Earth Emperor

Chapter 4 Honor Guard

This is the first time for Lin Qing to take a flying monster. Although he was once flown with a sword by his master, it was dark at night and he was in a hurry to escape. He was so relaxed now. Sitting on the back of a crane, the mood of flying leisurely among the mountains and rivers is naturally very different.

Seeing the crane flying higher and higher on the air current in the mountains, it was no longer possible for the silver-backed gray ape to catch up with him, and Lei Lei, who was in a relaxed mood, turned around on the crane's back and sat opposite Lin Qing chatted.

Although Lin Qing knew that the child must be a child of a famous school when he saw the extraordinary magic weapon and spirit beast, but when Lei Lei revealed his identity, Lin Qing was shocked.

The Zhongtian Continent has a vast territory. In the vast area controlled by the human race, various cultivation forces are densely distributed. In addition to the powerful sects of protecting the country of the Sixteen Kingdoms, there are also three super sects of cultivation——Wan Beast Sect, Fafu Sect and Tianjian Sect, referred to as the Three Sects and Sixteen Sects.

These three super-comprehension sects are powerful and have a large number of masters, and they occupy the places with the most abundant cultivation resources. It is said that the masters of these three super-comprehension sects are everywhere, and even the royal families and sects protecting the country of the sixteen countries have to bow their heads obey!

Lei Lei is a direct descendant of the Lei family of the Myriad Beast Sect, and now he has reached the Dzogchen cultivation level in the late stage of Qi training. After the foundation is established, he will worship under an uncle of his family and become an official disciple of the Myriad Beast Sect.

"Since your Lei family belongs to the Myriad Beast Sect, shouldn't you children be born as disciples of the Myriad Beast Sect? Why do you want to learn from your teacher again?"

"How can there be such a good thing? For example, the core area of ​​Wanshouzong is like the capital of a kingdom. Official disciples and elders in the sect all live in the capital, and the various families attached to Wanshouzong, according to different The status is distributed in different positions, just like other cities in the kingdom guard the capital, and protect the core area of ​​the sect in the middle. The people, property, and things of the various cultivating families attached to the Wanshou Sect are du li, but when necessary You must obey the unified deployment of the Wanshou Sect. When children from families like ours wander outside, they can only call themselves disciples of a certain family of the Wanshou Sect, and cannot claim to be disciples of the Wanshou Sect. Only when they are formally accepted as disciples by the Wanshou Sect, Only after entering the core area to practice can you call yourself a disciple of the Myriad Beast Sect."

"Isn't the practice of the Ten Thousand Beasts School mainly focused on controlling beasts? How do I think you are practicing thunder?"

"Haha, it seems that you are really a casual cultivator. You don't understand anything. The world of cultivation has been going on for thousands of years. Now all the major sects are blooming. No sect all practice one kind of exercise. Our Wanshou Sect is indeed Beast control is famous, but there are also many swordsmen, bodymen and other unpopular practitioners, and our Lei family is even more famous for Leifa!"

"Blow you, even if your lightning method is powerful, but the casting speed is too slow, who would stand there and wait for you to cast a spell?"

Although Lin Qing was chubby and looked simple and honest, his mouth was not forgiving at all. Lei Lei, who was hit directly by Lin Qing, remembered the embarrassing scene of being chased by the silver-backed ape just now, and immediately blushed and held back for a long time. He didn't say anything.

After a long while, Lei Lei said unwillingly: "You are right, the disadvantage of Lei Fa is that it is slow in casting, especially before the Golden Core stage, so our ancestors of the Lei family will join the Ten Thousand Beasts to learn Beast Control Technique, with a powerful monster that can be controlled in front, we can cast spells calmly. This time, I sneaked into Xianguoliing with my family behind my back, just to find a spiritual pet that is most suitable for me. Fortunately, I met It’s time for Xiaobai, this trip is worthwhile!”

Speaking of this, Lei Lei was much happier. After silently reciting the mantra, the blue-gray ring on his wrist flashed, and a small white ape appeared on the back of the crane.

The whole body of this white ape was shining with silver light, its two eyes flicked back and forth, it was not afraid when it saw Lei Lei and Lin Qing, it jumped up to Lei Lei, and started to play with Lei Lei.

Lin Qing, who had been cultivating alone in the barren mountains for a year, knew very well that pure white monsters were extremely rare, judging by the agility of this white ape, it might already be at the level of a spirit beast.

The monsters in Zhongtian Continent are divided into three levels: monsters, spirit beasts, and divine beasts, and each level is divided into top-grade, high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade. I was a little dazed, I always felt that I had overlooked something in the chat with Lei Lei just now, but I couldn't remember it.

"Is this the Xiaobai you mentioned? It is said that the Wanshou Sect raises countless monsters. Why do you sneak out to find your spiritual pet?" Lin Qing asked curiously while teasing the little white ape.

"My uncle had already said that he would go to the spirit beast mountain in the sect to find me the most powerful spirit beast. I was afraid that he would find one that I didn't like, so I went out to find it myself. My luck was still low. It’s really not a cover, although Xianguoling is a colony of apes and monsters, but it’s really rare to meet a top quality like Xiaobai.” Lei Lei took it for granted.

