Earth Emperor

Chapter 54

Updated: 2012-07-06

Although Daoxi's sword-handling skills are extremely strong, she does not lack the meticulousness unique to girls in her heart.

Dao Xi watched all the previous three games of Team Lei Lei without losing a game. When others looked down on Team Lei Lei, she thought that Team Lei Lei was a formidable opponent that could not be ignored, so she insisted against all opinions and insisted that today's opening match be the first to be played. Out of the Tianshu knife formation, and strive to resolve the battle in the shortest possible time.

At this time, Lin Qing had also confirmed from the Spiritual Breath Ring that what Dao Xi and the others used was the long-lost Tianshu Saber Formation. Although there was no special method for breaking the Tianshu Saber Formation in the Spiritual Breath Ring, it did provide a few This is the experience of how a senior from the Lingmen sect should deal with the enemy's formation.

For small formations such as the Tianshu Saber Formation, the first thing is to find a way to confuse the people involved in the casting, so that the flaws of the formation will inevitably appear; the second is to find the formation eye, which is the link between the entire formation Breaking the eye of the formation is equivalent to abolishing the entire formation; in the end, if you can't find the eye of the formation, you can drop ten times with one force and directly break the strongest attack point of the formation, then the entire formation will inevitably be destroyed. With disintegration.

Lin Qing's eyes lit up immediately, and she had some calculations in her heart.

He pointed with one hand, and some basin-sized stones suddenly appeared in the sky above the six disciples of the sword team, crackling and smashing like summer hail. It was the earth-type group attack spell meteorite.

Immediately afterwards, piles of dense ground thorns suddenly appeared on the originally flat stone platform, causing the six people who were originally neatly formed to be in chaos, and gaps appeared in the originally dense knife array.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Qing yelled: "Let 'Xiaobai' and Lei He go!"

After finishing speaking, in a flash of yellow light, Lin Qing took the lead in releasing the mastiff "Red Pang". Lei Lei and Wu Qionghua were both smart people who knew a little bit, and immediately released the spirit ape "Xiao Bai" and the middle-grade spirit beast Dan Ding Lei He let out, and these three spirit beasts jumped out of the gap in the sword array very cleverly, and rushed towards the six disciples of the sword team.

As for Lei Shan and Lei Yan's Iron Armored Rhinoceros and Xunying Leopard, they are somewhat low-level, not only useless in this level of battle, but also extremely vulnerable to injury, Lin Qing asked the two of them to put away their spiritual pets a long time ago .

Speaking of which, although the spiritual pets of Lei Shan and Lei Yan are not of high grade, they are hard-earned.

Because physical cultivators cannot cast spells, it is impossible to have spiritual pets, but the Wanshou Sect has its own unique method, allowing monks who cultivate both body and magic to have spiritual pets.

It's just that this method is very costly, and once the pet dies, it is almost impossible to repeat this method, so Lei Shan and Lei Yan have always protected their pets very well.

When Dao Xi saw that the spirit pets of Lei Lei's team had rushed out of the saber array, he was furious. He scolded a few juniors who were out of position just now, and ordered the team members to release all the spirit pets to meet the enemy.

In the previous matches of the Sword Team, the Lei family spies had never seen Dao Xi and others release their soul pets, so Lin Qing was still a little worried, fearing that the Sword Team still had some big cards hidden and hadn't played.

Now when he suddenly saw six birds and monsters of different shapes flying up from the sword team, Lin Qing was determined and said in a low voice:

"Brothers hold on, they don't have any cards left, it's time to see us next."

As soon as the spiritual pets of the two parties came into contact, Dao Xi's face became hot, and he couldn't hold back. Both of them were teams led by disciples in white from Zhongtang. Why is there such a big gap between the spiritual pets?

The most powerful sword team here is Daoxi's spiritual pet top-grade monster Jinding Wuyuyu, which looks like a large pigeon, and the others are middle-grade monsters with even more ugly appearance.

Although the number is superior, the six birds and beasts flew in front of Lei Lei's 'Xiaobai', 'Red Fat', and Lei He, and they couldn't even block them for a moment. There was a wail.

If 'Xiao Bai', 'Red Pang', and Lei He hadn't rushed towards Dao Xi and the others, these six birds would have already become the prey of 'Xiao Bai', 'Red Pang', and Lei He. Fortunately, for the convenience of flying, Dao Xi and others specially selected birds and monsters as spiritual pets, and they can also fly to the sky to hide for a while. If they choose beasts, there is no way to hide.

The helpless Daoxi had no choice but to make a gesture, and two of the long knives that besieged the Leilei team swished back, and then together with the six bird spirit pets, they blocked 'Xiaobai', 'Red Pang', and Leihe Thirty feet away from him.

Two of the six long knives were removed, and the pressure on Lei Lei's team suddenly eased. Lei Lei no longer commanded and divided the defense of Lei Guangjing, but concentrated on preparing for Lei Fa.

The big black and fat man Yue Lingbo has not made any achievements since he joined the Lei Lei team, and he is eager to show himself. He slapped his Seven Treasures Xuan Water Hyacinth, and a drop of black water spewed out from it with a "pop", facing a straight-splitting water gourd. The long knife flew away.

The man who wielded the long knife was a big man with a sinister face. He sneered and increased his strength, thinking that he could split Heishui and Yue Lingbo into two.

