Earth Emperor

Chapter 56

Updated: 2012-07-08

Looking back at the battle with the Sword Team, Lei Lei's victory was also very dangerous. In all honesty, if the Sword Team had a higher level of magical weapons and a few powerful spiritual pets, then the Lei Lei team would be very strong. It is difficult to find a chance to win again.

If you can enter the "New Quest", the teams you will meet at that time will be the elites of the major families, and it will be almost impossible to meet ordinary players with poor equipment like the Sword Team. The backwardness in technology is bound to become the biggest shortcoming.

In today's subsequent matches, Team Wang En also won with difficulty. Three days later, the first group final will be played between Team Lei Lei and Team Wang En.

According to Lei's information, although the Wang En team is not all disciples of the middle stage of foundation establishment like the Dao team, the overall equipment and spiritual pets are not weaker than the Lei Lei team, and the members are all Wang family elites with rich actual combat experience .

The most important thing is that Wang En, as a top fighter, has rich fighting experience and profound mana, and he also has a high-grade spiritual weapon "Flying Fire" and a low-grade spiritual beast "Wuwen Snow Tiger". It may be difficult for Team Lei Lei to resist him. s attack.

"Why is Wang En's spiritual pet a low-grade spiritual beast?" Lin Qing, who was sitting in the meeting room of Lei's family, took a sip of the extremely rare Yunwu spiritual tea, and asked with a frown.

Sitting at the central seat of the conference hall was Lei Lei's father, Lei Zhensheng, the Patriarch of the Lei family. He didn't care about Lin Qing's somewhat casual attitude, and replied with a smile:

"This is Wang En's weakness. The Wang family originally prepared a middle-grade spirit beast for him to keep as a spiritual pet, but this child thought the spirit beast was ugly, so he took in a top-grade gold-type monster Wu Wen on his own initiative. The snow tiger is a spiritual pet, this black-patterned snow tiger is extremely majestic and mighty, and is deeply loved by Wang En, the Patriarch of the Wang family has no choice but to spend a lot of money to promote this black-patterned snow tiger to a low-grade spirit beast."

Lin Qing smiled and said after listening:

"I said why Wang En and Lei Shao are so destined. It turns out that the idea of ​​​​choosing a spirit beast is the same."

"Who thinks the same as that playboy? I and 'Xiaobai' are destined by nature, how can Wang En compare with me, brother, don't talk nonsense." Lei Lei was a little embarrassed.

Lei Zhensheng looked at Lei Lei lovingly, and asked hesitantly: "Lin Qing, are you sure about fighting with Wang En's team?"

"I've roughly got an idea, and I need to think about it more carefully." As the saying goes, caring makes chaos, Patriarch Lei's way of asking is actually quite inappropriate, but Lin Qing can completely understand his mood.

During the rest time that followed, Lin Qing kept retreating in the room without leaving home, and he benefited a lot from the final magic weapon confrontation with Dao Xi.

Through this battle, Lin Qing felt that using the controller art to control the "Tiantian Axe" to cast the sky-splitting nine strikes, if it is directly aimed at the monk, the power is still considerable, but when fighting with the opponent's magic weapon, it will be very powerful. Apparently not flexible enough.

Recalling the details of the last fight, he began to refine his control technique bit by bit. Since he didn't have a suitable way to control the axe, he might as well create his own. Isn't the road just made by people?

As for the duel with Wang En's team, Lin Qing didn't think too much about it. The answer he gave Lei Zhensheng, the Patriarch of the Lei family, was actually just a kind of comfort.

The battle between the monks' teams is complicated and ever-changing. How can the plan be predicted in advance?

Instead of wasting time preparing some countermeasures, it would be more realistic to improve one's strength in a down-to-earth manner.

Three days passed quickly, and today is the final of the ten thousand beast sect middle hall selection competition!

The Ten Thousand Beast Sect Shilu Peak was crowded with people, and the huge mountaintop square seemed to be getting smaller.

The five huge stone platforms on the square on the top of the mountain have disappeared, and a taller and larger giant stone platform has been re-established opposite the main meeting hall, so that even the onlookers standing at the entrance of the square can see clearly .

Suddenly, bells and drums rang in the entire wide square, and the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

A moment later, Master Lei Wanpeng and Hall Master Wang Yinghuo, who were rumored to be deeply conflicted, came out of the hall side by side, followed by other elders of the sect and all the high-level people in the middle hall.

Under normal circumstances, although the final of the middle hall selection competition is a major event once every ten years, it would not attract so many spectators. The key is that Lei Zhangzun's ruthless blow at the opening ceremony aroused the interest of many good people.

What's even more coincidental is that the grand-nephew of Master Lei and the nephew of Hall Master Wang Yinghuo met in the final of the selection competition. The focus of the battle between the Wang family.

Master Lei Wanpeng has enjoyed a long-standing reputation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Of course, the strength of his true disciples should not be underestimated, especially the thunder technique that Lei Lei used in the last match. The power shocked everyone who watched the battle. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the power of Lei Dong again from Lei Lei.

