Earth Emperor

Chapter 67

Updated: 2012-07-19

At this time, the camp of the Iron Cavalry of Evil Desire in the north of Xiyuan City was already in chaos, like a pot of porridge.

Just now, Hu Wansha, the garrison of the Xiyuan City of the Later Zhao State, and the first-class Duke personally led the main cavalry in the city to rush out of the city, intending to escape from the northern part of Xiyuan City, which is far away from the main force of the evil cavalry.

After the siege of the evil cavalry, Hu Wansha was defeated by Tie Guduo in several battles. Assuming a posture of besieging the city for a long time, he was suddenly shaken.

Hu Wansha, who was in his fifties, was once the number one fierce general in the Zhao Kingdom. He charged into the battle and killed countless enemies and was rarely defeated. However, the 20 years of peaceful and comfortable life have already worn him out, and he has become a duke who only knows how to enjoy wealth and wealth. .

The siege of the evil cavalry was so sudden that Hu Wansha was wrapped in dumplings before he even had time to send an envoy to seek help from Wangcheng. public display.

Although the True Spirit Sect has already withdrawn the mages stationed in the Xiyuan City barracks, there are still a few monks hired with high salaries around Hu Wansha. He was unwilling to ask for help.

After discovering that the Evil Desire Cavalry was planning to besiege the city for a long time, Hu Wansha's wives, concubines and children were so frightened that they cried and quarreled around Hu Wansha all day long. They also lost their claim on the first-class duke who was planning to defend to the death, so they decided to abandon the whole city. Regardless of forcing a breakout.

Although this decision was somewhat reckless, Hu Wansha was quite confident in his own strength.

Although the peaceful life of these decades has been comfortable, Hu Wansha is still a general who rolled over on the tip of his knife, and he knows the decisive significance of having an elite soldier in a confrontation between the two armies. It's a matter of eating empty quota, but still raises an elite cavalry.

This cavalry is composed of three thousand armored heavy cavalry and five thousand light cavalry. The armor and horses are the best equipment in the Zhao Kingdom, and the soldiers are also carefully selected veterans. Hu Wansha has always regarded them as His biggest asset, he refuses to use it easily.

Hu Wansha, who is quite proficient in the art of war, chose the breakout time to be when the Iron Cavalry was about to have dinner. This was the most slack and chaotic time of the day in the northern camp of the Iron Desire.

After five thousand light cavalry and three thousand armored heavy cavalry rushed out of the city, they rushed the messy and chaotic camp of evil desire Tieliu like boiling water and snow. There were many casualties.

When Hu Wansha's cavalry team rushed to the middle of the Nieyu Tieliu camp, a group of horse bandit leaders finally organized a team to attack in turn, and began to slow down the advance speed of Hu Wansha's team.

To say that Tie Guduo did have some skills in leading the army to fight. He saw that it was inconvenient to contact the horse bandit team besieging the city. If something happened, he might not be able to rescue him in time, so he set up a beacon signal between the camps, no matter which camp was attacked. The beacon fire was lit at the first time, and the surrounding camps could immediately transmit the news to his central army tent.

Therefore, although Hu Wansha deliberately avoided the mighty Tie Guduo, as soon as his breakout troops rushed into the camp of the wicked Tie Guduo, Tie Guduo in the opposite direction knew the news.

Hearing that Hu Wansha only led the cavalry to break through the siege, Tie Guduo, who was worried that he would not be able to break through the city, was immediately overjoyed, and hastily summoned the most powerful [-] hardcore horse bandits under his command to rush to the north of the city.

Hu Wansha, who was riding a white-horned and black ox with a golden helmet and armor, swung his broadsword vigorously and split a horse bandit who was resisting with a horizontal gun into two pieces. He was quite satisfied with his still strong skills.

Looking up to see that his vanguard heavy cavalry had rushed to the edge of the horse bandits' rear camp, Hu Wansha anxiously looked back at the slow team behind him, shouting and urging him.

In fact, Hu Wansha's entire army should have broken out of the camp at this moment according to the speed of normal cavalry. The problem is that his cavalry team is mixed with a large group of mules and horses carrying precious things such as gold, silver, and soft things. A group of children who were not good at riding horses and groups of wives and concubines slowed down the speed of the entire breakout team.

How could Hu Wansha, who had been in the army for a long time, not know the burden of these extraneous things and female relatives, but now he is a hero, if he does not have these capitals to enjoy the glory, life would be worse than death for him.

Seeing that most of Hu Wansha's breakout team had broken out of the camp, there was a sudden burst of dust right in front of Hu Wansha, and the earth shook slightly with a thunderous sound, and a large flag with white characters on a black background was already faintly visible.

Hu Wansha suddenly turned pale with fright. The big flag was Tie Guduo's marching king's flag. Unexpectedly, Tie Guduo came around to meet him behind the direction in which he was running, with a posture of not letting anyone go. The cavalry team of Xiyuan City, which was at the end of its strength, was simply unable to break through the tens of thousands of horse bandits rushing in front of them!

