting more and more muddy, making Lin Qing speechless.

Seeing Zhang Sanlang blatantly slandering himself so roguely, the combination of new and old hatred made Lin Qing roar angrily, and shouted loudly:

"I don't want to talk to you too much, I understand this grievance today, do you dare to fight to the death with me to control the beast?"

Beast control life-and-death combat is a duel method used by Wanshouzong to resolve personal grievances. It refers to the two parties using animal pets to conduct a life-and-death duel according to the agreed method.

Although this kind of duel is a kind of internal friction, it is irreplaceable for the tempering of the disciples in the life and death. Therefore, although the Wanshouzong strictly forbids the disciples of the disciples to fight against each other, it allows them to fight against each other in the presence of witness monks. Next, engage in this open duel of life and death.

As soon as Lin Qing said a word, the audience was shocked immediately. That Zhang Sanlang didn't expect Lin Qing's reaction to be so intense. He squinted his triangular eyes and said:

"Okay, why should I fight you to the death, what's the benefit?"

Originally, Lin Qing thought that Sanlang could speak eloquently, and his character like a dog-headed military commander must be of low strength, but he didn't expect to hear his voice. How could Lin Qing be afraid of Ji's strength, and said casually:

"We will take advantage of the dispute between you and the Yue family. If you win, you will let the Yue family offer the spirit treasure as you said; if I win, you will let the children of the Yue family who were tied up by you be released, and you will not be held accountable today. How about it?"

After Lin Qing finished speaking, Zhang Sanlang didn't dare to answer. He turned his head to look at his master Wang En who was fanning himself with a fan, and Wang En asked slowly:

"Yue Qingbin, Lei Lei, what do you say?"

At this time, Lei Lei was already watching Zhang Sanlang's teeth itch with hatred. If Zhang Sanlang's words were spread, even if Lei Lei believed in Lin Qing again, some of Lei's seniors would doubt Lin Qing. He hated Lin Qing. Said: "I have no objection, it depends on what Patriarch Yue says."

Only then did Yue Qingbin realize what a failed decision it was to find Lei Lei to rescue him. How could the Yue family, who was far away from the edge of the sect, know about the infighting among the big families among the top sects? (to be continued)

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