Wang Yinghuo is famous in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect for his fire-attribute sword-handling skills. Although Wang En's character is quite unbearable, he is one of the only two disciples in the Wang family who have received Wang Yinghuo's true inheritance. Can be ranked.

It is destined to be a wonderful duel, coupled with the long-standing gap between Lei and Wang, what will happen in this game is really exciting.

Some people who love to gamble secretly made a handicap whether Lei Wanpeng and Wang Yinghuo would fight on the spot. After all, these two people are famous in the Wanshou sect for their hot personalities.

After some fixed procedures were completed, Team Lei Lei and Team Wang En stood facing each other on the stone platform.

Wang Yinghuo, who was supposed to announce the start of the game, glanced around the square abnormally, and then said suddenly:

"A few days ago, there was a little misunderstanding between my Wang family and the descendants of Lei Zhangzun's family due to trivial matters, so that there was an uproar in the hall, and even directly affected the reputation of my Wang family and Lei Zhangzun's family. The duel between the two junior teams of Lei and Lei, I am afraid that most of you are waiting to watch the excitement."

Seeing what Wang Yinghuo said so bluntly, there were whispers in the square.

Wang Yinghuo ignored the people under the steps, turned her face and smiled and said to Master Lei Wanpeng:

"Lei Zhangzun, in order to prove that the rumors spread by those with ulterior motives are all lies, I have a proposal."

"Hall Master Wang, please tell me." Master Lei Wanpeng was also a little surprised by Wang Yinghuo's move, but he replied with a calm expression on the surface.

"During the competition, magic tools have no eyes. Both Lei Lei and Wang En are top talents among the disciples in white clothes. If there is any accidental injury, it will be my misfortune. Therefore, I suggest adding a rule to this competition. Teams from both sides are not allowed to fight. If the members hurt the opposing captain, what do you think of Lei Zhangzun?" A gloomy look flashed in Wang Yinghuo's eyes, and she waited coldly for Lei Wanpeng's answer.

Most of the people in the square didn't know why, but Lin Qing cursed inwardly, this Wang Yinghuo is really cunning and cunning, the suggestion he made seems fair, but it actually dug a big hole for Team Lei Lei.

Wang En, who controls the high-grade spirit weapon, has the highest attack power of the two teams. If the rest of the Lei Lei team is not allowed to attack Wang En, it means that Wang En can attack without restraint. Everyone knows that Lei Lei In the first half of the game, he was a useless piece of offensive power.

Wang Yinghuo's move was extremely ruthless, and directly squeezed Master Lei Wanpeng into the corner.

promise?With Master Lei's mind, of course he can see that agreeing is tantamount to suffering a huge loss.

Do not agree?No matter what excuses they find to refuse, it will appear that the Lei family is showing weakness in terms of momentum, and it will bring a psychological shadow to the members of the Lei Lei team who are about to compete.

This Wang Yinghuo is really thick-skinned, and really calculating!

Master Lei Wanpeng was in a dilemma, and was about to agree to Wang Yinghuo in desperation, but Lin Qing who was on the stone platform walked to the place facing the main hall, and bowed deeply to himself, as if he had something to say.

Master Lei Wanpeng reacted very quickly, and said before Wang Yinghuo, who was about to scold Lin Qing, said:

"Lin Qing, do you have something important to report? If you talk nonsense on such an occasion, be careful of family law."

Wang Yinghuo rolled her eyes secretly when she heard the words, thinking that the old man Lei was too protective. On such an important occasion, a disciple in blue said casually, that would be punished by the rules of the court. Turning the behavior that originally violated the church rules into a family matter that the Lei family handles by themselves.

Seeing that Master Lei had given permission, Lin Qing gave another deep salute to everyone on the steps of the main hall, and then said word by word:

"Mr. Lei Lei and Mr. Wang En are both elite disciples of Zhongtang. The small misunderstandings between them were all caused by disciples. This disciple has always been very guilty of this. Today is a good day for the selection and finals of Zhongtang. Since Hall Master Wang is worried about both sides The confrontation between the two teams will bring unnecessary accidental injuries to the two young masters, so this disciple has a compromise, I hope Master Lei and Hall Master Wang will allow it."

Now Master Lei and Wang Yinghuo didn't know what kind of medicine Lin Qing was selling in the gourd, Wang Yinghuo pondered for a moment and said, "Tell me."

Lin Qing saluted Wang Yinghuo again, said yes, and then continued:

"I secretly think that whether it is Mr. Lei Lei's team or Mr. Wang En's team, they are the top teams in my Zhongtang, with the same level. No matter which team represents my Zhongtang to participate in the 'New Quiz Competition', they can all get good results. Results. But if the two teams fight for this entry quota and cause irreparable losses in strength, then the team that has won the qualification must have difficulty going further in the 'New Quiz Tournament'."

Lin Qing's words are sensible and reasonable, but they are actually the concerns of all the bosses in Zhongtang.

As the saying goes: "If you kill a thousand, you will lose [-]." The result of this battle between Lei Lei and Wang En is sure to be a loss for both sides, and no one can easily win the game.

A team with many scars may be eliminated even if it enters the "New Competition". This situation often occurs in the Wanshouzong competitions over the years.

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