"Xiaobai belongs to the top-quality spirit beast? That's too powerful!" Lin Qing thought that this little white ape was really the legendary top-quality spirit beast.

"Where does it come from? Xiaobai's level is whether it is a monster or a spirit beast. You have to go back to appraise it before you know. The best I mean is Xiaobai's appearance is both beautiful and cute. I have never seen such a handsome person. Little ape." Hearing Lei Lei's words, the little white ape straightened up and twisted twice, looking like a fart, very much in line with the master's praise.

Hearing this, Lin Qing with a dark face suddenly felt that he had met a super dude.

No matter how high the cultivator is, he can only have one spiritual pet. The monk and the spiritual pet are connected in mind, and the abnormal death of either party will cause serious damage to the other party's mind. Therefore, monks are very cautious when choosing a spiritual pet. , as much as possible to choose those monsters with strong combat and survivability as their spiritual pets, but the standard for choosing a spiritual pet for the disciple of the cultivation family in front of Lin Qing is whether it is beautiful or not, it is really speechless.

"Then what level of monster is this crane, is it also your spiritual pet?" Lin Qing was a little envious when he saw that the crane was flying fast and steadily.

Lei Lei laughed and said: "There can only be one spiritual pet. This crane is not. Don't think it looks good, but it is actually just a means of transportation cultivated in our sect. It is only at the level of a low-grade monster. So just now I It was only then that I put a spell on it to help it fly, an ordinary monster like this doesn't even have the qualifications to be my pet."

After finishing speaking, Lei Lei hugged Xiao Bai in his arms, turned his head and looked, the outline of the city was already visible in the distance, he hesitated, and said to Lin Qing: "What are your plans in the future, do you have any plans, like yours? It is very slow for such a casual cultivator to practice alone."

Lin Qing was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what the 13-year-old kid meant by asking this question, so she could only answer vaguely: "What other plans can a little casual cultivator like me have, just fool around."

Lei Lei hugged Xiao Bai tightly, and said to Lin Qing seriously: "How about joining our Ten Thousand Beast Sect Lei family? The salary is high and the benefits are good. I think your magic power is not high, but you are very talented in using spells. I believe that once you With enough cultivation resources, you will progress very quickly."

"Haha, then I have become a servant of your family. I am naturally disobedient. Master Lei, please forgive me." Even though he said this, Lin Qing's heart moved. The Cultivation Clan can rely on a super sect like the Wanshou Sect, and its strength is beyond doubt. If you join such a family, you may have the opportunity to enter the Wanshou Sect to practice in the future.

In the past year, Lin Qingneng has cultivated from the middle stage of Qi training to the late stage of Qi training, relying on the pile of low-grade spirit stones and a few middle-grade spirit stones left by his master Li Huan.

You must know that Zhongtian Continent has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. All kinds of spiritual mountains, spiritual veins, and spiritual springs on the ground have long been mined, absorbed, or dispersed between heaven and earth. Its spiritual power is no more than that of any ordinary human city.

If you want to practice quickly, you can only absorb the spiritual power from spirit stones or monster pills, but there are too many impurities in the spiritual power in the monster pill, and the absorption will cause great harm to the human body, so few people use the monster pill to practice. The vast majority of monks use spirit stones to help them practice.

Spirit stones can only be mined from the few mine veins deep underground, and now only powerful forces like the Three Sects and Sixteen Sects can own underground spirit stone veins, so those who can use spirit stones to cultivate are all from famous sects Direct descendants.

Now Lin Qing has used up all the spiritual stones left by his master. If he only cultivates by absorbing the spiritual power in the air, he doesn't know when he will be able to practice Qi and complete it. Besides, there is no foundation building pill, which is also a big problem.

Hearing Lin Qing's answer, Lei Lei was obviously a little anxious: "If you don't want to formally join our family, then I will hire you as my honor guard. The treatment is the same as that of formally joining our family. You are only responsible for protecting me and nothing else. Do it, no one else in the family can control you, what do you think?"

Honor guard is a contractual form of guard in Zhongtian Continent. The guard and the employer reach a contract based on certain conditions. The guard only promises to help the employer with all his strength when his life is in danger. The guard contract can be terminated unilaterally without being backlashed by demons. The most important thing is that the guard is not subordinate to the employer, and can refuse the employer's request that damages the guard's personal honor, so this contractual guard form is called honor guard.

This condition can be said to be the most generous condition that Lin Qing has ever heard of. Lin Qing obviously felt that Lei Lei had made him a friend, and she was not only a little moved.

Seeing that Lin Qing was a little shaken, Lei Lei, who had grown up in family struggles and was mature far beyond his actual age, decided to increase the bargaining chip, which made Lin Qing unable to refuse, and he immediately said: "Didn't you accept me as a child just now?" Are you interested in the spell of Baidang Ling pet, as long as you agree to be my honor guard, I will tell you this spell now!"

Seeing that the dude in his eyes just now turned into an elite young man with endless tricks and irresistible methods, Lin Qing really couldn't stand this transformation. It seems that the children from wealthy families and the young people raised by ordinary parents are indeed There are different. (to be continued)

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