Earth Emperor

Chapter 44

Updated: 2012-06-27

After hearing this, Lin Qingwen was startled. Apart from the Wang family, the only ones who rushed over at this time were mountain patrolling disciples. No matter who came, seeing Ding Banshan's body would be very unfavorable to him.

Hastily put the seriously injured mastiff red fat and ghost-faced four-clawed owl into the Yuling bracelet, and the strange bird "Huo'er" also hid in it very interestingly, and then Lin Qing put Ding Banshan's body and the fragments of Fengwuyun knife They are also included in the spiritual breath ring.

When Lin Qing was about to use the ground movement formula to enter the ground, a cold voice came from behind:

"You don't run away even if you kill someone, you are so courageous!"

"Damn, your sister doesn't want to escape, your sister is the most courageous!"

While Lin Qing was secretly cursing in her heart, she turned around slowly. It was Wang En, who was wearing a flying knife and fluttering in white, who never forgot to put on a jade tree facing the wind expression at any time!

This world is so fateful, sometimes you don't want to see someone, then this person will definitely dangle in front of you, but the person you want to see is like a yellow crane, without a word or letter.

Seeing that there was no one else following Wang En, Lin Qing settled down, pretending to be stupid and said: "Senior brother Wang is talking nonsense again, I was attacked by thieves here, and my mount was cut off, and I am waiting for my life to die." At the time of the protection, Brother Wang suddenly rushed to scare the thief away, I was just about to thank you, why did you say that I killed someone?"

Wang En slanted his eyebrows and snorted coldly:

"Full of nonsense, Ding Banshan, a member of the Wang family, was waiting for me, but now there is no trace, there are still fresh mottled blood on the ground, and you were the only one present when I came, who else could it be if you were murdered? Kneel down quickly Plead guilty, and I can still say a few good words for you when I send you to the Law Enforcement Hall."

Seeing that this bastard still wanted to take the initiative to restrain her, Lin Qing couldn't help laughing in her heart, so she simply pretended to be stupid with him to the end:

"I was robbed and killed by someone. Brother Wang arbitrarily used a magical weapon to fly away in the school's important place. This is a serious crime!"

"Nonsense, in order to get you, I specially applied for the Flying Escape Token. How could I do it without authorization?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Wang En knew that there was something wrong with what he said, and suddenly became a little annoyed.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't think that you can kill Zhang Sanlang and Ding Banshan because you think you are very capable. If you bow your head and tie you up now, I will send you to the Law Enforcement Hall for punishment. You still have a chance, otherwise, my son If you shoot, you will be killed on the spot!"

Lin Qing immediately became murderous after hearing the words. Just now, Ding Banshan must have sent out the news that intercepted him by some means. This Wang En relied on his own flying escape token to control the magic weapon flying away, and took the lead. One step rushed over.

Since none of his other subordinates have arrived yet, he might as well seize the opportunity to kill this self-righteous playboy before sneaking away.

Lin Qing heard from Lei Lei before that this year, Wang En, with the best fire spirit root and the cultivation base in the middle stage of foundation establishment, can be regarded as a young talent in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Wang En is most famous for his stepping on The flying knife named "Flying Fire Flying Sky".

This flying knife is about two feet long, and its whole body is carved out of delicate white jade. Bath beauty!

The beauty's pretty face, round and plump chest and slender waist make up the handle of the flying knife, while the attractive lower body of the beauty turns into an elegant and beautiful blade. At first glance, the whole flying knife looks like a piece of Flawless work of art.

Such a magic weapon that people can't put it down at first glance, but it has a sad legend.

According to legend, a long time ago, there was a couple of casual cultivators who were extremely loving and loving, and both of them practiced to the golden core stage, which became a good story in the cultivating world at that time.

Later, in order to refine the flying knife, the couple finally found an extremely rare piece of extremely hot flame jade from an eternal volcano after going through untold hardships.

Although this extreme fire flame jade is called jade, it is a rare fire attribute refining material. After the couple was overjoyed, they found that they could not find a soul that could match the extreme fire flame jade when refining the weapon.

If there is no suitable weapon soul, the only thing that can be refined is a top-grade magic weapon, and it will have to be slowly nurtured by monks in the future to advance to a spiritual weapon.

Facing the temptation of the spiritual artifact, the male monk who did not want to spend another hundred years nurturing the magical artifact suddenly made a move, frantically sent his unsuspecting wife into the refining furnace, and refined his wife and the extremely flaming jade together A throwing knife.

When the flying knife came out, the vicious male monk was so frightened that his heart burst and died on the spot, because the refined flying knife was exactly like his wife's hair after a bath, as lifelike as before.

The male monk originally liked to see his wife dressing up after the bath, especially when she was arranging her hair. He always thought that this was the moment that best showed his wife's exquisite figure and infinite tenderness, but he didn't know why the flying knife happened by accident. refined into such a shape

Although this flying knife named "Liuhuo Feitian" by later generations is a powerful high-grade spiritual weapon, it seems to have been contaminated with evil spirits from the beginning of its birth. This knife is "a weapon that hinders the master".

No one in the Wang family dared to use this knife after getting it, but this Wang En is a different kind. He thinks that this "Flying Fire" is just custom-made for him, so after the establishment of the foundation, he insists on Use this knife as your own magic weapon.

Now that Lin Qing had the intention to kill Wang En, of course he had to plan a perfect plan. This top-grade spiritual weapon "Flying Fire" was Lin Qing's biggest scruple, and Wang En's spiritual pet had never shown up. It must also be a powerful monster.

As for Wang En's mana cultivation, Lin Qing was not too worried. Although he had just established his foundation, what he was practicing was the secret peerless skill of the Earth Spirit Sect, the Thick Soil Jue, and his mana was originally stronger than that of the monks of the same period.

Although this Wang En is a fire root monk known for his powerful attack power, it can be seen that this person looks frivolous and unsteady in doing things. For, it is not enough to worry about!

Thinking of this, Lin Qing suddenly had an idea, he pretended to be resentful and said loudly:

"You killed me, but I'm not convinced either. Your level is higher than mine, your spiritual pet is better than mine, and you have a high-grade spiritual weapon. If you win, you'll be invincible!"

Wang En, who was already ready to make a move, suddenly became curious when he heard Lin Qing's words. In his eyes, Lin Qing was a little bug that could be crushed to death at any time. He was not afraid of Lin Qing's tricks at all, so he sneered. He asked, "What do you mean to convince you?"

Lin Qing saw that these bastards really had water in their heads, so he pretended to be generous and said:

"Let's have a fair competition. We don't use weapons or spiritual pets, but mana and spells. Although your mana is higher than mine, I have the confidence to win you!"

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