Earth Emperor

Chapter 60

Updated: 2012-07-12

The bald old man was shaken by Lin Qinglei's figure and nearly fell down. The first time he refined a magic weapon, he could forge a top-quality magic weapon. What kind of monster is this little black fat man? www

He turned his head and looked at Master Lei Wanpeng beside him. Master Lei nodded slightly, indicating that Lin Qing was telling the truth. The bald old man danced happily and said:

"Great, great, you are a blue-clothed disciple, you must not have a master yet, hurry up and worship Elder Ben as your teacher, and follow me back to the Artifact Refining Pavilion!"

Seeing Lin Qing's confused expression, Master Lei Wanpeng smiled and said:

"This is Master Jiang Yanbo, who is well-known in the Artifact Refining Pavilion. If you worship him as your teacher, you will immediately be promoted to a green-clothed disciple in the Artifact Refining Pavilion!"

"Yes, yes, our Artifact Refining Pavilion disciples have a much higher status in the sect than the Fifth Great Hall disciples, and we don't need to go out to fight and kill. What are you still doing, hurry up and apprentice!"

It seemed that Jiang Yanbo, who was a bit funny, didn't care about Wang Yinghuo who was on the other side, with an expression on the verge of murder, and kept urging Lin Qing on his own.

To be honest, for Lin Qing, it is undoubtedly the best choice to worship Jiang Yanbo as his teacher and enter the Artifact Refining Pavilion. Not only can he be directly promoted to a green-clothed disciple, but he can also take a relatively safe path of cultivation. The most important thing is to join Wanru The Artifact Refining Pavilion of the ** kingdom can completely get rid of the threat of the royal family.

Lin Qing on the stone platform seemed hesitant and said:

"Well, when I saw the wolf's teeth with the stars and the moon, I didn't control it well when I saw the jade plate, and I made a mistake. Is it considered cruel?"

"It doesn't count. It's the first time to use a newly refined magic weapon. It is inevitable that there will be mistakes. This is quite normal." Jiang Yanbo's excited face and nose became even redder. "You should hurry up and join us as a master. There's no such shit anymore."

Lin Qing asked again: "Then if I worship you as my teacher and join the Artifact Refining Pavilion, is that still a follower of Mr. Lei Lei?"

Jiang Yanbo asked Lin Qing's question a little strangely, but he still answered:

"Of course not, our Artifact Refining Hall is self-contained, and you will no longer be anyone's follower after you join."

"If this is the case, I won't be able to worship you as my teacher. Since I made a promise to be a follower of Mr. Lei Lei, I must keep my promise." Lin Qing's naive energy seemed to come up again.

Jiang Yanbo became anxious when he heard that, he waved his hands and said:

"No, no, no, you don't understand, our Artifact Refining Hall has the right to prioritize the selection of disciples, even if you are a slave of the Lei family, I can let you get rid of these original identities and have the status of an official green-clothed disciple !"

"Hehe, Mr. Lei Lei and I are just guards of honor, but I have my principles, and I will not break the promise I made!"

Lin Qing's resounding answer caused the square to erupt again. Some said that Lin Qing was stupid, while others lamented that Lin Qing was a person who valued righteousness and kept promises. There were various opinions.

At this time Master Lei Wanpeng suddenly interjected:

"Lin Qing, you don't have to stick to the agreement between you and Lei Lei. You are Lei Lei's brother and a friend of our Lei Lei family in the Artifact Refining Hall."

Hearing that Master Lei Wanpeng, who had tried every means to join the Lei family, would actually say that, Lin Qing was also very touched, but now that the Lei Lei team is about to compete in the "New Kuaisai" of the Ten Thousand Beasts, how could he do so at such a critical time? Leaving Lei Lei?

Lin Qing bowed to Jiang Yanbo and said:

"Thank you for your wrong love, master. I must do what I promised. I can't join the Artifact Refining Pavilion yet. Please forgive me, master."

Jiang Yanbo's eager face suddenly became stiff, and it was the first time he saw such a stubborn person.

After standing in a daze for a while, Jiang Yanbo brushed off his robe sleeves, snorted and flew into the air, angrily turning into a ray of light and disappearing away.

After Jiang Yanbo left, those elders who originally wanted to accept Lin Qing as a disciple before Wang En's tragic death also remained silent. After all, it is not worthwhile to offend the master of Zhongtang just to accept a disciple.

With Jiang Yanbo's conclusion for Lin Qing, Wang Yinghuo couldn't help accusing Lin Qing of being cruel, so she announced Lin Qing's victory. After the Lei Lei team qualified for the "New Competition", they ordered to prepare for the next match.

Before going down the stone platform, Lin Qing took a nostalgic glance at the flying knife "Liuhuo Feitian" and the black-patterned snow tiger picked up by the Wang family. Under his eyes, no matter how thick-skinned Lin Qing was, he didn't dare to go forward and say that this was his trophy.

Under the signal of Master Lei Wanpeng's eyes, Lei Lei hurriedly pulled Lin Qing out of the square. If he dangled around under Wang Yinghuo's nose again, something might happen.

After walking down Shilu Peak, a figure suddenly blocked the way of Lei Lei and the others. Lin Qing was startled. Could it be that Wang Yinghuo sent someone to take revenge so soon?