Dao Xi, who was distractedly directing the fight between the spirit pet and Lei He, saw it, and immediately said anxiously: "No, that's Xuanshui."

However, it was too late, the drop of black water slammed into the blade of the long knife of the sinister-looking man like a bullet made of metal.

There was only a crisp sound, and not only was the blade of the long knife broken, but also cracks appeared on the blade. The big man with a sinister face groaned and bowed his head to spit out a mouthful of blood.

How could this big man know that the Seven Treasures Xuanshui Gourd got its name because the gourd contained seven drops of black Xuanshui with infinite magical effects. one strike?

Lei Yan, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the saber had another loophole, and jumped out. He released the Shadow Swift Leopard, turned around and ran around Dao Xi and the others, throwing a few hidden weapons from time to time.

Seeing that the originally good situation turned extremely unfavorable in an instant, Dao Xi rushed to his heart, and after a coquettish scream, he led the rest of the Dao team to rush forward, even bypassing the three spirit pets of the Lei Lei team in the middle, Only two or thirty feet away from Lei Lei's team, they stopped.

Whether it's controlling a magic weapon to attack or casting a spell directly, the closer you are to the target, the greater the power will be. The knife team unexpectedly rushed to less than [-] feet away from the Lei Lei team with two physical trainers, obviously preparing to take risks Give it a go.

At this time, the team member whose mind was injured by Yue Lingbo's long sword was unable to stand up, so he had to sit down cross-legged and use his kung fu to suppress the injury, but his long sword was still hovering around the six members of the sword team, chasing and chasing Lei Yan. It has no time to release the hidden weapon.

This person was so badly injured that he insisted on not leaving the arena to heal his injuries. He would rather have an incurable disease in the future and provide help to other teammates as much as possible.

At this time, there were only three long knives flying around the Lei Lei team, but as Dao Xi and the others approached, the momentum of these three long knives suddenly rose, and they slashed down with a destructive power!

Dao Xi and the other two juniors who were only slightly inferior in strength to her were like crazy demons, waving their hands and twisting their bodies on the spot. The power of the penetrating knife is not inferior to the knife composed of six long swords just now!

Lin Qing suddenly discovered that the newly formed knives gave him a slightly different feeling from just now. He fully stimulated his spiritual sense to explore, and suddenly found that the three knives seemed to besiege the entire Lei Lei team, but in fact locked Lei Lei's aura. Opportunity, once the three-handed long sword finds an opportunity, I am afraid that it will be a thunderbolt lore against Lei Lei immediately!

Seeing that his brother was in extreme danger, Lin Qing suddenly became violent. He roared again and again, swung the Tyrant Ax up and down, and immediately seven or eight yellow moon-shaped ripples flew straight towards Dao Xi and the others. It's Moon Wave!

Consistent with Lin Qing's conjecture, in the Tianshu saber array that Dao Xi and others used, there is a three-sword combo attack. Dao Xi ventured close to Lei Lei's team, the purpose is to kill Lei Lei with one blow, because Among the many rules of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect Grand Competition, the killing of the captain is one of the criteria for judging a team's failure.

Although Dao Xi and the others were brave, they didn't dare to take a peek at the real crescent moon ripples. In desperation, they had to turn and dodge one after another, but the three-sword combination attack that was already ready to go could not be used because the formation was out of order. .

Lin Qing roared: "Counterattack across the board!" Then, with a movement, she turned into a series of afterimages and went straight to Dao Xi and the others.

This body technique "Thousand Shadows" is indeed unique, as soon as Lin Qing's figure moved, Dao Xi's long knife slashed diagonally, but what was always cut was only Lin Qing's afterimage.

"Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua's ancient sword with pine pattern also made a clear sound, and stabbed straight at Daoxi, intending to cover Lin Qing who was attacking.

The members of Dao Xi's team were indeed not mediocre. Seeing that Lin Qing's and Wu Qionghua's flying swords had already been attacked, the two disciples who were second only to Dao Xi shouted loudly, urging their long swords to take advantage of the opportunity. Attack Lei Lei who is gathering energy to cast spells.

How could Yue Lingbo next to him make the two of them fulfill their wishes? He made a trick, and the Seven Treasures Xuanshui Gourd rushed out a stream of black water, like a black dragon, entangled the two long knives in the air, and Lei Lei on the ground was holding a square shield beside him. The two disciples had no chance to find Lei Shan who was waiting in full force.

At this time, Lin Qing had already rushed into the formation of the sword team. Dao Xi and the others saw that he was holding a hideous jade ax like a madman, so they had to scatter in all directions. Only the disciple who was meditating on the ground was unable to run away. He wanted to recall the long knife for defense, but Lin Qing kicked him in the head and passed out.

Seeing that his Tianshu Saber Formation was broken and he was about to fall into the predicament of close combat, Dao Xi suddenly gestured.

All the members of Dao Xi's team recalled their spiritual pets one after another, and then flew up into the air, urging their long swords to swing down!

At this time, everyone in the Leilei team understood why Daoxi's team all chose monster birds with weak attack power as their spiritual pets, so there was another trick.

Although Dao Xi and the others temporarily maintained a relatively safe distance from the Lei Lei team, which is good at melee combat, their defeat is doomed after the sword array is broken!

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