Earth Emperor

Chapter 38 Foundation Building Practice

Updated: 2012-06-24

This path circles around the mountain, one side is close to the stone wall, and the other side is the cliff. The so-called retreat room is a cave dug out of the stone wall.

When he was halfway up the mountain, the blue-clothed disciple who was leading the way stopped in his tracks and cast a magic formula at the nearby stone wall, only to see a stone door opened on the stone wall without a sound.

The disciple in blue made a gesture of invitation and said:

"This intermediate retreat room has not been used for a long time. The aura inside is very strong. The senior brother is in this room. There is a slot behind the stone door. After entering the stone door, insert the senior brother's identity jade slip into the slot and it will automatically open. The jade tribute points are deducted by the day, and people outside can no longer open the stone gate."

Lin Qing saw that this blue-clothed disciple with disheveled hair looked a little lazy, but he was a good person. Lin Qing, who had no habit of giving rewards, took out two low-grade spirit stones and handed them over, "Thank you for your care, brother. I'm sorry."

After Lin Qing stepped into the cave, as the outer stone gate slowly fell, the ever-burning lamps at the four corners of the cave lighted up automatically. Lin Qing took out the identity jade slip and stuffed it into the slot on the stone gate, and placed it in the middle of the cave. An antique copper censer also emits a faint calming blue smoke automatically.

Lin Qing went to a futon placed in the cave and sat down cross-legged, glanced around, the four walls of the retreat cave were also covered with scraps of the raw ore of the spirit stone that was cut when making the spirit stone, probably because All the raw ore fragments of high-grade spirit stones are used, and the concentration of spirit energy in this stone chamber is six to seven times higher than that in the outside world.

The strong aura, the incense burner for meditation and peace of mind, and even the futon under the buttocks, which is made of unknown materials, can give people a sense of coolness. Not for nothing.

Lin Qing closed her eyes, and began to slowly execute the Thick Earth Art. The aura in the air was sucked into the acupuncture points of her whole body, and then gathered to the dantian under her abdomen like a river rushing to the sea, and soon the same filling as last time Feeling full again.

I don't know if it's because he has been practicing the nine strikes to strengthen the body's blood vessels during this period of time. Lin Qing felt that her meridians and dantian seemed to be more resilient than before, and the pain was much less.

Lin Qing gritted her teeth and persisted, encouraging the spiritual power in her body to continuously accelerate the speed of operation.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Qing's dantian was already swollen and bursting with spiritual energy, and even a trace of spiritual energy in the meridians of his body could not be inhaled, but Lin Qing still couldn't find the feeling that could break through the bottleneck.

Lin Qing, who was still a little unwilling to give up, wanted to try not to take the Foundation Establishment Pill, was finally shattered of all illusions. He didn't dare to hold on anymore, otherwise, if the demons reappeared, taking the Foundation Establishment Pill might not be of any help.

Lin Qing flipped her right hand, and the small jade bottle containing the Jidan appeared in her hand. After opening the bottle, there was a faint fragrance that made people feel the wind in their ribs instantly.

Lin Qing, who no longer hesitated, didn't even look at it, and poured the best foundation building pill in the bottle into his mouth!

The entrance of the walnut-sized Zhuji Pill turned into a stream of sweet and cool spring, and stayed in Lin Qing's abdomen along the throat. In an instant, Lin Qing's whole body was shaken. Just now, the dantian and meridians felt swollen and bursting. It was instantly relieved a lot.

Lin Qing hastily activated the clear spring in the dantian according to the spiritual power running route of the thick soil formula. The clear spring transformed by the medicinal power of the Foundation Establishment Pill is like the spring rain that moistens the dry earth. When it flows there, it will moisten and comfortable Wherever it was taken, the somewhat injured meridians that had been stretched to the limit just now greedily sucked the medicinal power of Ganliang, and Lin Qing's physique gradually changed unconsciously.

In the depths of the bones and muscles, a little bit of filth was squeezed out by the moist but ubiquitous medicine, and was expelled from the pores of the skin through tiny blood vessels. At this moment, Lin Qing's whole body was covered with sticky Yellow internal filth.

After improving her physique, the power of the medicine gradually boiled like hot water that was about to boil, and she became restless. At this time, Lin Qing had already fallen into an extremely wonderful state of perception under the influence of the medicine power, and she didn't feel any pain at all. Be aware of this change in potency.

After a while, the medicinal power of the entire Foundation Establishment Pill has become like a torrent of lava pouring down from a volcano, rushing impulsively and violently along the running route of the thick soil formula, and the deeper filth in the blood vessels, muscles, and bones Being swept out, the meridians were impacted thicker and thicker, and the dantian was hit wider and wider by the rushing torrent!

The side effect of this powerful and tyrannical spiritual impact is that Lin Qing's body is covered with scars. Lin Qing seemed to have touched a bottleneck in that wonderful state of perception, but was awakened by the severe pain in his body.

He felt like tens of thousands of ants were biting his meridians, the flesh and blood all over his body seemed to be crushed, and even the bones seemed to be pulled and cut with a knife.

Lin Qing gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, trying to return to the state of comprehension just now, but the severe pain all over his body almost made him faint, and he could barely maintain his sanity. At this critical moment of hitting the bottleneck, if he fainted, not only If all previous efforts are wasted, there may be a situation where the realm may regress.

The current state of Lin Qing's body is called cutting the hair and washing the marrow, which is to completely transform the monk's body to make it a "spiritual body" suitable for cultivation.

In fact, the monks of the Xiuzhen family did not have such a great pain when cutting the hair and washing the marrow, because usually the monks from the Xiuzhen family began to improve their physique by taking elixir after birth, so their physique was already low when they built the foundation. According to the "semi-spiritual body" standard, there is relatively no such great pain.

How could Lin Qing, who was born in grassroots, have such conditions, it was tantamount to using a mortal body to directly transform into a spiritual body, and using the ultimate foundation-building pill that has the most thorough transformation of the human body. pain.

Just when Lin Qing could hardly bear it, the domineering and blazing spiritual power suddenly turned cool and moist again, repairing the wounds in the meridians one by one, and penetrating into the flesh and bones from the meridians, soon Lin Qing felt My own flesh, tendons, and bones all showed a feeling of thriving and growing, and the components of the entire human body seemed to be newly replaced, powerful and full of vitality.

This state is the "rebirth" in the realm of cultivation, and it is also a sign that one is about to get rid of the mundane desire and become a spiritual body.

According to the traditional saying in the cultivation world, only the foundation building stage can be regarded as stepping into the path of cultivation, and one can become a monk, and no matter how powerful the mana is in the Qi training stage, he is just a mortal.

The simplest sign is that in the foundation building stage, one can fly with a weapon, but people in the qi training stage can't do it even with a divine weapon. This is actually because there are too many filthy things in the mortal body.

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