Immediately behind Hu Wansha was his eldest son Hu Shicheng, who was in his prime in his thirties, but trembling with bloodless fear, he pulled Hu Wansha's arm and said in a crying voice : "Father, it seems that we can't rush out, let's go back to the city quickly."

Hu Wansha, who was already a little timid, looked at his eldest son who was an eagle fighting dog, sighed and said, "It's all because of you evil obstacles that ruined my wisdom!"

"Father commander, please return to the city quickly, and a certain son will be the father's commander!" A strong man in heavy armor who followed Hu Wansha on the other side urged him to take a step forward, buttoning his helmet and visor and said eagerly.

This man's name is Wu Kui, he is the leader of the [-] heavy armored cavalry, and he is also Hu Wansha's adopted son. He has always been loyal.

The hard-hearted Hu Wansha knew Wu Kui's intentions, and said with tears in his eyes, "Kui Er, take care! If you can rush out, don't come back!"

"Swear to die for the Commander!" Wu Kui raised his mace and shouted loudly. Although the [-] heavy armored cavalry around were extremely exhausted, they all raised their weapons and shouted in response.

After Hu Wansha turned his light cavalry and ran towards Xiyuan City, the three thousand heavy armored cavalry slowly adjusted their pace, and resolutely rushed over to the thirty thousand horse bandits who were rushing towards the opposite side!

The three thousand heavy armored cavalry were like unmoving rocks in a turbulent river, smashing the galloping bandits into splashes.

The usually brutal and tyrannical horse bandits had nothing to do in front of the heavy armored cavalry like the Iron Buddha. Basically, they were in danger of death, so they could only dodge to both sides in a panic. , was unexpectedly slowed down by these three thousand heavy armors.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Tie Guduo let out a low shout, and the trumpeter next to him immediately blew the horn, and the horse bandits in front immediately bypassed the [-] heavy armored team and rushed to both sides. Suddenly, a road flashed ahead, and Tie Guduo He and the hundreds of bandits on horseback around him suddenly accelerated, and rushed up against the unhurried heavy cavalry ahead.

When he was about to approach the heavy armored cavalry, Tie Guduo suddenly jumped from the horseback into the air with a long roar. He was only wearing a black metal belt, but a pair of silk training trousers suddenly appeared on his body. The pierced black hideous armor, all the horse bandits around saw wild eyes, and shouted in unison: "Heaven bestows divine armor, my king will surely win!"

After falling back on the horse's back, Tie Guduo took over a nearly two-foot-long Wujin long lance handed over by the horse bandit behind him, and rushed into the attacking formation of [-] heavy cavalry in Xiyuan City at the head of the horse.

Although these heavy armored cavalry are strong and wearing heavy armor, most of them are ordinary soldiers. Even the leader of the body refiner in the team is only in the realm of strengthening the body and strengthening the muscles. The iron bone flower of the shape realm?

I saw iron-bone long spears flying, and the heavy armored cavalry in Xiyuan City were picked up like pieces of paper, and no one could block the next move!

Seeing this, Wu Kui waved his hands in a hurry, and more than a hundred heavy armored cavalry took off the heavy crossbows hanging from their horses, and aimed at the majestic Iron Guduo while cooperating with each other tacitly.

"Let go!" After Wu Kui gave an order, more than a hundred triangular crossbow arrows that could pierce a heavy shield shot towards Tie Guduo with a howling sound.

When Tie Guduo saw the crossbow arrows approaching him, he didn't dodge or dodge. He just raised his long lance to block all the crossbow arrows that were aimed at his mount.

Everyone around saw the crossbow arrows falling to the ground as sparks splashed in all directions, and none of the arrows that hit Tie Guduo could pierce the ferocious black armor on his body!

At this time, Lin Qing was following Tie Guduo not far away. Of course, he couldn't help these horse bandits to fight the cavalry of Xiyuan City, so he pretended to be soy sauce and followed behind Tie Guduo.

In a battle involving more than [-] people, there are two types of people who die the fastest. The first type is cowards. Their legs are weak when they go to the battlefield. Either their heads are chopped off by the law enforcement team, or they are weak-legged and cannot stand. The second type of person is a bold and brainless person, who gets excited after seeing blood and only knows how to rush, so don't die too fast.

Those who can really survive on the battlefield are actually veterans who know how to protect themselves in different combat situations.

Lin Qing, who has been in battle for a long time, is very experienced. The position he chose can not only watch the battle close to Tie Guduo, but also don't need to personally wield weapons to kill. It is extremely convenient and safe.

Lin Qing could clearly see the process of Iron Guduo's divine armor descending from the sky. Of course, his eyesight at the foundation establishment stage was not comparable to those of ordinary physical cultivation.

The secret is Tie Guduo's metal belt.

After Tie Guduo jumped into the air, layers of armor were pulled out from the belt, which instantly wrapped Tie Guduo's whole body tightly like a dumpling, even including a pair of warriors with spikes on their toes and heels. Boots and helmet with skull visor.

This pale white skull mask is like the finishing touch, making the whole set of armor extremely hideous and terrifying, making people daunting.

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