Taking a closer look, Lin Qing breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was none other than the white-clothed disciple Dao Xi who was rescued by him in the previous match.

Dao Xi became very haggard. Against the backdrop of withered yellow hair, her already thin face was even more bloodless. She didn't speak, but just stared at Lin Qing closely.

Lin Qing, who was getting hairy from being watched, wondered in his heart, could it be that this skinny woman was overwhelmed by brother's brilliance and martial arts, and wanted to have a bloody show, but brother didn't like this kind of skinny and fleshless type.

Lei Lei saw that Dao Xi seemed to have something to say, so he led "Sister Mu" and others to wait in front, leaving Lin Qing and Dao Xi looking at each other in disbelief.

Both of them waited in silence for a while, and it was Dao Xi who spoke first:

"Originally we were extremely dissatisfied with the loss. My juniors all thought that if our magic weapon level could be higher and our spiritual pets could be better, you must be the ones who lost."

Originally, Lin Qing was concerned about Yin in such an ambiguous way, if Dao Xi handed over a letter of love, he would not accept it, but when he suddenly heard what this yellow-haired girl said, he became very vigilant, could it be that this girl was not convinced and wanted to find Go it alone?

Seeing the vigilant look on Lin Qing's face suddenly, Dao Xi smiled bitterly and said:

"After watching the battle between you and Wang En today, I realized that we didn't lose unjustly. As long as you join the team, I won't be surprised if any miracle can be created."

Under the sudden compliment, Lin Qing's face became thicker, and he pretended to be modest and said: "Where, where, in fact, I'm just a fisherman in troubled waters. I didn't hear the audience call me 'the little soy sauce' Black fat'?"

Dao Xi was so teased that she burst into a smile, and there was a rare girl's unique charming look flashing across her resolute face. Lin Qing thought to herself: So this yellow-haired girl looks pretty when she smiles, why does she always look so cute? The expression of bitterness and hatred.

Dao Xi glared at Lin Qing reproachfully, lowered his head and scratched a small stone on the ground with his little feet wearing blue cloud shoes, and said softly:

"Stop pretending. I'm going to fight you alone now, and I don't have the confidence to win you. Can't you speak well, why do you have to make such an annoying appearance?"

If the other disciples of Elder "Sword Maniac" were present at this time, they would definitely be amazed at how the senior sister Dao Xi, who was originally as tough and resolute as a long knife, would act like the little girl next door. He actually thought about whether to use the legendary "bear hug holy method" and use his warm and generous chest to completely melt Dao Xi, who obviously had a crush on him.

Strange to say, when Lin Qing faced the gentle girl Lan'er, she didn't have any blasphemous thoughts at all, as if a believer was as devout when facing a goddess, but today in front of the rather boyish Dao Xi, Lin Qing was very relaxed and thought of taking advantage of it.

At this time, Dao Xi suddenly said:

"Today I made a special trip to thank you. If you didn't make a move that day, there would be no Dao Xi in this world. Moreover, in the past few days, I feel that after the last failure, my state of mind has improved greatly. I think you are The whetstone that my master said can help me sharpen my cultivation!"

Seeing that her lover's identity turned into a whetstone in an instant, Lin Qing suddenly felt like crying without tears, and was about to say something, Dao Xi then said seriously:

"Junior brother Lin, I have regarded you as the greatest opponent that can sharpen myself. After today, I will go back to the mountain to practice in seclusion. When I leave the seclusion, I will come to find you for a duel. My master's swordsmanship is Ling Lie Wushuang, and there are few survivors under the sword. You have to hurry up and practice, don't let me down."

Lin Qing really wanted to say, there is nothing between us boys and girls to decide life and death, how nice it is to talk about love and love when we have time, but Dao Xi turned around without hesitation and left without saying a word, just It left Lin Qing with a thin but firm back.

Lei Lei and the others in the distance were actually looking at Lin Qing and Dao Xi, and when they saw Dao Xi leave, they hurried over. Seeing Lin Qing's demented expression, Lei Lei smiled and said:

"Brother, how does it feel to have a beautiful woman take the initiative?"

"Throw yourself into your arms?" Lin Qing finally came to her senses, and after making gestures with her hand as if stabbing her heart with a knife, she said with a sullen face: "It's not bad to say that you threw yourself into your arms, but they threw themselves into my arms like this with a knife. "

Lei Lei and the others around were a little puzzled when they heard the words. After Lin Qing explained Dao Xi's purpose, they all burst into laughter.

Using monks with a higher level of cultivation than oneself as a whetstone to sharpen oneself is a slightly extreme method of cultivation in the cultivation world, but like Dao Xi, he can find Lin Qing who is clearly a small level lower than himself in cultivation level to do the grinding It's a little strange that Daoshi came to tell him.

"I think this girl has taken a fancy to you. Would you like me to propose a marriage for you? To have a white-clothed disciple as a Taoist partner. Your good luck is not too small." The always honest "Sister Mu" Wu Qionghua also joked Lin Qing.

Although Lin Qing, who was full of black lines all over his face, tried his best to confess his love, he was still defeated by the joint attack of Lei Lei and others, whose soul of gossip was burning.

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